In addition to the 1972 series and its spinoff,
Kikaider-01, an anime of the series followed in 2001 along with a 4-episode OVA from Sony Animation. The film will open in Japan on May 24.
The film takes place in a futuristic setting, where Japan has replaced most of its workforce with androids and robots. When the brilliant robot engineer Dr. Nobuhiko Kōmyōji dies, his rivals steal his designs and begin a plan for world conquest using the might of his robotic creations. Ten Shimoyama directs the film which stars Jingi Irie, Ryūji Harada, Aimi Satsukawa and Maryjun Takahashi. Here's a trailer for the 2001 anime series which younger fans will probably be more familiar with than the '72 tokusatsu live-action show. It aired on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in the early 200s.