Top 5 Dumbest Comments on a Movie Article

Top 5 Dumbest Comments on a Movie Article

SauronsBANE1 here with a PSA for my fellow users! Click on for a look at some of the most illogical, nonsensical, and just plain annoying comments that we've all been guilty of making at one time or another...

Editorial Opinion
By SauronsBANE - Oct 14, 2013 09:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

Our great community here at has been known for many things. Several power-users, and even some relatively up-and-coming users, have been among the first people anywhere on the internet to break major movie news to the public on more than one occasion. Past 'controversies' involving satires, famous actresses, and mass efforts at stopping trolls have caused plenty of laughs and entertainment (in a good way...mostly) throughout the internet.

Flame-wars have reached truly epic proportions. New casting announcements for heavily-anticipated movies, and the uproar and backlash they created, have almost literally broke the internet many times over.

But what really sets this community apart from the others is our comments section and the myriad of different opinions, viewpoints, and perspectives that all of us are so eager to share with each other. In retrospect, maybe a bit too eager.

Unfortunately, this fanboy/fangirl eagerness has led to many trends that we sometimes fall back on, almost instinctively, when defending or attacking the most polarizing movies. Here's a countdown of 5 such trends and comments that we would all be better off without:

5) "Wait until the movie actually comes out before criticizing it!"

I'll admit, this comment actually does make some sense in a way. Obviously, one needs to actually see a movie before making any kind of bold statement about whether it will be good or not. Blurry pictures taken from the set and vague comments by the director and actors don't really give a great indication of whether a movie will or will not live up to the hype.

Having said that, does that mean we absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, make our opinions known just because the movie hasn't been released yet? Maybe it's just me, but I formulate opinions simply based on movie trailers all the time.

I mean, that's exactly the reason why studios release trailers in the first place. From their point of view, hopefully it elicits a positive response in the majority of viewers, they get a good word of mouth going, and more people go to see it as a result. The entire point of this process is for us to develop opinions based on the little we see.

Take blockbuster movies like The Avengers, or The Dark Knight Rises, or The Hobbit for example.

While those movies were being filmed and then moved to post-production, anticipation was through the roof. We were all chomping at the bit to see footage, any footage at all. Setting aside how we now know those movies turned out, didn't half the fun of anticipating a soon-to-be-released movie involve looking at those leaked set pictures, criticizing or praising the actors portraying our favorite characters, and picking apart every frame of each trailer?

To tell others to shut up and stop drawing opinions and feelings when a movie hasn't been released yet is, in my opinion, ridiculous, uptight, and pretty boring.

4) "Yeah, but Rotten Tomatoes/MetaCritic gave the movie a __% rating!"

The Patriot (62%).
Mission Impossible (61%).
Taken (58%).
Spaceballs (54%).
Home Alone (54%).
Top Gun (51%).
The Perfect Storm (47%).
Space Jam (35%).
Hook (31%).

These are all generally accepted as good movies that got terribly low Rotten Tomatoes scores.

Need I say more? Yes? Okay, let's look at the flip side: bad movies with relatively high scores.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (78%).
Superman Returns (76%).
X-Men: The Last Stand (57%).
Transformers (57%).
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (57%).

Judging by some of these egregious scores, it's no secret that Rotten Tomatoes isn't the best place to go if you're wondering how good or bad a movie is. The entire system that Rotten Tomatoes relies on isn't very dependable. And using this or any site like it when defending (or even attacking) another movie doesn't really make you look good. At all.

And while we're on the subject, the question of how much money a movie made is pretty much irrelevant as well. There are so many factors that go into that: different ticket prices, whether it's available in 3D and/or IMAX, the level of competition, the state of the economy, inflation, etc etc.

The fact that movies such as Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Alice in Wonderland, and Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace all made over $1 billion renders this as a moot point.

It's never a good idea to use Rotten Tomatoes and the profits of a movie as a basis for whether a movie is good or not.

3) "The general audience makes up like 95% of the viewers anyway, and they loved the movie."

This argument is flawed on many levels. First and's simply not true.

Okay sure, it's not much of an exaggeration to say that the average Joe Schmo on the street outnumbers the amount of people who actually read the comics that our favorite movies are based on. But trust me, it's nowhere near the percentages that are regularly cited in the comments.

