Seeking to co-opt the near-limitless power of the Source, the evil space tyrant Darkseid is continuing his efforts to break through the Source Wall. Thinking that the energy associated with the Phoenix Force can help him penetrate the mysteries of the Source, Darkseid sets into motion a plan to recreate the Dark Phoenix by tapping into the memories of her former teammates, the X-Men, as well as drawing the residue of her power from a variety of sources. Both superhero teams are alerted to the dangers by the Titans' Starfire.
Despite their best efforts, each team is defeated and captured by Deathstroke the Terminator and Darkseid's shock troops. Darkseid brings the Dark Phoenix back to life. Both super teams work together, freeing themselves and taking Darkseid, Dark Phoenix, and Deathstroke in a climatic battle.Wiki.
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This was actually my first time hearing of this and reading it today. It was an enjoyable read and the story itself flowed perfectly and the two teams meshed together very well. The one-shot (unfortunately) issue was written by Chris Claremont with art duties fulfilled by Walt Simonson and Terry Austin. I love crossover stories and I wouldn't mind reading another one if Marvel and DC were to come together again. What is your favorite crossover story in general? What current properties would best form a crossover title? This is Mareado and thank you for having salsa with me.
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