"Giddy moments" in CBM history.

Most of us on here are fully grown adults, others are teenagers on their journey to adulthood. Either way, it's not "cool" for any of us to feel or act like a giddy child on Christmas morning. But some CBM moments do this to us. Against our social conditioning, we yelp, grin and lose control for just a second. These are the moments that did this to me...

Editorial Opinion
By ThunderCougarFalconBird - Aug 24, 2012 01:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

This is NOT a list of my favourite CBM's. It is NOT a list of my favourite performances. It's not even a list of my favourite scenes. These giddy moments can come from anywhere, any movie, good or bad and any character whether that performance is Oscar or Razzie worthy. They can be the joy of what you've just seen on screen or excitement and anticipation of what "could" be to come. So, here it goes...

Wolverine's introduction - X Men

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Back here, we had no idea who Hugh Jackman was. No clue as to how Wolverine would look or act on screen. This was back when CBM's were starting to edge their way into Hollywood. Anticipation was at an all time high as the X Men were coming to the big screen. Dreams of my early comic reading days and Saturday morning cartoons being made "real" were coming true and Wolverine was the one everyone liked most, before it became cool to not like him because it had become too cool to like him or whatever.

We see a runaway Rouge enter a seedy bar in the middle of a cage fighting competition. As a loser is thrown out of the cage and a new competitor enters, we see a shirtless man with his back to us. The only clues to his identity are his dog tags and hairy features. "It's him, it's Wolverine!" I'm sure most of us were screaming inside. He allows his fresh competitor to land the first few blows and just as he is about to land the final blow, his fist meets the adamantium laced fist of Wolverines where his clearly comes off the worst. Our hero makes very short work of his enemy from that point and shows a ferocity that was sadly only shown two or three times throughout his whole four movie outings. The end of this scene shows Wolverines claws and anger perfectly as his true identity is revealed to the bar staff. Ushered to move along, he reluctantly agrees but not before showing his displeasure by chopping the landlords shotgun in half.

We felt the promise of a true live action Wolverine, a promise we never really got. Hugh Jackman's passion and devotion is without question, sadly it's not enough as those who hold the purse strings demand a clean, family friendly Wolverine. Still, in it's context, at it's time, this truly was a giddy moment.

Iron Man's 1st outing - Iron Man

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Fast forward from the X Men's introduction of the CBM era to Iron Man. The previous success of comics A list in Hollywood paved the way for a new "more evolved" line of CBM's. And who would have thought relative B list hero Iron Man would lead the way?

The entire movie was a triumph and the armour looked sublime in every shot. Say what you want about the final battle, personally I think it only felt a little lack lustre because the rest of the movie was so damn good! But that's not the "giddy moment" anyway. The moment I'm on about is when Tony has his suit built and ready and decides to use it as a weapon against evil. Terrorists are going about their usual business of terrorising in the middle east when suddenly a red and gold armoured man lands with a thump to put a stop to their shenanigans. The camera circles a truly bad ass looking Iron Man as all the intricacies of the suit are on show. Iron Man efficiently destroys the boot leg stark weapons, takes out the bad guys and saves the locals showing us what his invention is capable of. To top it off, he shakes of a hit from a tank and fires a small missile at it. Without even waiting to confirm a hit, he turns and walks away as said tank is obliterated. Cooler than the cold side of the pillow!

Opening Credits - Superman Returns

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This movie seems to gather more hatred as time goes by. It's easy to see why. The inclusion of an illegitimate son for Superman is not only a brain fart to melt the eyes of the screen writers, it completely undermines who Superman is. Putting that aside, this was supposed to be a homage and continuation of the Donner/Reeve Superman. A few problems with that. Firstly, a continuation is just that. It's supposed to continue the story, not repeat it scene for scene. Everything Returns showed us had been done in the previous movies. Secondly, a continuation was not what Superman as a character or the public needed. He had become a joke to many who only really knew him from the Donner movies. As good as they were at their time, in the long run they have hurt the character to the point of him being labelled as "lame" by even the comic fan population. What was needed was a movie to show that Superman isn't just one of the richest characters out there he is also just as troubled, if not more so than Batman (yes, I believe that) and is struggling to find his place in a "world made from cardboard" as the character himself put it.

However bad the movie was, nothing has made me as giddy as hearing that infamous score in the cinema on the release of Superman Returns. The nostalgia of the old movies with the anticipation of what we could be in for given the technological advancements was too much for me to contain. I remember trying to bite the insides of my cheeks to stop a grin that I was sure the rest of the audience could see, despite looking the other way and in darkness!

The Riders Of Rohan - LOTR: Return Of The King

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Peter Jackson's unprecedented back-to-back filming of this epic trilogy gave plenty of awe inspiring moments. It's been a while since I've seen these movies but I can't remember a single dodgy performance from anyone, be it a lead member of the fellowship or a small bit part. Jackson got the best out of everyone during his intense 18 month filming schedule and then he got the best out of the editing and fx teams during production. The scale of these movies could provide many giddy moments but there is one that stands out above all others.

