It was recently reported that the production of Thor, will move to New Mexico next month. But it seems before the Marvel crew heads to Mexico, they'll be shooting a beach scene in Del Mar, California. This is according to Del Mar Times:
Superhero Coming To Town
The Marvel comic book hero Thor may soon have some powerful new sidekicks: The Del Mar City Council.
Paramount Pictures will enter into negotiations with Del Mar to film a beach scene for its new movie "Thor," set for release in 2011. Paramount wants to use a 300-yard stretch of Del Mar beach for a scene involving six horses running down the terrain.
"I look forward to seeing our shining sea on the big screen with Thor thundering by on his great steed," Earnest said. "I think that's going to be fun."
According to a city staff report, Paramount says this coastline is ideal because its gradual slope of sand down to the waterline creates excellent reflection opportunities on film.
The city foresees a "very positive" economic impact from the production, but has no basis for negotiating with major motion picture studios. It will work with Paramount to come up with a deal for filming, scheduled preliminarily for April 29. "Thor" will star Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson and Renee Russo. Chris Hemsworth, who played Capt. Kirk in the recently released "Star Trek" film, will play the role of Thor.

Marvel-Freshman: I'm not sure what is up with the horses, but the only thing I can think of that would require a beach scene in Thor, is either Thor's arrival to earth. Or Thor using the ocean for contact with Asgard. What do you think?