Shia LaBeouf starred in the first three Transformers movies and made a name for himself in the process. In recent years, the actor has become a little strange to say the least and he's not shy about sharing his distaste for the franchise. The actor's character - Sam - had vanished by the time Age of Extinction rolled around and LaBeouf has weighed in on why he believes the movies are "irrelevant."
"My hang-up with those films was that they felt irrelevant," he says. "They felt dated as f*ck… You come up on these stories about Easy Rider and Raging Bull and De Niro and Scorsese and Hopper, and you find value in what they do. Meanwhile, you’re chasing energon crystals. It’s very hard to keep doing what you’re doing when you feel like it’s the antithesis of your purpose on this planet."
He makes a fair point, especially as it's hard to imagine any of the CGI heavy Transformers movies standing the test of time and being remembered as classics. Still, do these comments make LaBeouf seem a tad ungrateful? Perhaps, but at least he's done bashing the men who helped make him a star! "Michael [Bay] and Steven [Spielberg] did a lot for me. I’m not going to pooh-pooh those dudes anymore," he added, seemingly putting his beef with the filmmakers at a long overdue end.
What do you think about LaBeouf's remarks? Do you think he's spot on with this assessment of the Transformers franchise or should he be a little more grateful for being made a star? Sound off below.