If that were the case, then studios have been wasting their time and money making so many things as close to the comics as possible. The reason we get such attention to detail, such as the Winter Soldier still having his infamous red star on his mechanical arm or the new, comic book faithful Spider-Man suit in The Amazing Spider-Man sequel, is because the studios know it will please a significant portion of the audience.

Besides, a large number of the so-called general audience has a higher than average knowledge of the comic books anyways. Speaking from personal experience, those who were largely ignorant of the comic books coming in to movies such as Iron Man or The Incredible Hulk took the opportunity to read up on plenty of the source material in preparation of what was to come in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

So even the general audience has a rudimentary knowledge of the changes made to the Mandarin, Superman's origins, Batman as the World's Greatest Detective, and so on. So to use the defense that the success of a movie depends on the general audience is rather flawed, as well.

2) "[Insert rival studio here] should just give up, they're so far behind [insert favorite studio here] right now!"

This is something that I personally will never understand. I get that different studios have different stories and superheroes. As such, it's easier to identify and relate with certain heroes than with others, causing some to prefer Marvel over DC or vice versa.

But who actually gets so caught up in the 'rivalry' that they legitimately root for one studio to do well and the other to fall apart? Even worse, who bases their opinions on a movie, regardless of whether or not it's good, depending on what company made it? To me, that's the very height of ignorance.

This isn't sports, there's no teams, there's no championships at stake here. This is two businesses trying to make as much money as possible, and we're playing right into their hands. Do we really think the studios themselves are wrapped up in this little 'rivalry'? From a fan standpoint, absolutely not.

From a money-making and business standpoint, they only view each other as competitors for our money. That's all we are to them: handfuls of money. Even when studios make earnest attempts at pleasing us by making things as close to the comics as possible...that's driven by the fact that more of us will be willing to spend our money if we like what we see.

Which is why I find it so laughable when Marvel vs DC debates break out. All I picture is fanboys and fangirls yelling at each other while executives from both studios pick our pockets as we're oblivious and hopelessly distracted. Seriously, let's do ourselves a favor. Instead of wishing death and ruin on one studio or another, how about we root for quality movies, from any company, that are actually worth our time and money?

1) "Well if you hate the movie so much, why don't YOU go make your own??"

Ahh, the age-old 'argument' of going ahead and making my own movie when I disagree with your opinion. This is quite possibly my biggest pet peeve when it comes to things like this, and so I saved it for last.

Out of everything I've listed, this is definitely the most illogical one of them all. So to sum up the reasoning behind this: If I have a problem with a movie that's made by a professional director, with professional cameramen, with professional actors, with highly lucrative studios backing them...I, a nobody, an amateur, a simple fan, with no connections or experience whatsoever, should go and see if I can make a better one.

Obviously, whoever uses this argument is pointing out that I indeed can't make a better movie if I tried, and thus I should shut up and enjoy the film.

Using this logic, and going along with the sports analogy I used earlier, we shouldn't be allowed to root for or criticize any sports teams either. After all, you can't talk if you can't hit a 95 mph fastball over the wall. Or shoot a 3-pointer with the game on the line. If one points out that Eli Manning is an interception machine for the New York Giants this season, well why don't you, the out-of-shape average fan sitting on the couch, try to do better!

Even worse, this flawed logic implies that we can't even praise a good movie either! In other words, this argument is saying that unless we are able to make our own good movie, then we don't know what a good movie is, and thus we shouldn't criticize it. So on the flip side of it, since none of us can make a good movie (and as a result, don't know what a good one is), then what right do we have to praise or even enjoy a movie?

Following this logic down the rabbit hole leads to all sorts of problems. The fact is, we're not directors. We're not screenwriters, we're not actors. We're fans. Contrary to what some may think, we don't have to actually have one of those occupations in order to know whether or not they're doing a bad job. It's one of those things we just say without thinking about it, and it just makes no sense.


These are just a few of the most aggravating things that we almost unknowingly say in order to stir up, rile up, and encourage the very worst flame-wars the internet's ever seen. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a good flame war or anything, but just do us all a favor. Don't use any of these comments when defending or attacking controversial movies.

