Synopsis: Picking up where Superman The Movie left off, three criminals from the planet Krypton are released from the Phantom Zone by a nuclear explosion in space. They descend upon Earth where their formidable power ensures them that they will finally rule. Superman, meanwhile, is in love with Lois Lane, who finds out who he really is. Once the beans are spilled, Supes decides he wants to give up being the man of steel and settle down with Lois. After a discussion on the birds and bees with his holographic Mom--long dead, but somehow interactive for this crucial moment, he accomplishes de-superfication with help from a crystal phone.
Release Date: 1980 - Warner Bros.
Director: Richard Lester
Cast: Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve, Ned Beatty, Jackie Cooper, Sarah Douglas, Margot Kidder, Jack O'Halloran, Valerie Perrine, Susannah York, Clifton James, E.G. Marshall, Marc McClure, Terence Stamp, Leueen Willoughby, Robin Pappas
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