Why I'm hesitant about Spider-man's addition to the MCU

Why I'm hesitant about Spider-man's addition to the MCU

Two major aspects about the Spider-man announcement are making me uneasy

Editorial Opinion
By asilvs222 - Feb 11, 2015 06:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

Earlier this week, Marvel and Sony announced that the prodigal son will return, and Spider-man will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Like most comic book movie fans, I rejoiced when I saw that headline. However, the more I've read and thought about it, the more uneasy I have felt about the decision for two main reasons.

1.) Sony will still maintain creative control of Spider-man

While spidey will now exist within and interact with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and despite Kevin Feige working with them as a producer, all details on this deal seem to indicate that Sony will maintain final creative control over the character's solo and spin-off films (in addition to financing, producing, and distribution). This is the studio that is responsible for running Spider-man's movie franchis into the ground with Amazing Spider-man 2 in an attempt to rapidly world build towards spin-off films. Being that this re-boot will only be released a mere 3 years after the Amazing franchise, and with Sony's position that they still hope to spin off sinister six and venom, I don't see any real indication that Sony has learned their lesson. I feel like they only agreed to this deal because they were convinced that Spider-man's existince in the MCU would lead to a bump in ticket sales (which it probably will). Other than that, they seem to be plowing full speed ahead with their messy and ill concieved spin-off plans. It has been well documented that studio interferance on insisting the inclusion of "things fans want" can have a huge negative impact towards the final product of superhero movies (Spider-man 3, Wolverine Origins, Amazing Spider-man 2). I just hope that Sony has learned their lesson and let the people who know what they are doing take the helm.

2.) Spider-man's introduction causes a disruption to the MCU story-line.

When Marvel announced their entier Phase 3 line-up last fall, they showed major confidence. Not only did they announce their projects over the next 5 years, but they indicated that they had an overarching plan on how these films would relate to eachother and the overall Phase 3 narrative.

They also announced a hard confirmation that Black Panther would appear and play a large role in Civil War.

Now, it seems that Spider-man will be introduced in Civil War as well. Age of Ultron is too close to cast, costume design, film, and insert a new Spider-man. Ant-man takes place in San Francisco. Doctor Strange deals with mystic arts, which is far outside of Spider-man's wheelehouse. And Guardians 2 takes place in space.

With Civil War already having so many plot threads on its plate (Cap vs. Ironman conflict, the search for Bucky, Black Panther introduction), does it really need one more?

Additionally, with Spider-man's solo film spot placed at July 27th, 2017, this pushes back the release slate for many of the Phase 3 films. While I wouldn't have questioned as much if every film was pushed back a slot, Marvel maintained that the release dates for Infinity War parts 1 and 2 would not change. This disrupts what seemed like a natural flow set forth by their initial release schedule.

It seemed like Black Panther would be introduced in Civil War, developed in his own solo-movie, and then become a full fledged Avenger by Inifinty War part 1. Now, his solo film will be released between parts 1 and 2, which just seems far more out of place. Similarly, Captain Marvel and Inhumans were supposed to take place between parts 1 and 2. This seemed to make sense, with Infinitity War part 1 setting up a major cosmic conflict, Captain Marvel and Inhumans dealing with other aspects of the MCU cosmic universe (probably dealing with aspects set up in part 1), and then Inifinity War part 2 wrapping up that whole conflic with a big bang.

While Captain Marvel still sits in the same spot and can play that same role, Inhumans is now set to be released AFTER Infinity War part 2. With the inhumans already being introduced in Agents of SHIELD (5 years before the film property), and the Infinity War already being wrapped up (along with the founding Avengers actors contracts), will we really care about the Inhumans movie by that point?

So those are my issues with the behind the scenes aspects of Spider-man's inclusion into the MCU. All things considered, I will obviously be in the theater opening night for every one of these films.

What do you think? Is this deal a cash grab by Marvel and Sony? Will Spider-man's inclusion elevate the MCU to a whole new level? How did I do for my 2nd ever editorial?

