So the wait is over. It's been 5 months since we Nit-Picky Nerds are Nit-Picking this movie ever since the photos and trailers came out. There we're many hate on the movie but me as a softy gave it a chance and after the first trailer came out . Probably because of the past two movies.*Cough* X-Men 3 *Cough* Wolverine. I believe two months after their we're TV spots, Leaked Footage, Spoilers and clips at and my status about this movie leaves me to being skeptical. And a week before I heard a lot of great things from the critics Even Rotten Tomatoes gave it 97% Fresh. But I thought to myself I have to see this for myself and i did or in other words I'm excited yet Skeptical. And now present time here I' am writing this review and right off the bat i have to say this is a great movie, A good movie, Yes. A good Adaptation, eh.... Adaptation wise i find it decent. We are talking about a comic book movie here and adaptation is worth talking about in this part of the review.

The adaptation is decent (like i said). I'm still being Nit-Picky about this movie there we're parts where i go "WTF? WHY?!". But i still understand this is Fox's take but when you give Fox the power you know they'll do a lot of shit as long as they have the $$$$$. Ok so we have the plot. The plot goes back and forth on Prof. X and Magneto's Origin but it mostly focuses on Magneto or should i say Erik Lesherr, he seeks revenge for the death of his parents because of one man, Sebastian Shaw. For years he grew up being an revenge-seeking man. He meanwhile meet a young Professor Xavier that pretty much turned his life around. They became two men discovering they're powers. Moira Mactaggert needed Xavier's help to take down Shaw's plan of Nuclear War. And the plot goes one i promise myself not to spoil anything. The plot really has bad continuity. The continuity is so bad, I'm not even sure if this is a prequel or a reboot. But I' -am mostly begging for this to be a reboot I was screaming at the screen...PLEASE BE A REBOOT! But before i go to something let me just say. Kevin Bacon is such a badass villain. H I don't think he fits that much but he was great I like the fact that they do history-bending storyline to fit in the movie. I find that to be the interesting part of this movie. But what i don't like is the team-roster you are calling it First Class like the comics are. But in this movie it takes a whole different step. We have Havok, Angel Salvadore , Mystique, Banshee, Darwin and Beast. The roster was disappointing though I do like Banshee and Beast being in the roster. Banshee, to others it might be random that he is in there but to me his appearance made sense. if you are a comic reader like me you would know because he is older than the X-Men roster we know (Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey ,Etc.). The rest is pretty much a slap in the face and useless.

This movie still had the flaw of the past movie which i like to name X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE which is randomly putting characters not being in the right movie. Like i said there we're characters that are a slap in a face and Havok is one of them along with Azazel and Riptide. Havok was randomly added in the random roster. The characters here besides Xavier, Magneto, Banshee, Sebastian Shaw, and Beast ended up being very flat characters. Havok is one of those who ended up being flat. And i didn't like him being in the roster. There wasn't one mention that he has a brother which is Cyclops/Scott Summers. I'm sure the studios just want him in there to slap us in the face with it. And why is his energy beams red? isn't it supposed to be blue?! and we have more "slap-in-the face" characters besides Havok we have Azazel. Again if you're a comic book reader like me you would know that he is Nightcrawler's dad. He is pretty randomly added in this movie like i said he is pretty much a slap in the face. going back to the roster in that case this shouldn't be called First Class i would be something like X-Men: Genesis....BUT NO!!!! FOX HAS TO DO SOMETHING TO PISS OFF THE FANS! Riptide is very useless in this movie. In fact he barely even said one line one line in this movie. All of the useless characters here, seeing them in action is a plus but they have to do something more than that, like oh! I don't know.......ACT! The Hellfire Club lineup is pretty bad and inaccurate to say for the sake of being an adaptation. The Hellfire Club was badly adapted to film. Emma Frost played by January Jones. Her acting feels wooden and she ended up being a flat actress in this movie.
Mystique on the other hand is taken differently the writers pretty much chose her to be a sister figure to Xavier (If you seen the trailers where Xavier meets little Mystique.....Yeah i got bad news for you FANTARD...). Jennifer Lawrence has a big show o fill to pull off the Rebecca Romjin Performance to be a worthy Mystique. But she was still great but her performance doesn't scream Mystique to my ears. And we go back to the lead characters and Magneto is worth talking about, in the ending where he did that speech. If you saw that clip online where he said "I have been at the mercy of man following orders, never again" there we're still more that he said before he did that. And him making that speech screams Magneto. When he shouted at that scene "MY FELLOW MUTANTS!" i was like "MAGNETO! HOLY SHIT!!!" that speech was like torn away from the comics and pasted it in the script. Mr. Fassbender delivers well and yet i would like to see him more in movies. And when he was debating with Charles he'll be like "Charles you are so naive!" it is like someone took an issue of the comic, copied that speech and writes it down in the script. Xavier on the other hand played by James McAvoy (that guy from Wanted) is the definitive choice for a young Xavier. I was very skeptic of the casting choice for him but i couldn't think of anyone else anyway. But he pulled it off. It is not the Patrick Stewart but C'mon! we're talking about a young Xavier for Christ sake! He was a great Prof.X who knew he could pull off a performance like that. Whenever him and Erik are together it is like Yin and Yang and they both pulled off great performances. There was one element i fear. Having this young cast you know there will be comedy. The comedy wasn't bad. I laughed a few times. In fact it doesn't feel force. There was a cameo here for the sake of having comedy. There was a cameo in this movie where i LMAO. The action is worth talking about because hey....It's a superhero movie! The action is superhero movie worthy. I enjoyed it and i almost got Goosebumps. The CG is bad at some point when it comes to Mystique but some aren't. CG Beast is pretty good. They would've done that in X3 so that the actor would stop whining that he can’t breathe in the makeup. Matthew Vaughn Directed this movie and Bryan Singer, The guy who directed the first two of together are a great team. Despite all of my complaints i have to be honest with my rating. But overall it was great, It is as good as X2, Definetly better than the last two. It was still a pretty good solid film. OH! And BTW don't stay at the after credits.... There is nothing for you...