Have some pet peeves of your own that I missed? Comment below and try not to start any flame-wars if you can!
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Highflyer - 10/14/2013, 10:22 AM
Good article.
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 10:35 AM
@Batmaniac and @highflyer, thanks!

@ManofReal, Obviously some of those top 5 dumb comments hit a little too close to home for you, eh?
OrgasmicPotatoe - 10/14/2013, 10:36 AM
Thumbs up, great read !

I think it's justified to tell people to shut up before they have seen the movie, though up to a certain degree.

Weeks before the Avengers came out, my YouTube feed was filled with every TV Spots, teasers, trailers and clips they had for the movie. I had a good idea what the film would feel like (and I hadn't even watched them all, there was way too many) and thought I could make a clear opinion on it. But then the movie comes out, and there are always surprises in every movies, no one can ever have a clear opinion of the movie before watching it.

I think what sparks this kind of comment is when someone states their feelings about an upcoming movie as if it were fact. That's bound to cause an incendiary reaction.

I would also like to have this part quoted for truth :

"From a money-making and business standpoint, they only view each other as competitors for our money. That's all we are to them: handfuls of money. Even when studios make earnest attempts at pleasing us by making things as close to the comics as possible...that's driven by the fact that more of us will be willing to spend our money if we like what we see."
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 10:44 AM
@yossarian, You should probably read my comments in the other article again. I never advocated "anti-censorship", just the opposite actually. I was agreeing with that author's stance that MORE censorship is needed. I literally have no idea where you got that idea from. So no, I never said people should shut up, if you read my article, I'm all for discussion on movies. But these top 5 comments DON'T help encourage a healthy discourse. At all.

Again, try reading things a little better next time.
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 10:49 AM
@OrgasmicPotatoe, Thanks! I somewhat agree with your stance on waiting for the movie to come out, which I mentioned in the article.

As for stating one's opinion as fact, yes! That's a huge point, one I suddenly regret not putting in the article! Great point. Thanks for reading!
aresww3 - 10/14/2013, 10:50 AM
hey, well I say if you don´t like all my comments, make your own movie. :)

I´m sure I´m the only one whose going to get that joke.
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 10:56 AM
@aresw3, Cheesy as that was, it made me laugh. Kudos!

@ManOfReal, Well, I never stated in my article that one shouldn't spit on their computer screens, so technically I can't argue with that. You found the loophole, well done! =P
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 11:00 AM
@Yossarian, Yes I'm for censorship. Glad we cleared that up. That said, your comment literally didn't add a single thing to this conversation. You're obviously anti-censoring, that's cool. As you yourself said....what difference does it make? You don't agree with my article, say so and move on. I have no idea what we're arguing about here, besides the fundamental idea of censorship vs anti-censorship. Beyond that, it's obvious we're not going to convince each other of anything.
MoonDoggyX - 10/14/2013, 11:02 AM
Best editorial in a good while! Great read!!! I do have to say, though, the Transformers bashing was completely unnecessary... lol

1) Completely agree. I actually think that how well a movie lives up to its previews is the only true way to judge whether a movie is truly good or not. Otherwise, there is no factually good or bad movies because everyone will not like everything. Judge by the preview, the studio's promise of what to expect from the film, whether the movie is even something you'd enjoy. Then, make your judgements on how well the movie lived up to the preview. Not every movie is for everyone, whick leads perfectly to yo next point...

4) Rotton Tomatoes SUCKS! You take a big budget Summer flick like Man of Steel and everyone and their mother is reviewing the movie. It doesn't matter id its even up their alley or not , they have a job to do. Get people to read their blog or magazine or whatever, so they better critique the movie that everyone else is talking about. I don't give 2 craps what a fashion magazine thinks about MoS, Transformers or whatever. I'm sure no one here does, but RT or Metacritic counts them all as much as IGN's opinion. At the Same time, Pitch Perfect has a score higher than most CBM's, but isn't reviewed by sites like IGN. So according to RT, Pitch Perfect is better than MoS. And this is what people on this site use to validate or debunk movies??? GTFO!
Tainted87 - 10/14/2013, 11:02 AM
I honestly find stupid comments quite humorous. Only time they really piss me off (genuinely so) is when I've written an article (which takes some doing, it's why you see so few of mine) and someone starts spamming it with COMPLETELY unrelated discussion.

