"Fans should know that I really want to satisfy them by making an even better movie than the first one." Not a scene shown (from the trailor) was a “money shot” from the film.

By jman1977 - Feb 24, 2009 12:02 AM EST

Michael Bay spoke to fans of the Transformes Club last night at Toy Fair in New York.

Rick Alvarez: How did making this film compare to the first? How did the fans reaction to the first film change what you did in the second film?

Michael Bay: The fans are very vocal and we listened. I worked very closely with the writers in order to dive more deeply into the mythology. We really looked for elements that have never been explored and we discovered some story lines that we wanted to elaborate. This is a coming of age story for Sam but we also wanted to delve much deeper into the personalities of the robots. There is much, much more robot interaction in this film. This film has many more personal moments but will also appeal to the hardcore fans as it can be wicked at times.

RA: Special effects software and camera technology have made advancements since the first film. How has this empowered you to further realize your vision for Revenge?

MB: The developments in technology have allowed us to have the robots show emotion. This is a robot movie and this new technology allows us to explore a greater depth of personality from these characters.

RA: No other director has the kind of relationship that you have developed with the US Military. What piece of hardware did you get access to that are you most excited about for this coming film?

MB: It’s like I have a direct line to the Pentagon. This is the first movie where actual F16’s have made a bombing run on a movie set and coordinated with special effects explosions. We were on a working nuclear submarine and working aircraft carrier. The military loved the first movie. It really helped with recruiting and promoting a positive image for them. Now they are happy to do just about anything they can for my films. We also found out that in Afghanistan the Buffalo(s) (Bonecrusher vehicle from the first movie) have all been nicknamed different Transformers characters by their personnel. We also worked with tanks firing real rounds and you have not lived until you have heard an actual tank firing. We have so much access - I am appreciative and excited about all the military vehicles we use.

RA: Filming at the pyramids must have been amazing! What were the greatest challenges you faced?

MB: This is the first time in 30 years that anyone has filmed at the pyramids and the first time ever anyone has filmed from the top of Petra. Steven filmed Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade from the base of Petra. It took 21 very heavy helicopter loads to get all our gear to the top. We had all the access we wanted in Egypt as we found out that the head of Egyptian Antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass is a big Transformers fan and was very helpful. We also filmed in the desert where Lawrence of Arabia was filmed. Very challenging conditions.

RA: We know you love to blow things up in your movies, what is your favorite thing to blow up or demolish?

MB: Well, I don’t have a favorite, as I like to blow up a lot of things. The most expensive thing I’ve blown us was a $50 million dollar house that no one would buy in Bad Boys II.

RA: Is there anything else you would like to tell the fans about this great new movie?

MB: Fans should know that I really want to satisfy them by making an even better movie than the first one. Tonight was just a taste of what is to come. Not a scene shown was a “money shot” from the film. I really want to keep them a secret to give everyone a great surprise this summer. Oh yes, and all the previews you have seen so far, you won’t get a bit of the final story from the trailers. The final movie will be so much more than what you “think” you have seen in the previews.

So far so good it sounds like, cant wait to see this film opening June 24, 2009


Everything Wrong With TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN In 20 Minutes

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ManOfIron - 2/24/2009, 12:46 PM
sweet! As much crap as we give him, he's really enthusiastic about his job! he takes a lot of pride out of his work! I really want this franchise to keep going like 100 movies lol but 3 is the most logical. any more than that would be milking it
JamesH - 2/24/2009, 8:01 PM
I dont care what other people say about him coz i ENJOY his films a lot!
MoonDoggyX - 2/25/2009, 9:05 AM
Whats up with that advertisement covering up part of the interview...?
MarkCassidy - 2/25/2009, 9:41 AM
I loved Transformers but the rest of his movies sucked ass..Transformers was the first movie he seemed capable of getting a decent performance from his cast
MoonDoggyX - 2/25/2009, 10:21 AM
Ur loco. Ror... Badboys 1 and 2, awesome... Armageddon, even better...
MarkCassidy - 2/25/2009, 11:20 AM
Hurm..each to there own Moondoggy, i [frick]ing hated those movies! Particurlarly Armageddon, feckin schmaltzy, woefully acted garbage
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 2/25/2009, 11:49 AM
I have to side with Rorschach01,

Badboys was OK for a "leave your brain at the door and enjoy it" type of movie but it was the actors that pulled that off.

Armageddon however didn't even achieve this bottom rung of the movie ladder! It was as predictable as a straight line and just as much fun to watch! The script was full of over indulgent b*llocks and so cheesy you could grate it onto your toast! It had no redeeming features at all! How it over shadowed Deep Impact is beyond me and that's not that great itself!

