JUSTICE LEAGUE Director Zack Snyder To Make Comic Book Adaptation Return With 300 Prequel TV Series

JUSTICE LEAGUE Director Zack Snyder To Make Comic Book Adaptation Return With 300 Prequel TV Series

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ManofSteel23 - 12/3/2013, 12:29 PM
forgot about this,just seem to pop up now and then
giannis - 12/3/2013, 12:38 PM
excited photo: Chun-Li Excited.gif

excited photo:  yessfistpump.gif

patrat18 - 12/3/2013, 12:46 PM
This looks like it's going to be a more visuals and less story kind of movie.
SimyJo - 12/3/2013, 12:57 PM
Whats a Gallic woman doing in Ancient Greece?. I'm sorry but Eva is one of those beautiful French women who clearly looks VERY specifically Gallic/European. This is just dumb lazy casting.
ShadowlordSavage - 12/3/2013, 1:10 PM
@Simyjo, She playing a persian, not a greek. also NONE of the cast is greek.

ShadowlordSavage - 12/3/2013, 1:11 PM
@Simyjo, She playing a persian, not a greek, also NONE of the cast is greek.

SimyJo - 12/3/2013, 1:20 PM
She's playing a Persian.....FFS, thats even worse.
The film could at least TRY to have some kind of historical accuracy. They don't need to BE of Mediterranian or Middle-Eastern decent - but they need to PASS for it on screen.

jazzman - 12/3/2013, 1:20 PM

u have said one of the most stupid comment. none of the actors in the first 300 and this sequel are even greek
SimyJo - 12/3/2013, 1:23 PM
jazzman - 12/3/2013, 1:24 PM

u do realise no movie are historical accuracte
SimyJo - 12/3/2013, 1:27 PM
@Jazzman - not as stupid as this film is going to appear to anyone outside of this dumbass production.
jazzman - 12/3/2013, 1:30 PM

u do realise the first 300 cast had no greek and persian actors at all.
SimyJo - 12/3/2013, 1:47 PM
@Jazzman - I point to the above example of Alexander at least 'trying' to fit historically.
No jarring ethnic incompatibilities - its not racist, Its not too much to expect from casting agents.
Whomever the hell did the casting on this should be ridiculed (and probably will be in the industry).
Xerxes in the first film (Rodrigo Santoro & a Brazilian: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0763928/?ref_=tt_cl_t10)- PASSED for Mesopotanian (even though the actor wasn't - through make-up etc.
Eva looks in no way possible at all like a Persian army captain, its just idiotic casting.
The casting in 300 was do-able- just. There werent any jarring examples that were completely unbelievable. This 'sequel' is just embarrassing. If you can overlook the embarassing mis-casting of real-world historical examples of a Gallic woman as a Mesopotanian, or an aboriginal as a Nazi World War II tank commander or an African as a 12th Century Viking Warrior when watching a film then all-power-to-ya brother - personally I think its as dumb as hell and lazy casting.
superman7 - 12/3/2013, 4:01 PM
Uhmmm Dude. Artemisia was white-ish. At most middle eastern, but that's practically Caucasian. She was the queen of a place within the persian empire, yes, but she was not persian. She lived in, what was essentially a greek colony, up until this point. There was little constant contact with the far east. Later the area becomes much more eastern, but at this time Caria is more european than middle-eastern.

Dont throw a racism accusation unless you know what you're talking about.
superman7 - 12/3/2013, 4:04 PM
And I dont know if you saw the first movie but this isnt supposed to be historically accurate. Its meant to be portrayed as the thoughts people are having as this story is told. That's why the immortals were monsters who kept other massive killing machines on chains.

And your definition of historical accuracy needs to be examined too, bc the stories that these are based off of are Herodotus. And as great as he is to read, no one ever accused him of being completely historically accurate... like when he talks about the flying snakes that come from the east.
superman7 - 12/3/2013, 4:06 PM
The greeks of 480 BCE would have been much more caucasian in ethnographic appearance. Their skin pigment, ect changed ALOT after the Turkish invasion over 1000 years later
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