-I am almost 100% convinced that Marion Cotillard will be playing Talia Al Ghul. Why else would a young Ra's (and his wife possibly) be cast in the movie? I do NOT think that Ra's will return via Lazarus Pit. Nolan ain't gonna do that. He's basing these Batman movies in a realistic way, hence why there's no Mr. Freeze, Clayface, Poison Ivy, etc. . So I would like to see Talia revealed as the villain in either the 2nd or 3rd act of the film.

-I don't want Catwoman to have a major part. Obviously she will be an important part to the plot but I'd rather see stuff with Bane, Gordon and Blake (who is NOT the Joker. just puttin that out there.) If someone else was cast as Catwoman, I might feel differently. But Hathaway is not a good actress. I'm still baffled as to why Nolan cast her (of course it's not as bad as Amy Adams as Lois Lane. epic fail.). Anyway, if they made her Falcone's daughter, I would be very pleased. And if Blake was like Alberto Falcone "in disguise" or whatever, that'd be cool too.
-I want to see Bane KICK BUTT!!!!!!!!!! Like go crazy through an army of dudes. And break the bat.
-I wanna see Scarecrow come back.
-I wanna see a major character die.
-I at least want to see SOME kind of reference to the Joker. Even if it's just his laugh in Arkham. Something.
-I think it would be cool if at the end of the film, a 4th (please bare with me) villain was revealed as the leader of the mob and kills Catwoman or Blake. I'd suggest:
-Rupert Thorne (Robert De Niro)
-Black Mask (William Fichtner)
-Hush (Leonardo Dicaprio)
or Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart)
or, another crazy idea, what if Black Mask was operating behind the scenes, and near the end, he removes his mask and is.....Two-Face. I would literally crap my pants if that happened.
Anyway, these are just my musings. You know what to do below.