And that's not dumb, that's just plain rude.

I have to disagree with your third one, but not for the reason you'd probably think.
Why do we get the small things that don't HAVE to be in the movie, but are there to detail aspects of the characters? (Infinity Gauntlet, Sleipnir's eight legs, the Silver Centurion, Life Model Decoy, Armin Zola and the lens, 100% Loki, etc)
They are all there because the people in charge WANT them there. Because Kevin Feige is a geek, Kenneth Branagh is a perfectionist, Robert Rodriguez owns his own studio, and Zack Snyder loves comic books.

It's been all but proven that we fans don't even make up 3% of the audience. We are so inconsequential, and we forget ourselves so often because we WANT to believe that we can make a difference.
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 11:03 AM
@intruder, Once again, the savior of anti-censoring rights tells someone else to shut up. Do you not see the irony in that? It's real easy to be an internet tough guy and say things like "Kill yourself" and act like a troll. We have plenty of users who act like you, so you're actually the one who resorts to saying the absolute worst things to people in the hopes of getting a rise out of them and get noticed.

I've never seen you actually talk about a movie and give good reasons why you either liked it or didn't. You always resort to trolling or starting Marvel vs DC wars. So basically, everything I talked about in my article. No wonder you're so upset!
JoeMomma29 - 10/14/2013, 11:19 AM
This is freakin hilarious, you made some good points.
JoeMomma29 - 10/14/2013, 11:20 AM
I love editorials on Trudy the Troll!
JoJo1982 - 10/14/2013, 11:22 AM
Great Article

2# should be at Top though

Cause it's like at the end of the day both companies are winning
JoeMomma29 - 10/14/2013, 11:24 AM
@ Batz

McNyagano - 10/14/2013, 11:24 AM
Great article.:')
EkklesiaRobb - 10/14/2013, 11:24 AM can't criticize my comment until you've read it. It's got like an 82% on Rotten Tomatoes and like 95% of the general population love it. And if you don't like my comment, why don't you make your own? ;)
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 11:26 AM
@Yossarian, You've obviously been at this site longer than I have, and it's no wonder most people were weeping with joy when you came back. You and your condescending comments and immature insults fit right in with the majority of this community!

Just a suggestion, just like intruder's little 'kill yourself' suggestion, maybe you should remember you're not talking to faceless, anonymous internet people. You're talking to REAL PEOPLE. Comments that unnecessarily demean others are the types of things that I'm advocating should be censored. I couldn't care less if anyone makes fun of a movie I like. It's just a movie. When you and others like you trash people, that's were I take issue.

I said that because you seem to be confusing my pro-censoring comments from the previous editorial with the message in my editorial. I'm not taking this editorial as seriously as you seem to be. Go ahead, keep making these top 5 comments, I'm not stopping you. The point of this editorial was pointing out and identifying what are and are not helpful comments to discuss a movie. That's it. It's up to the readers on what they're going to do about it.

THIS article isn't about banning cursing or anything to do with censoring. Similar topics, but that's it. This editorial is just editorial. My opinion. And honestly, my opinion isn't worth getting as riled up as you seem to be.
JoeMomma29 - 10/14/2013, 11:28 AM
I have been on this site for while and I am not sure if I have ever seen Yoss be so serious!

OMG is the end of the world here!
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 11:29 AM
@intruder, or maybe you could take what I said at face-value? Maybe instead of making stuff up, I LITERALLY have never SEEN you make comments like that about a movie. I don't patrol every article and every page of comments looking for comments by you. Don't flatter yourself.

Maybe it'd be easier to believe you if, you know, other people spoke up and agreed with you that you've actually been civil in your comments before.
JoJo1982 - 10/14/2013, 11:29 AM

Appreciate that bro
Gamera623 - 10/14/2013, 11:30 AM
"What is this conclusion? "Be more creative when participating in a flame war." Is that what you are getting at?"

Seems obvious thats what he is saying.

Excellent editorial by the way.

