For decades, fans of Pokèmon, the monster trading card and hugely popular video game, and fans of Lego, the plastic building block set, have wished the two would come together to create Pickachu, Charizard, Pokeballs, Gyms, and more. Now, it is finally happening.
After the news was leaked, Lego and Pokèmon decided to get ahead of it and make the official announcement that the two massive companies will be collaborating starting in 2026.
Mattel had a partnership with Pokèmon for years through their Mattel Mega line of toys that did have Lego compatible parts, but they never received the popularity the mainline Lego collections have seen. There’s been no word on what will happen to Mattel’s line of Pokèkon themed bricks, but assuming they may no longer be making them would be a fair assumption. If you’re interested in Mattel’s Pokèmon line, you should probably get your hands on them soon.
There’s also no word yet on what sets will be included in this new partnership yet, but another fair assumption would be that Lego would take Pokèmon’s more popular characters and turn them into sets ranging from small to huge. We’ll likely see sets for smaller Pokèmon like Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and the other starters, made at a scale similar to Lego’s R2D2 set 75379. We’ll likely see these same creatures turned into minifigures for large scale sets that take inspiration from locations in the game like Gyms, the championship arenas, roads and forests with the tall grass that hide Pokèmon and more. It’s likely that we’ll see much larger display sets akin to the Lego T. Rex 76968 which has over three thousand pieces. Pokèmo like Gyarados, Entei, Rayquza, and more could fit the display model style of sets.
Large scale Pokèmon models have been in such high demand that custom builders like BrickerBuilds purchase official Lego pieces, create builds for Pokèmon, then sell the pieces along with the instructions. The sets are unique and well built, but they come with a hefty price tag. The standard for Lego sets is ten cents per piece (although anything Disney like Marvel and Star Wars are usually pricier whereas Harry Potter sets are cheaper), but these custom sets go well above the standard. Their Evee set, which they call Eon for obvious copyright and trademark reasons, is 1,907 pieces and is $549.99 as of this writing. Their Pikachu set, which they call Electric Mouse Life-Size Sculpture, is 2,569 pieces and is priced at $649.99. Their Bulbasaur, which they call Petal Pal Life-Size Sculpture, is over 4,400 pieces and is $1,199.99.Clearly, people are buying these sets even with the huge price tag attached to them, so their is an obvious demand for Lego and Pokèmon to get into this market themselves.

The news of the partnership between Pokèmon and Lego comes after Lego recently announced they will be releasing a model set of the Nintendo Gameboy. There aren’t a lot of details regarding this set either, other than a release date of October 2025. This is bound to be a popular set!
Lego is the most prolific maker of buildable superhero toys with small, medium, large, and massive sets. The Avengers Tower, Endgame's final battle, the Batcave, Gotham City, the Daily Bugle, and many more have all been turned into Lego sets with incredible popularity. For decades, Lego has been bringing superheroes and more to life with their sets. Lego saw a huge surge in popularity during COVID-19 and it shows no signs of slowing down.
What do you think of the new partnership between Lego and Pokèmon? What kinds of sets are you looking forward to from them? Let us know in the comments!