Executive produced by Matt Nix, with its first two episodes directed by Bryan Singer, the X-Men television drama project which recently cast Stephen Moyer, Amy Acker, Jamie Chung, Blair Redford, Sean Teale and Emma Dumont has unveiled its title. Per X-Men franchise shepherd Lauren Shuler Donner, the show will be titled, Gifted. The series will follow two parents who discover that their children are mutants, forcing them to go on the run, eventually linking up with an underground mutant resistance group.
In addition to Nix, Singer and Donner, Simon Kinberg, Jeph Loeb and Jim Chory are also listed as executive producers. While the cast appears to largely consist of original characters, Polaris and Blink are set to be played by Dumont and Chung. Sentinels have also been confirmed to appear, although they will be depicted "different from what we've seen before," per Donner.
Also, the below photo of the cast at a table read reveals that actor Joseph Morgan, best known for The Originals, has also joined the pilot.