I actually had second thoughts about seeing Transformers because of him but I owed it to myself to give this movie a chance. After years of doing to film what Joel Schumacher did for Batman he actually pulled off a really good movie! So I have faith in him when it comes to this franchise but I'll still tread carefully.
dxperry - 2/25/2009, 12:51 PM
I think Bay's movies are all good. Bad Boys 1 & 2, The Rock, Armageddon and especially Tramsformers. Im not saying they're the greatest movies of all time but there definatly worth watching... shit... even buying. You cant expect ever movie to be exactlly what you want. I just hope ROTF is as good as the first transformers was. I really hope its better. The omly thing i didnt like about part 1 was when the robots fought it was hard to see what was going on. Maybe they should try slow motion when the bots ar brawling or somrthing. Other then that I thought I got my money's worth. Hell... I even when and saw it again w/o my lady so she wasnt yappin in my damn ear the whole time. Bottom line, I wish Bay was making the new GI Joe movie. That way I wouldnt be so worried GI Joe is gunna suck.
RaxusPrime - 2/25/2009, 2:37 PM
this is why i think he is the perfect guy for the job, he is enthusiastic about his job. he blew up a 50 mill dollar home in bad boys 2 and it was a great scene to see.

this movie will be excellent i cant wait to see megatron as the tank. the toy figure looks pretty sweet. i have found some pretty good pics that i am tryin 2 figure out how to post on here for everyone to see.
wolverine81 - 2/25/2009, 3:19 PM
2 things today...

1) I friggin loved Transformers, incredible CGI, sweet story, and a great homage to Transformers of old. I am absolutely stoked to see this movie, if the scene with the Constructicon bursting through the bridge with Optimus Prime valiantly trying to stop it was not a money shot then I will say this movie will be beyond fantastic and I will see it in IMAX. :)

2) To appreciate a Michael Bay movie you pretty much have to leave the acting part out of it and just be a fan of cool car chases, massive explosions, and quick camera movement. Its an ACTION movie thats why they are made. If you want some robot fighting asteroid destroying clone chasing action watch a Michael Bay movie.

...Nuff Said
MarkCassidy - 2/25/2009, 4:55 PM
Well i do like all that stuff..but only when its surrounded by decent acting and plot..otherwise whats the point? if explosions and care chases are all you want just type that into youtube! Also, if a director like Paul Greengrass can give me both with the Bourne movies, why would i settle for brainless crap like bay shovels out?
wolverine81 - 2/25/2009, 6:36 PM
Damn a lil harsh there mr. film critic. But sorry to tell ya thats exactly what Bay's films are, a brain dump. After hours of the monotonous back and forth working or whatever it is all good to go brainless for a couple hours. :) So, pull the proverbial bug out ur butt and relax. WoooSaaa
JamesH - 2/26/2009, 6:53 AM
Well at least Michael Bay's movies are waaaaaaay better than Shoot em up and Transporter 3 which basically suits Ror's descriptions better than Bay's films :)
MarkCassidy - 2/26/2009, 7:53 AM
Sorry wolverine81, i just have taste in movies, ill try to lower my standards so i can enjoy the bay drivel will i? schedualed for a lobotomy next week so next stop..Pearl Harbor!

jamesh movies like Shoot em up and transporter are crap too..but they know it! They dont try to put a message in there movies, its just wham bang thank you Statham..Bay actually tries to get a reaction from his audience with schmaltz like Pearl Harbor and Armaggedon, and it comes out worse for him trying
RaxusPrime - 2/26/2009, 8:32 AM
I don't understand y u think the actin of sucks in his movies. I thought they were all pretty good. Bad boys 2 was a great movie. Will smith and martin lawrence tore that up.
MarkCassidy - 2/26/2009, 9:27 AM
Bad boys wernt the worst...i do like Will Smith, Lawrence on the other hand is about as funny as a burning orphanage. Look its all down to personal taste, im sure you wouldnt like alot of the movies i would
wolverine81 - 2/26/2009, 10:55 AM
U r entitled to your opinion Rorschach01 as much as I am. Lets just say we will agree to disagree. Im with ya on Pearl Harbor though it did suck but Kate Beckinsale is and always will be a fox! Now im going back to being :)
Pierce_Highmen - 3/3/2009, 5:29 PM
Rorschach you are out of your mind. Bay has hand his hand in a ton of good movies. Do you forget, The Rock. Come on, that one is nice, and it gave us Vanessa Marcil, damn she is freaking hot. He seems to always find the hot young actress that nobocy knows.

The Bad Boys movies were good, for what they were. Basically a morden day Miami Vice. Bad Boys killed the new Miami Vice, that was a piece of trash.

Pearl Harbor would have been much better, minus Ben Affleck & more Cuba Gooding.

Sure, Armegeddon and The Island were not so good. But you cant hit a homerun everytime.

He also was one of the Producers on the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was as good, if not better then the original. And the Amittyville Horror, which was pretty good.

The guy is an action director, and he doesnt try to hide it. He is not Coppola or Scorsese, and he doesnt try to be. He loves to blow shit up, and have fun. Whats wrong with that? Everyone likes to watch things blowing up. At least you know what your getting from his movies.
WebSlinger22 - 3/5/2009, 10:01 AM
Sounds Pretty Rad...I want to be a transformer-autobot!!! My car is a 2009 Ford Mustang GT500KR and my paintjob matches Bumblebee's....

"Autobots Roll-Out!!!"
supersamus - 3/11/2009, 9:37 PM
thats so awesome i was so happy with the 1st one and the 2nd one sounds even better i hope it is =]
and you guys that are hating on Michael Bay shouldnt even be checking up on what hes got to say!
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