Sound off in the comments.
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McGee - 2/11/2015, 7:55 AM
Jon Stewart says he's leaving The Daily Show...the same day that Marvel announces Spiderman in their movie.

Clearly he's the new Spiderman.
Lamb - 2/11/2015, 8:02 AM
MCU really have nothing to lose in this deal. Both will benefit, sony moreso, but there aren't really risks for MCU in this agreement. Marvel Studios ain't spending money to make Spider-man movies, sony does. Feige will lead Spidey films to the right direction, that's the main reason Sony is willing to share Spidey. To bring back peoples trust and love to the character, to bring Spidey back to his former status.
kinghulk - 2/11/2015, 8:11 AM
"It seemed like Black Panther would be introduced in Civil War, developed in his own solo-movie, and then become a full fledged Avenger by Inifinty War part 1. Now, his solo film will be released between parts 1 and 2, which just seems far more out of place. Similarly, Captain Marvel and Inhumans were supposed to take place between parts 1 and 2. This seemed to make sense, with Infinitity War part 1 setting up a major cosmic conflict, Captain Marvel and Inhumans dealing with other aspects of the MCU cosmic universe (probably dealing with aspects set up in part 1), and then Inifinity War part 2 wrapping up that whole conflic with a big bang."

this is my biggest problem with the change everything now feels out of sync, id have been ok if they moved infinity war back as well but then id still be pissed of because they moved it to suit sony.
RextheKing - 2/11/2015, 8:27 AM
The creative control thing has me worried 0.01%. I'm quite sure Marvel settled on letting Sony hold that title just to keep them happy and to agree to the deal. In the end they know Sony needs/wants their help so they will sit quietly in a corner and let MS do their thing. The spinoffs I do not fear. A Venom and SS movies aren't a bad Idea, it just the unwarranted hate for Sony(they made more good Spidey films than disappointing ones) has made the idea of such movies unwanted by the fans. Feige may not come on as a producer for the spinoffs, but I doubt they would really deny MS help, and even if they do Sony will suffer not MS. I mean do you really think MS would have made this deal,if they really didn't think they'll get what they wanted from it. Of course Sony could [frick] it up, hence the .01% but I doubt it.

I'll comment on the other part in roughy 25 minutes, I have to take my sister to school.
kinghulk - 2/11/2015, 8:32 AM
SoulofWakanda- i imagine black panther will take place before infinity war like iron man took place before hulk which took place at the same time as thor and iron man 2. that is probablly what they will do but im not happy with it.

i liked the fact that with inhumans and captain marvel inbetween the 2 it felt like a story would be told over 4 films but now if they connect them it will feel out of place.
kinghulk - 2/11/2015, 8:33 AM
and it will be harder to explain how the characters appeared like if inhumans was before part 2 it could be explained in inhumans but now they need to go out of their way in part 2 to explain why they are there.
Lamb - 2/11/2015, 8:44 AM
I'm not worried because I'm sure Maevel Studios already had Plans B and C, should Spidey come back. They were already in talks with Sony even before the full Phase 3 slate, and we actually found out from the Sony leaks that should had the earlier talks with Marvel worked out, Spidey's return was also supposedly annouced at Marvel's Phase 3 reveal last November.
RextheKing - 2/11/2015, 8:45 AM
Change of plans, I've got more time.

The line up change. Black Panther is the only one who feels out of sync now due to this, but it's ultimately not a problem. Yes his movie originally was dated before IW part 1 and is now dated after, which means he originally was probably set to appear in first film of the Avengers threequel. Thing is he might not have meaning this change may mean nothing, but I doubt it. So saying that BP was set to appear in IW part 1, this move still can work, by changing nothing, except making the film a prequel. Given that BP is set to appear fully costumed in Cap 3 the solo movie is unlikely to be an origin story, meaning it won't feel like we waited 3 years to finally see his origin story after his mcu debut. This can also give IW part 1 a bit of mystery not knowing what brought BP into the world of the Avengers until his film release.

