The Justice League so far...
The first member of the justice league, other than Clark Kent (Superman, was none other than Bart Allen (Impulse). Bart was introduced into the Smallville world in Season 4 with the episode titled "Run". Bart's only powers seen on Smallville are his ability to run at supersonic speeds. Not only was Bart introduced in this episode but name drops of "Jay Gerrick" "Barry Allen" and "Wally West" who are all a form of Flash in the comic book world. Bart started off as a pick picketer and doing what he can to survive. Its not until he meets Clark Kent that he realises that he needs to stop doing what he is doing and start doing the right thing. He decides to use his powers for good.
The second member of the Justice League to been seen on Smallville is Arthur Curry (Aquaman). Arthur was introduced into Smallville during season 5 with the episode titled "Aqua". Arthur's powers include the ability to swim at super-human speeds and create energy blasts through the water. Arthur made his way to Smallville to stop Lex Luthors underwater weapon that is killing the surrounding ocean life. Arthur takes it upon himself to protect all ocean life.
The third member to the Justice League is Victor Stone (Cyborg). Victor was introduced in season 5 with the episode titled "Cyborg". Victor was mortally wounded in a car accident. LuthorCorp took it upon themselves to experiment on him, they replaced his bone skeleton with a metal one. Victor escapes and Clark helps him reunite with his girlfriend.
Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) is the man who created Smallville's Justice League. He found Bart, Arthur and Victor. Clark finds out about the League after Bart is kidnapped by Lex Luthor. The team joins forces to save Bart. Oliver was introduced in season 6 with the episode titled "Sneeze". The first time we see Oliver as Green Arrow is in season 6 with the episode titled "Arrow".
Dinah Lance (Black Canary) was introduced into Smallville during season 7 with the episode titled "Siren". Dinah is tricked by Lex Luthor into thinking that Oliver is a terrorist. She is hired to kill Oliver. Clark proves to Dinah that she was lied to by Lex and she decided to join Oliver’s team. Dinah Lance's super power is ability to emit an ultrasonic sound wave with a single scream.
John Jones (Martian Manhunter) was introduced into Smallville during season 6 episode titled Labyrinth. John Jones has helped out Clark and Oliver a number of times. We have only seen John Jones in this true form once in the Season 9 episode titled "Absolute Justice".
Although Zatanna is not apart of Oliver Queens Justice League, She has helped out Clark a number of times. Zatanna makes her first appearance in season 8 with the episode titled "Hex". In the Comic book work she is/has been a member of the Justice League.
This is the Justice League.
So far these are the members of the Justice League. Please stay Tuned for more profiles on Supergirl, Dr. Fate, Hawkman, Stargirl and the legion.
Let me know what you think of my first article. Long time reader first time writer :P Thanks to for some of the pictures.