We cover a lot of movies here on CBM that divide our readers, but perhaps none more-so than
John Carter. The movie is seen as a "failure" by many because of it's mediocre opening weekend and because it seems unlikely to so much as break even on its huge budget. But the movie's quality was also a dividing issue. Many critics and fans loved it, but just as many thought it was rubbish and a complete waste of talent and cash. Disney and Stanton had high hopes that this would kick start a new franchise, and apparently always envisioned
John Carter as a trilogy. This really does seem unlikely unless the movie finds legs - but they had better be strong ones - over the next week or so. There have been lots of theories as to why the movie failed to make much of an impact stateside, but seemed much stronger overseas. Bad marketing and promotion, lack of any big stars etc. These all may have played a part but the important questions for us fans are: was the movie any good, and does it deserve a sequel based on its quality alone? You can read my thoughts
Here, now lets have yours..