The battle of Minas Tirith was not going well. Despite the news of the impenetrable Helms Deep falling into enemy hands, those in charge of the city refused to believe the white walls could be breached. But breached they were. The colossal Orc horde threw everything they had at the walls of the city. They went over and eventually straight through the once immaculate stone barrier. The city's population were outnumbered, overwhelmed and sure to meet their end. All hope was lost, and then on the brow of a far hill Gandalf appeared and he wasn't alone, the infamous Riders of Rohan were in tow. Their numbers were still not enough to match the size of the Orc army but their valour made up for that. The entire fleet kick their horses into action as they gather speed down the hill and direct their assault not at the centre of the enemy horde, but at the far side. They plough through the Orcs in a kamikaze effort to wipe out as many as possible, stopping for nothing. If they died, the momentum of their steed would carry on bowling enemies over. The scene was powerfully uplifting, the emotion of all that had happened in the movies leading to this point poured down that hill with Rohan's finest. It was one of the finest scenes any movie has delivered and also a true giddy moment.

Darth Maul in action - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

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In my opinion, George Lucas didn't get much right with his highly anticipated prequel trilogy. The very first of this extension to his saga didn't just fail in its task of credibly introducing the boy who would become Darth Vader, it ripped a whole in the ass of a mythology held so dear to many that no but plug could fill. The force stemming from a bacteria, Anakin's sickening Christ like birth, an army of Droids loaded with Mr Bean's personality instead of tactical warfare and state of the art weapons systems are just a few major negatives from just the first of this pretty dismal trilogy. But he did get one thing right in this opening movie, Darth Maul.

Not only did Maul look cool, he was mysterious. Maybe even more so than Vader in some ways. The original trilogy gave us the light sabre, a weapon than burned into the soul of every young boy. If there is one piece of fictional movie technology you could have all to yourself and in full working order, the light sabre would be almost anyone's choice! Ok, maybe Iron Man's armour has taken that crown now but you get my point. When thinking of Darth Maul, George Lucas must have been working with a stoner from the days of Led Zepplin because like the guitar of that time, Darth Mauls' light sabre went double! The battle at the end of The Phantom Menace started off with a pure giddy moment as this warrior of the force, trained for nothing but assassination lit his weapons hilt on both sides. He moved with both grace and ferocity as this staff of plasma whirled around him. For a moment I forgot who I was, I forgot how disappointing the movie was. All I knew was I wanted a double bladed light sabre and I wanted to wield it like Darth Maul. Sadly, it didn't last. Thanks George!

So what moments in CBM history have made you giddy? Remember, this is not your favourite scene. Like most people, you may love Jokers disappearing pen trick from TDK but that's not a "giddy moment". I'm sure you get what I mean. Sound off below, I'd love to know what woke your inner child.

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dezdigi - 8/24/2012, 2:07 PM
Must I be so predictable? I definitley wouldn't include LOTR or EP I in my list.

Here's a list of my more recent nerdgasms:
1)TDKR-Sideways Batpod
2)Avengers-Thanos reveal
3)XFC-Magneto's boomerang knife in Argentina
4)TDK-The Joker's entrance
5)Thor-Boomerang Mjonir during the Frost Giant fight
SimyJo - 8/24/2012, 2:30 PM
Spiderman 2 when he swings down and juuuust slips between the gap between a passing truck and it's trailer at a crossroads, I think that made me "whoooah!" out-loud at the cinema.

Seeing Mjolnir do it's boomerang return to Thor for the first time in cinematic history.
Thor's Lightning-strike move in the fight with all the frostgiants.

Thor twats Hulk on the jaw with Mjolnir in the hanger fight in The Avengers.

Batman Begins' "SWEAR TO ME!"
GoILL - 8/24/2012, 3:08 PM
Good list, only one I haven't seen is the LOTR one. If I did a list it would be a very long one.
CorndogBurglar - 8/24/2012, 3:38 PM
This is going to get a lot of hate, lol, but the scene in Lundgren's Punisher movie when he drops in through the ceiling of that casino with an M60 and blasts the shit out of all those perps.

