ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future
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ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future

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Indoorsman - 7/6/2018, 11:49 AM
Ghost was a highlight. Cool effect and interesting character.
RocknRolla - 7/6/2018, 12:27 PM
@Indoorsman - totally agree. These didn't works are nitpicky
MarkV - 7/6/2018, 1:35 PM
@Indoorsman - horribly over acted. Cringy
PBIRD - 7/6/2018, 3:34 PM
the DIDN'T WORK is lame AF. This movie is doper than dope! I was soooooooo happy with it! Ghost is amazing, Janet, is spectacular! The humor is great, the mid-credit scene was jaw-dropping, Hope is a bad ass, Bill Foster was a good addition, Burch was antagonizing, the school scene was hilarious!

i honestly dont know what i didn't like about it.
demery - 7/6/2018, 3:49 PM
@PBIRD - This flick surprised me. This was the definition of fun and a WHOLE lot better than the first film!
soberchimera - 7/6/2018, 11:50 AM
"That's not a terrible place to be considering the fact the studio has never released a bad movie."

Were you born in a parallel universe where The Dark World and Iron Man 2 don't exist?
Pantherpool - 7/6/2018, 11:56 AM
@soberchimera - Neither of these films is considered objectively bad though. Plus this article is clearly based on Josh's own opinion, since I can't see that many people agreeing with the "didn't work" stuff he listed.
CyberBishop - 7/6/2018, 11:55 AM
Ok, the end credit scene is more than just the ant playing the drums, when it begins there is a TV with the emergency broadcast signal on, signifying the snap has decimated millions of people. The ant was in it just to lighten the tone.
Vigor - 7/6/2018, 12:21 PM
@CyberBishop - thank you
ArkhamClown - 7/6/2018, 4:41 PM
@CyberBishop -
HeavyMetal4Life - 7/6/2018, 5:59 PM
@CyberBishop - you are smart! Yeah I have no idea what these complaints about the final scene are. The guy next to me went "oh shit" when the broadcast displayed on the tv.
MyBeard - 7/6/2018, 6:39 PM
@HeavyMetal4Life - @CyberBishop - @Vigor - I loved the movie but that end credit scene was a let down. I guess they wanted to end on a lighter note given the mid credits scene, but it didn't work for me.

I thought that the ant on the drums was lame when I first saw it in the trailer, and found myself hoping it was only part of the marketing and not in the movie. Then it showed up on the cam footage, which worked a bit because it was supposed to be mimicking how Scott spent his time. Once more was going to the well too many times for what was a shallow sight gag to begin with. The most interesting part of it was that the shot of the emergency screen was a distorted view that I guess was meant to be ant eye vision.

As good as the rest of the movie was, the last shot we are left with ought to have been better.
JstaKIDfrmBKLYN - 7/6/2018, 11:57 AM
Loved the movie. I really liked Wasp's costume but I kinda wish it was a little brighter. Something like this...

JstaKIDfrmBKLYN - 7/6/2018, 11:57 AM
@CapstheMFingMan - Except w a silver helmet.
ThouBear8 - 7/7/2018, 11:03 AM
@CapstheMFingMan - I see someone else here has been on The Ringer. I agree tho, wouldn't have minded just a little more brightness from the wasp costume. I love the design tho
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