Now adding him to Cap 3, which is the most logical choice is the biggest problem, but probably not one at all. There is a lot set to happen in the film so Spidey's inclusion could make things bumpy. The thing is though Marvel has a draft already made with The web slinger included, so the can use it verses the one they were going to use. The only thing what if that version did not include BP complicating the problem solving from the paragraph above? Simple, if this is the case, merge them. Fit in the best parts from both, and I'm confident that MS can do it and do it well.
kinghulk - 2/11/2015, 8:51 AM
rextheking- with Civil war i think they should have spidey fill the place of hulking as a spy for cap in tony's team. so everyone if wanting BP on their side, iron man can make spidey the iron spider suit then in the finale spidey turn of iron man. im ok with that happening becasue i want BP to have a major role and by doing this spidey gets one as well.
kinghulk - 2/11/2015, 9:05 AM
Soulofwakanda- i mainly thought of it cos he's a teen like hulking, it's a smaller role but one that would have a big impact and i really want to see him in the iron spider suit lol. glad you like the idea hopefully marvel does something similar.
PAF - 2/11/2015, 9:50 AM
Glad to see I'm not the only one not too happy about this deal. This could [frick] up the MCU. Rob from i09 said it best...

"My biggest worry is that Marvel will have to spend so much time jumping through Sony hoops to include Spider-Man in their MCU that it will negatively affect all their other movies and franchises, which would be a damn shame — I'd rather have a Captain Marvel movie than a dozen Spider-Man guest-appearances in Avengers movies, but you probably guessed that."
RextheKing - 2/11/2015, 9:53 AM
Oh yeah and another point on the films being out of sync issue. I think someone already brought it up, but I'll say it anyways. Marvel, if they had got what they wanted, Spidey inclusion in the MCU would have been announced with the phase 3 line up, meaning even if this alters the storyline more than just including a character it was probably they way thing were always meant to be had the deal went down when they wanted.
RextheKing - 2/11/2015, 9:58 AM
@PAF I'm pretty sure if anyone is jumping through someone's hoops it's Sony jumping through Marvels. Boost in Spidey ticket sales and being able to use Marvel characters that aren't already in the Spideyverse is probably more important to Sony than Marvel having Spidey in the MCU. We already know Feige has a phase 3 plan for the mcu without him, meaning they don't need him.
dapug88 - 2/11/2015, 1:41 PM
As far as marvel pushing some of there movies back, I'm sure marvel has it all worked out. I've put full trust that marvel know what there doing and that they have thought about these issues and aren't concerned about them. They have a plan and I'm sure everything will be great. In Feige I trust.
sikwon - 2/11/2015, 1:51 PM
If you read the announcement Sony got kind of top billing. It was very much like saving face for Sony. Be clear about this... the next Spiderman that we see will be Marvels Spiderman and make no mistake, regardless of what ever stipulations are placed on the Marvel characters that are going to appear in the sonyverse or how much "creative control" Sony has over the character this is 100% about letting Marvel do the heavy lifting. I can promise you even if a Sinister 6 movie comes Marvel will have had heavy behind the scenes influence on the character and the direction. That is fully half of the point of allowing Spidey into Marvel.... 1 to ride the coat tails of the MCU success and 2 reinvigorate the character and the franchise. As far is introducing Spidey to the MCU... the infrastructure is there for a seamless transition/introduction. Agents of Shield and the Netflix shows are ready made to introduce the character as part of this world. The one thing they have shown above everything else is tremendous flexibility and I can promise that they had plans with spidey in mind. just in case this happened. Have faith dude.
Lhornbk - 2/11/2015, 5:02 PM
I never wanted Spiderman in the MCU,at least not till Phase 4. He's overrated as a character, he's not really needed, and I worry that he will overshadow other MCU heroes. Plus, I'm just tired of him, and I think general audiences are too. Would rather have just had him placed on a shelf until at least 2020.
Highflyer - 2/12/2015, 12:18 AM
I keep reading hoe TASM2 was just setting up spin offs when the only hints I saw of future installments were at the end.
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