I dont care what anyone says, that Punisher is still the best one. He killed more people in that movie than the other two Punisher films combined. But as a kid, that scene always made me smile. It was more like the Punisher from the comics than anything we've seen on film since.
marvel72 - 8/24/2012, 3:39 PM
where do i start,here goes nothing.

the avengers

-iron man vs thor
-thor vs hulk
-hulk smash
-the final battle
-the avengers in the long fly by shot that featured all of them
-thanos cameo

iron man

-1st armour test(save villagers,battle tank & flying with jet fighters)


-thor & friends vs the frost giants
-the destroyer on earth scenes


-the nightclub scene

spider-man 2

-the bank fight
-the fight on the train

the incredible hulk

-hulk vs genral ross on school campus
-hulk vs abomination

x-men 2

-nightcrawler in the white house

spider-man 3

-creation of venom
-crane rescue scene

batman begins

-when the bats arrive as back up
-the tumbler chase sequence
-scarecrow on horseback

the dark knight

-the pencil scene
-joker/batman interrogation scene
-joker sticks head out of police car
-truck/lorry flip & bat-pod


-origin of dr.manhatten
-rorshach kills the pedophille
-rorshach in prison

superman the movie

-helicopter rescue

superman returns

plane rescue at baseball stadium
LoudNoises - 8/24/2012, 4:01 PM
Wolverine's introduction in X-Men is still hands down the best CMB intro's to a character as far as I'm concerned and one of the greatest CBM moments period! Nice list. I agree with all of them!
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 8/24/2012, 5:26 PM
Nice lists guys! I had to narrow things down a lot or the article would have been huge!
xRelentlessx - 8/24/2012, 7:53 PM
I nerdgasmed every time the Joker was on screen in TDK and every time Selina Kyle was on screen in TDKR. Catwoman + the Batpod = so much awesome!!!!!!
chikeizelcav - 8/24/2012, 9:17 PM
Ghostt - 8/24/2012, 10:02 PM
@jOLLEM agreed with the white house scene

@ Thunder The Wolverine introduction and the Iron Man scene are great pics for a giddy list! I would like to see more. I love that feeling when the writer, actor, director come together to make that perfect scene. right on!
Oxbow - 8/24/2012, 11:02 PM
Dr. Manhattan's origin was sublime. I played the trailer over and over again when it first came out.

Wolverines intro was the best part of xmen

The best part of x2 for me was the nightcrawler intro and the scene in the with the kids , when Stryker raids the mansion.

The shot in the avengers with the camera moving between all of them fighting the chitauri, which ends with hulk punching Thor made me cry out in joy. It was like watching the xmen working together on the old animated series!

Also the opening shot of the Matrix...that was like a religious experience or something lmao!

SageMode - 8/24/2012, 11:48 PM
THE AVENGERS had the most giddy moments for me......

1. Cap punching the shit outta that punching bag while thinking about his past....
2. Cap facing off against Loki then Iron Man coming into the fray
3. The Iron Man vs Thor battle with Cap intervening to take charge of the situation....
4. The Helicarrier rising from the water and into the air.....
5. Banter between Cap and Stark
6. Thor vs Hulk
7. Stark suiting up in the armor while falling down
8. The Hulk punching the Leviathan
9. The circled group shot
10. Cap giving orders to the team
11. The continuous consecutive shot of the team facing off against the Chitauri in sequence.
12. Hawkeye's no-look arrow shot
13. Hulk ragdolling Loki into the ground
14. Hulk catching Iron Man from falling from the portal.
15. The reveal of Thanos.
Tainted87 - 8/25/2012, 1:40 PM
Too many to count, heh. This isn't my favorite genre for nothing.

Spider-man, Iron Man, and the Avengers are the ones who had me almost quivering with anticipation ALL THROUGH the movies.

Spider-man was like Christmas. Apart from X-Men (which I knew very little about somehow) and the Batman movies, it was the first CBM I'd ever seen, and I was PSYCHED.

Iron Man was sheer brilliance - I was wowed by everyone involved, all the actors, the effects, and my ONLY qualm was that Iron Monger seemed too much like Megatron. I was EXTREMELY opposed to RDJ back then as Tony Stark, as the man Marvel was essentially putting their entire stock into.... but all through the movie, I was eating crow.

The Avengers - well what is there to say that hasn't been said already? Best CBM ever.

Watchmen deserves an honorable mention. I was so excited for it, and being a fan of the graphic novel, I was awestruck by everything - apart from performances by Malin Ackerman and Carla Gugino.
itzayaboy - 8/25/2012, 8:02 PM
circle shot in avengers and everything in TDK
breakUbatman - 8/26/2012, 10:56 PM
-Blade 2-
Final fight I know the CGI was bad but damn that fight drove us crazy as teens

Nightcrawler's entrance
Magneto's escape

-Batman Begins -
Tumbler chase
"We start carrying semi automatics, they buy automatics, we start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor piercing rounds, and you’re wearing a mask and jumping off rooftops. Take this guy: armed robbery, double homicide. Got a taste for the theatrical, like you. Leaves a calling card."

"I'll look into it"

-Iron Man-
Mark 1 activition (Press Control "l")

-Iron Man 2-
Suitcase armor

Batman's entrance
Batpod eject
Harvey Dent's second face
Sonar eyes

Hulk going apeshit on The Abomination

Joutenheim skirmish, Thor goes crazy

Hulk versus Thor
Hulk vs jet

Bane snatching Batman in the darkness
Batman's return with the EMP - lights out!

Kroenen in action
ralfinader - 8/28/2012, 12:58 PM
Rogue, not Rouge
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