Recently "Iron Man 2" was released in theaters across the globe. There's no question that it will bank at the box office.
As you may know, this is my first article and may be my last as well. I felt the need to get my feelings out there about our CBMS. Over the years, we fans and fanboys have been complaining about bringing our favorite superheroes to the big screen. However, I feel that maybe we complain too much. I mean, sure you can have your own opinions about CBMS, and you as a fan are entitled to them. Though, I do feel that at times we can be too "picky" with our CBMS.
My main point has to be with "Iron Man 2." As you know Sam Jackson is Nick Fury, many fans and fanboys reject this idea of Jackson playing Fury. To me it all sounds too silly to complain. Marvel did create Ultimate Fury BEFORE "Iron Man 1" went into production. What's even better is that Jackson IS Nick Fury. How can you hate something that's taken directly from the comics? We as fans should be happy that Fury is even in the Marvel movies. Or better yet, we as fans should be happy that "The Avengers" movie is even getting made.
I remember a time not long ago when CBMS weren't even getting made. What I'm saying is that we should be happy for CBMS, not bash them for every little thing that doesn't go our way. Be happy that we got a Superman in the 70's. Be happy that we got X-Men in the 90's and be happy that we got The Dark knight in the 00's.
CBM..........You've just been UNMASKED!