6 Characters Most Likely To Be Killed By Thanos In AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR

6 Characters Most Likely To Be Killed By Thanos In AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR

There are almost certainly going to be some casualties in Avengers: Infinity War, but which of Earth's Mightiest Heroes stand the greatest chance of meeting their maker at the hands of Thanos, the Mad Titan?

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Oct 16, 2016 09:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Avengers: Infinity War

As of right now, we really don't know that much about what to expect from Avengers: Infinity War. Had the currently untitled fourth instalment still been Infinity War - Part II, we could have at least assumed that it would slowly tell the story of Thanos' arrival on Earth, but for all we now know, the Mad Titan could be dealt with by the time the credits roll for a new threat to emerge and take on the heroes.

We'll have to wait and see, but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that someone is going to die in this movie. After all, there's no way that every hero can emerged unscathed after battling an Infinity Gauntlet wielding Thanos! That just wouldn't make sense, and after nobody died in Captain America: Civil War, it's actually about time that Marvel ups the stakes and bids farewell to a true fan-favourite. 

Who is most likely to die and how exactly should their story be brought to an end? What you'll find here is a look at the six characters most likely to end up meeting their maker in Infinity War...

6. Scarlet Witch

While there's a very good chance than Thanos will tear the Infinity Stone straight from The Vision's head in Avengers: Infinity War, I still find it hard to believe that Marvel will kill the android off so soon after introducing him. A i potentially more interesting twist would be to instead have Thanos absorb the energy from the Scarlet Witch's body, thereby creating a new stone in the process. Of course, she wouldn't necessarily have to die (just lose her powers) if that happens, but it would be far more shocking if she were to protect The Vision and be killed as a result.

It's fair to say that this is something the vast majority wouldn't see coming, and while Wanda would be a massive loss - especially as one of the few female characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - the fact that her powers are so closely linked to the Infinity Gauntlet could lead to some sort of resurrection. Ultimately, it's the shock factor which goes in this selection's favour because The Vision's demise is something we've all thought of as inevitable since he was introduced. 

5. Star-Lord

Man, I really don't want Star-Lord to die, but there's precedent for it in the comic books, so I can definitely see the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy falling in battle here. In the source material, he and Nova actually sacrificed themselves to kill Thanos, with it later being revealed that all three managed to survive. Peter Quill doing something similar in Avengers: Infinity War to bring an end to the Mad Titan's reign of terror would be a great hero moment and a scene arguably vastly more interesting than if one of the usual suspects like Iron Man or Thor are responsible for taking the villain down.

The hunt to bring back Star-Lord could then make for the focus of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, because let's face it, there's no way a character like this would stay dead for long. Still, the team would be left with an interesting new dynamic without their leader around even if it is just for half a movie or so. Throw in the fact that Peter saving the day would cement the Guardians as the galaxy's biggest heroes, and I can see this happening.

4. Heimdall

Earlier this week, I saw a pretty interesting fan theory that Heimdall may somehow be the Soul Stone. Given his unique abilities (which are obviously unlike any other Asgardian) and those glowing eyes, I think that's certainly possible, and there has been some talk of Idris Elba's stint in the Marvel Cinematic Universe coming to an end for a while now. I previously imagined Thanos coming to Asgard for the Infinity Gauntlet, but him actually targeting Heimdall makes sense, especially if it's been left unprotected in Thor's absense.

If this leads to The Avengers battling The Mad Titan on Asgard, then that would be downright awesome, though I wouldn't be too shocked if Heimdall's demise is actually used as a way of kicking off the events of Avengers: Infinity War. It would be a great shame to say goodbye to Elba, but he really doesn't seem that pleased with how Marvel has used him and may have a franchise of his own anyway - which he deserves - in the form of the upcoming big screen adaptation of Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. 


3. Captain America

I really don't want to have to say goodbye to Chris Evans' Steve Rogers, but with the actor's contract nearing an end and him having previously talked about an interest in directing, I do think that his tenure as Captain America could be close to wrapping up. If so, where better to have him fall in battle than Avengers: Infinity War? We all expected Cap to go down in Civil War earlier this year, but why kill him there when he can be the last line of defence against Thanos here?

The movie ending with Steve getting back the shield from Tony only for it to shatter when he faces Thanos (something which again hails from the comic books) would make for an epic piece of imagery, and the villain then killing the star spangled hero before retreating to regather his forces ahead of the next Avengers movie would leave us on one hell of a cliffhanger. It also robs The Avengers of their leader but gives them an even greater motivation for fighting. Steve could be brought back via the reality altering Infinity Gauntlet, but I think it's time for Bucky to step up.


2. Loki

Loki failed Thanos in The Avengers, so while the Mad Titan would no doubt like to get his hands on the team who destroyed is Chitauri army, he's probably far more interested in exacting revenge on the God of Mischief. That's something which could take many forms, but seeing as Loki cost the villain one of his Infinity Stones and failed to deliver the Tesseract, things aren't looking good for Thor's brother either way. I mentioned Thanos coming to Asgard for Heimdall, but the Cosmic Cube is obviously also there, so that alone almost guarantees some sort of confrontation with Loki.

How do I see him dying? Well, while Thanos killing him in cold blood with little effort would certainly go a long way in establishing him as a very frightening and credible threat, I think it would be much better to see Loki go out as a hero of sort as he did in the pages of Siege. The character could return in a new form somewhere down the line if the movies follow the comics, but Tom Hiddleston deserves to let his version go out in style and in a very big way. 


1. The Vision

I mentioned The Vision at the start of this post, and while his death would definitely be a tad predictable, I can't help but feel that it's the route Marvel will have to go down (hence why the android takes the top spot here). Assuming that the Infinity Stones aren't all destroyed when all is said and done, The Vision could be brought back somewhere down the line, but with Thanos set to gather each of them, him coming after Earth's Mightiest Heroes and effortlessly removing the one which gives the hero his life and powers is something which is going to have to happen.

It could in fact be this which brings Thanos into conflict with the team; as of right now, while he's probably keen on exacting some revenge for what happened in The Avengers, he's probably more interested in getting the stones, so a sudden appearance at the compound where Thanos just takes this from them and kills one of the team in the process would really help to kick this conflict. Here's hoping that if nothing else, the Russos find a way to surprise with The Vision's demise. 

Which of these characters do you think is most likely going to die in Avengers: Infinity War? Have we missed any other worthy candidates? As always, share your thoughts in the usual place. 

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NightBoyWonder - 10/16/2016, 9:07 AM
Tom Holland interview about Spidey and talks about future films "it's up in the air"

But more than likely he'll be back of course

RancidBane - 10/16/2016, 9:08 AM
Why is Hawkeye absent from this list. He is the one that will be killed as well as possibly Cap
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