The Fantistic Four are the oldest suphero team in Marvel history, they had the greatest adventures together, so why does it seem so hard to make a proper movie about this team?
They have been around since the 60's, there are vast amounts of comics you could get a good/awesome movie out.
There are plenty of cool battles that would look amazing on the big screen, and they have no shortage of villains.
They even have arguably the best comic villain in history (my personal favorite atleast) Victor von Doom/ Doctor Doom.
Victor has done so much he could have his own movie and it would be awesome, king of his own country.
Now I will cut to the chase, these are the actors and actresses I want in a FF movie.
Lets begin with the leader, Reed Richards/ mr. Fantastic:
Glen Powell:
Glenn Powell is not a household Hollywood actor but he is a promising actor.
He is currently starring in the TV-show Sreem Queens, it's not a very good show but as most shows it has some good qualities.
I think he is one of them, I really think he can pull-of Reed Richards, he has the looks for it, he has the right age for it (born 1988).
Given the fact that if Marvel is going to reboot the Fantastic Four it probably will be in Phase 4, which I reccon is around 2020.
Glen is about 32 years old by that time and that seems like the right age for the Fantastic Four, because when Marvel is going to do it they probally will make more movies, so I don't think they want actors that are already 40-years old by the time they make a movie.
Side note: he mostly did some minor roles untill now, but he will appear in a upcoming movie: Hidden Figures that stars Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst and Mahershala Ali.
I hope that sets him up for more movies so he has enough weight when Marvel decides to make him their Mr. Fantastic
Sue Storm/ The Invisible Movie:
Haley Bennett:

Haley Bennett is making name for herself as a movie star.
She had some small roles in The Equalizer and The Magnificent Seven and is moving to bigger roles with the currently in Theaters movie The Girl on the Train and upcoming Weightless which has an amazing cast (Christian Bale, Michael Fassbender, Val Kilmer, Ryan Gossling, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman and Benicio Del Toro).
Besides starring in movies that have big names attached the girl can act. She really does have a bright future in Hollywood and I find it really important that this reboot is done right, and thats why we need people like Haley on this project.
Johnny Storm/ The Human Torch:
Liam Hemsworth
The thing about Johnny is he likes to show-off, a bit arrogant but with a good heart.
I could really not think anyone that would fit that description better than Liam.
He is a good actor, I think he actually is a better actor than his brother Chris for that matter.
He looks like Johnny, he sure fits the picture of him.
And it does help that his brother is already in contract with Marvel, he sure will put a good word out for his brother.
Ben Grimm/ The Thing:
Armie Hammer
Armie Hammer is an actor that really has his ups and downs carreer wise, The Lone Ranger should have been his big break-through, but we all know how that movie turned out.
He had some roles in The Social Network and Mirror Mirror, but the movie he really shined was The man from U.N.C.L.E.
I for a short moment thought while watching that movie he would make a great Aquaman, but I was kind of glad he did not get that part.
Because I think a role as The Thing is a great fit for him, sure The Thing is usually looked at as the ugly part of the team but many times he was the one that saved the day, and that's why I think Armie would make a good Ben Grimm.
And as our Doctor Doom:
Ryan Eggold
If you want to know why I chose him, go watch The Blacklist.
The thing about Doctor Doom is that he is perhaps the most important character in this movie, because although he is primarily a villain for the FF, he also tormented the entire Marvel Universe.
So he could easily be a villain for a 5th Avengers movie at the time.
As for his age he will be about 36-years old by the time of 2020, so thats a good age for Victor von Doom to be a believable King of Latveria and menacing Villain.
So here you have it a cast that I think can pull-off a great Fantastic Four movie, but every cast needs a good Director:
Derek Cianfrance:
Sure I would like a director that has more Awards or nominations than I could count but lets be real, if this movie is going to be done right it needs a good director but someone that has a fresh vision.
That's why I chose Derek, he directed the movie: The Place Beyond the Pines, I really liked that movie because of it's tone and its detailed approach.
I think this team of people with the guidance of Kevin Feige will make a great movie.
Feel free to ask me anything and if you want me to make another article about how I would handle the story and which side characters I'll add.
Thanks for reading!