Oh and even better than the people who say make you own movie are the ones who folow it up with "oh thats right you cant!".
Its like they just pointed out themselves that they said something stupid but smugly thought they won an argument.
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 11:31 AM
@ everyone who's enjoyed reading this, thank you I definitely appreciate it!

As for the point of "finding stupid comments quite humorous", that's not wrong. Making fun of movies isn't off-limits, nor should it be. Just don't be a troll about it, which is basically what sums up my article the best in my opinion.
JoeMomma29 - 10/14/2013, 11:35 AM
@ Gusto

Remind me not hang out with Batz, he does not sound fun dong corrugated box building!

JoeMomma29 - 10/14/2013, 11:36 AM
JoJo1982 - 10/14/2013, 11:36 AM
Hey Gusto!!!

Miley Cyrus is really............. Justin Bieber in disguise lol
Tainted87 - 10/14/2013, 11:37 AM
When I say I find stupid comments humorous, I mean...

As in, I'm usually able to laugh my ass off at people being petty and stupid.
JoeMomma29 - 10/14/2013, 11:38 AM
@ Batz

For some reason when Trudy gets all up in an editorial it makes me think about dongs!
TheAmazingSpiderMan47 - 10/14/2013, 11:45 AM
well if you hate this article so much, why dont you make your own???

shoot, i think i missed the point :P
BaneSmash - 10/14/2013, 11:57 AM
Mr. Sunday - It's hard for Trudy not to start a flame war because he is retarded......... Btw you can't grow up until you move out of your mom's basement (aka Hallicarrier comand center)
AnthonyLantern - 10/14/2013, 12:05 PM
In summary...people are stupid
SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 12:19 PM
@yossarian, nice point-by-point, well-written, 100% intelligible rebuttal of my last reply to you! Obviously my incomplete college education isn't able to keep up with you, so obviously I'm forced to concede defeat! Well played.

Also, you're spamming the wrong article. That would've made more sense in the comments section of the other article that's, you know, actually talking about and speaking against all those pictures of hot women.
JoJo1982 - 10/14/2013, 12:22 PM

Plz explain how this is a DC fanboy article???

KiddSoul - 10/14/2013, 12:48 PM
"5)Wait until the movie actually comes out before criticizing it."

This is something I agree with and also something I don't agree with. For example, It certainly depends upon the track record of the director, producer and actors involved with the film project being made.

I can give any of you a prime example. Think about M. Night Shyamalan. The man directed some good films. Most people (including myself) think the films he directed is either hit or miss. It's weird...for example, Last Airbender. It was a film heavily criticized before coming out for not having a diverse enough cast. The cast was okay to me, and I felt the cast was missing youthful energy and humor like the cartoons have.

Now just imagine hearing about a new project he is now creating and their is no rough draft or script. Many people will already criticize it before it's made. But who knows...whatever project he is working on now might just blow us all away. That's what you get with M. Night. I still like some of his films...
erth2drew - 10/14/2013, 12:50 PM
Trailers give you an insight but theyre made for certain audiences, so the fact that you BASE your opinion on something geared, most likely to appeal to a deifferent audience, is completely lame.
supermarioworldE - 10/14/2013, 12:52 PM
[In M. Bison voice]:

SauronsBANE - 10/14/2013, 1:01 PM
@erth2drew, Well maybe "base" was a bit too strong of a word. Maybe "reinforce" would be more accurate? Of course, there's many more factors going in to whether or not I'm interested in an up-and-coming movie. What we know about the story, the actors/actresses and the characters they're portraying, the director, the genre, etc etc. But I can't deny that trailers give away a lot of the movie, so it's not too much of a stretch to have one's opinion swayed by the trailers.

Also, most movies spit out multiple trailers that are directed at different audiences. Some trailers play up the action, or the story, or the character interactions. As long as one watches most of the trailers before forming an opinion either way, then I don't see a problem with it.
BatmanHeisenberg - 10/14/2013, 1:02 PM
Awesome article man, though sometimes I do them myself. Seriously Trudy, that is a form of cyber bullying and its [frick]ed up. He didn't take it seriously, but you should never even recommend that people kill themselves, such a troll.

Sorry, just tired of that shit. But anyways, I agree.
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