PREACHER: Everyone Dies In The New Promo & Photos For The Series Finale: End Of The World

PREACHER: Everyone Dies In The New Promo & Photos For The Series Finale: "End Of The World"

PREACHER: The Apocalypse Is Nearly Upon Us In The New Promo & Photos For Season 4, Episode 9: Overture
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PREACHER: The Apocalypse Is Nearly Upon Us In The New Promo & Photos For Season 4, Episode 9: "Overture"

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McGee - 5/11/2016, 11:06 AM
My favorite part of the pilot episode is when they screw with his Church announcement sign.

Kman - 5/12/2016, 9:34 AM
Even though I have never read the comic (read up on it)... I feel like some of these are essential to the whole Preacher continuity. Like God being an asshole and the inbred Jesus thing. The books are meant to be depraved, without it I feel like it will be somewhat lacking.
jerryblake - 5/12/2016, 9:51 AM
i read only couple of issue many years ago but i still remember the revelation they made about one of the toughest cops - Paul Bridges. Insane to say at least.

BatesMT - 5/12/2016, 10:09 AM
It seems like this show should be on HBO or Netflix.
PapaEmeritus - 5/12/2016, 10:17 AM
So, do you think that they'll go with the softcore material... thanks Ror, i'm worried now. LOL
Kadara - 5/12/2016, 10:28 AM
I actually never even heard of this: is it like The Dark Tower?
Kman - 5/12/2016, 11:21 AM
@Kadara - from what I understand... not at all. This would be more like The Walking Dead. This is a graphic novel where as, if Im not mistaken, Dark Tower is a traditional novel.
Kadara - 5/12/2016, 11:27 AM
@Kman - Oh I meant the graphic novel of Dark Tower! Zombies eh? Thanks!
Kman - 5/12/2016, 11:32 AM
@Kadara - No zombies... content wise it's nothing like Walking Dead. I mean't Preacher is set up like a comic (aka graphic novel) where Dark Tower is a standard only words novel.

Preacher is basically a preacher becomes fused with an Angel/Demon which grants him abilities and goes off to hold God accountable for his actions. The comic gets pretty depraved. I love the main character casting.
Kadara - 5/12/2016, 11:36 AM
@Kman - Havent read anything good since Dark Tower series but this sounds interesting; I'll check it out!
Kman - 5/12/2016, 11:37 AM
@Kadara - Are you a religious person?
Kadara - 5/12/2016, 11:51 AM
@Kman - I'm open minded lol! Believe it or not, I was raised going to religion schools! Watching Supernatural show where they introduced God as Chuck and noticed Twitter went nuts! So yes and no in short lol!
Kman - 5/12/2016, 11:57 AM
@Kadara - Gotcha. Well, I only ask because the highly religious will, no doubt, be grotesquely offended by Preacher. lol
Kadara - 5/12/2016, 12:02 PM
@Kman - ooh more reason to check it out then lol; thanks man!
keeters - 5/12/2016, 5:45 PM
@Kadara - Dark Tower series is the best book series. I have not read the Game of Thrones books so I can't compare
xinstituto - 5/12/2016, 12:28 PM
following DC fanboys, Marvel actors are bad.
DENNISsystem - 5/13/2016, 9:40 AM
@xinstituto - Found the troll. Jeez man it's like reading where's Waldo when he stands out in the open with his arms a reflective vest
KillerOfSaints - 5/12/2016, 12:40 PM
Finally, "next" article worth clicking!!!!!!!
exies7 - 5/12/2016, 2:36 PM
@KillerOfSaints - right?
Archgoat - 5/12/2016, 2:16 PM
Unfortunately I think asshole God will be toned down. US is the most religious country in the western world, Preacher could flop hard if it mocks Christianity too much.
mauriziogaudino - 5/12/2016, 3:22 PM
That next button is a horrific addition to this site. The only thing worse is josh himself.
lemric - 5/12/2016, 4:03 PM
im fine with the majority of that being left out, but i feel they need to keep god as the prick he was in comics
keeters - 5/12/2016, 5:47 PM
They HAVE to have that scene with God. It's a great scene!

I'm still waitin on casting news for Saint of Killers
leethario - 5/13/2016, 3:52 AM
Christ Garth Ennis has written some seriously fricked up stuff.
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