According to CHUD...
"With Punisher: War Zone, all of the signs point to a worst-case scenario: behind the scenes infighting, recuts, honeymoons, studio spin and the like. All the dust kicked up at Comic-Con has got everybody in a tizzy, but a few days ago I had a chance to speak to someone very close to the film, and that contact assured me - without knowing I'm in the position I am to disseminate this kind of information - that most of the drama is a bunch of hooey. Hype. Hullabaloo drummed up to generate more interest in the film. Lexi Alexander is still the director and the cut will be locked in a couple weeks."
Hmmm. If this is true, it only ticks me off. I love creative promotion, but creating negative controversy around your own movie seems more like sabotage. Nobody should plan to piss off the fans.