Check out 7 News Network, a local Australian TV channel, where video shows Brandon Routh shooting a scene as Clark Kent in Superman Returns.
There's also more pics from the shooting at Getty Images.
And, a Superhero Hype source wrote in with this eyewitness description of the production: "Hi guys, just got back from a day out in the city and thought i would tell you a bit about the filming of Superman Returns that was going on near Wynyard station.
"I arrived at about 2pm to cordoned off areas that hid yellow cabs and US police cars and dozens of crew members who were working on setting up lighting rigs and cranes. About four blocks were shut down for the shoot. There was a lot of signage around, on buildings and street signs, that were changed to METROPOLIS and Jefferson St etc.
"After heading around the corner, there were dozens more vehicles with extras at the ready, all in left hand drive cars patiently waiting. Of note was a Daily Planet truck, i think whose slogan read 'bringing the news to you daily' or something.
"They also had about 100 extras in business attire waiting for the background action cue.
"After like 2 hours of setting up, with the crew heightening the business of the Krispy Kreme next door, i heard the background action cue and then the action cue over a loudspeaker to see the taxis etc going around the corner to where the filming was commencing. Of note were tens of people standing outside the 'Metropolis Electronics' store windows where a few plasma screeens were showing green screen.
Hopefully someone else got closer and was smart enough to take their cameras, but this might be cool to hear!
"I also heard that they had been shooting earlier, with Superman actually flying through the street, also.
"Also, when waiting for the shoot, one of the extras in a cab smashed into the one behind whilst backing up to his position. Words were exchanged."