The comic book movie future continues to grow brighter thanks to Marvel.
Over at AICN there's an inside scoop that reveals a Hulk and Iron Man moment on screen in the upcoming movie "The Incredible Hulk".
The scene that was shot involves General Thunderbolt metting with Tony Stark thus giving us a tease for The Avengers.
"Iron Man" is set to feature a Nick Fury cameo so Marvel is indeed tying their universes together on the big screen.
Over at MTV Favreau said he's ready to take on Avengers should he get the chance.
"Bring ‘em on, says “Iron Man” director Jon Favreau, who, not only thinks that “The Avengers” is “a great idea,” but even told MTV News that he might like to direct it."
We can look forward to seeing "Iron Man" in May and "The Incredible Hulk" in June.