Whilst browsing the vast expanses of the internet, I came across this article via the Superman Homepage (http://www.supermanhomepage.com/news.php) in which a multitude of Frequently Asked Questions are answered! Due to the criticism this film has been receiving, I thought it would be good to put at least some of these doubts to rest.
The article itself goes in depth to address and hopefully answer a large amount of trivia and issues with 'Man Of Steel', containing some key issues, including:
Q: One of the pods aboard the Kryptonian scoutship on Earth was open and empty. Does that mean there was a survivor who lived on Earth?
Q: Why would the Kryptonians want to change Earth into Krypton? Wouldn't that negate some of the superpowers Earth's atmosphere and lighter gravity gives them?
Q: Where did the Superman costume come from? Wasn't that scout ship on Earth for thousands of years?
Q: Why did Superman kill Zod? Couldn't he have done something else? Did that family Zod was going to kill survive?
All of the above are addressed, along with a variety of different queries and questions about the film. It is also worth noting that this article is 'a continual work in progress', so if you still have any doubts, you are able to contact and ask your own questions!
The article itself can be found here: http://www.supermanhomepage.com/movies/movies.php?topic=mos-faq
Enjoy guys, stay super!