Ok, we have all seen the pictures of the apparent "Lazarus pit" in TDKR. But, many people seem to be pushing it aside. Yet, I do feel as if I need to point a few things out.
C'mon guys, Nolan's universe isn't as realistic as he want's it to be. Why would Nolan OFFICIALY(key word) cast a young Ra's without casting Talia? Well, because Ra's used the Lazarus pit, which made him appear younger. It would make sence, unless your one of those skeptics who believe Talia is truely being played by Marion Cottilard.
Yet on another note, the Lazarus pit is a little more unrealistic than the most unrealistic things in the Nolan verse. May be go back to the official announcement from Warner Bros. regarding Marion Cottilard. It states that Marion would "APPEAR as" Miranda Tate. Which does not mean she "WILL play". Keep in mind Ra's was also listed under an alternative name. Which would make sense, considering Ra's said they had fully infiltrated Gotham.
To be honest I would like the Lazarus pit to stay out of the Nolan verse. Simply because the Nolan verse is possible, and the Lazarus pit is not. So even though some of the things in Nolan's films aren't common today, they are all very possible. Especially since the government hides many of our modern advancements.
So is this a cover-up, or is Nolan taking a big leap? Well, a pictures worth a thousand words. So we will just have to see. However, I would like to know what you all have to say.
Thanks, and please comment.