A lot of rumors are floating around as to who The Rock is playing in the upcoming DC Universe. Black Adam and John Stewart being two of the big ones/fan favorites, with Lobo and Shazam! also high in the running. (Full comic disclosure: Shazam is his official name now, even though it has been Captain Marvel for the longest time, so for this editorial he will be referred to as Shazam! Sorry Purists.) But I think it's Shazam! that The Rock is going to be playing in the upcoming movies and not Black Adam.

'Heresy!' you say? Maybe, but not from what I can see, and from what I can figure out from simple deductive reasoning.
The Case Against The Rock as Black Adam:
Exhibit A1: The Rock's personality. Dwayne Johnson's personality just doesn't fit a villain. He has that good guy vibe about him and his eyes are just too soft to look like a bad guy who has serious intentions, especially if he is playing a previous version of Black Adam. Now, if they take Black Adam into the New 52 realm, it is quite possible that The Rock could play Black Adam. In fact Dwayne Johnson has played a character similar to this archetype in the movie Faster. However, with the timing of the contracts, this is doubtful. (More to come on that in a minute)
Exhibit A2: The Rock's personality. Shazam! is character that is known for being a child inside a super-hero and the conflicts that arise from said setup. Now, The Rock can ham up a role, not that this is a knock against him or his acting skills by any means, it's the opposite in fact. This point should make the role of Shazam! an easy win for The Rock. That huge grin on The Rock's face, in my opnion, is exactly what I picture the character doing.

Exhibit B: What The Rock has said on the Matter.
His mention here of Black Adam as being a superhero brings me back to the idea that he may be playing the New 52 version of the anti-hero. Still, though, i don't think so. (Again more to come on that)
Well, this could be anybody, really. What qualifies as 'never been played?' Does he mean in the movies? Cause if that's the case, Shazam! is still in the running. As for extremely complex? The child in a superhero's body is pretty complex.
Now those points are pretty weak. I know you think so, and as far as I am concerned, I think so too. But the biggest point I have is one that I think points to Shazam! the most.
Exhibit C: The timing.
Partnering up in 2014. This year. What's filming this year? Dawn of Justice. No, this doesn't exactly mean that he will be filming this year, but that they will start working on it this year. Since a movie for Shazam! was 'announced' in the lineup of DCCU movies, my guess is Shazam! If he is Black Adam, why start with the bad guy first? Since the talks have concluded now, and with the slew of casting news pertaining to the superheros of the DC universe, he has got to be Shazam! I can't picture any sort of storyline where Black Adam would be in BvsS, or where he would be in Justice League. So why work up a contract now? With that in mind, it has to be a hero and my guess is Shazam!
So, yeah. Probably still not that strong of an argument, but I don't realistically find any reason why he would be signed on to play Black Adam at this point in the production of the DCCU.
So who should play Black Adam?
Faran Tahir
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