Rachel Nichols recently sat down for an interview with PopWrap were she discussed some of her projects, including 'Conan the Barbarian'.
PW: Well at least you'll be well-represented this summer blockbuster season with "Conan the Barbarian." Do you consider if a reboot?
Rachel: I'm so excited about that. And yea, I think it’s a reboot, but more than that it's a totally fun, flashy ride.
PW: Pictures of Jason Momoa as Conan make it look like he's a wall.
Rachel: Yea, he’s a large individual. I’m just shy of 5’ 10” and I still felt dwarfed by him. My dad is 6’ 6” but Jason is massive – which was nice because you could go anywhere with him and no one would screw with you, which is helpful since we were filming in Bulgaria [laughs].
PW: And Rose McGowan plays your nemesis in it, right?
Rachel: Yes, she's Marique -- the bad girl to my good girl. We have a fight scene and she is after my blood. Let me tell you, her make-up is unreal. I mean, Rose is barely recognizable under all these prosthetics. It’s quite cool.
PW: Hmm, you've already committed one of the better girl fights to film with Sienna in the first "G.I. Joe," how does this one stack up?
Rachel: [laughs] I should probably say the savvy thing -- that “Conan” is better ... but it’s not. I’m so sorry! Sienna and I had the dopest chick fight ever. Mine with Rose is much shorter. I mean, Baroness & Scarlet fought on elevators! I think that is going to be my favorite scene ever … until we make them give us a better one in “G.I. Joe 2!”