Nothing too exciting here, just some information on the filming time-frame. Batman On Film claim to have the following come from a very reliable source..
* The shoot in India is a short one.
* Filming in Pittsburgh is only going to last about 3 weeks.
* Back overseas for a shoot in the UK and then probably headed to NYC.
* Most of the filming looks to be taking place in LA -- studio/soundstage work he assumes.
Also, another longtime FOBOF ("Friend of Batman on Film") tells me that the film's official synopsis could be coming soon. And since so many of you have asked via email, I have heard nothing about a viral campaign for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Of course, that doesn't mean there will not be one.
The last part about the synopsis corresponds with some info I have received without being able to second source. Apparently it won't only be the synopsis we will be getting, but maybe even some official pictures by the end of next month(Catwoman is said to be the movies' main marketing focus) Just what I hear, remains to be seen what comes of any of this.