Those living around or near the St Johns Street area in London might want to grab their cameras and get down there asap. Word is that there will be some type of action sequence shooting today. This report comes from
Security has told me if we want to see something we should come after 2 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday). They said we would most likely see something. I reckon the big action sequence will be tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon.
Chris Nolan came out on Monday at 2 p.m. to sign autographs. Also, Diego Klattenhoff was sighted today (Tuesday) wearing a blue Gotham Police Department uniform. This is 100% confirmed by crew on his way to lunch.
And the skuttlebut in Twitterland(in other words, not confirmed!)is that Joseph Gordon Levitt was also seen exiting St. Johns Street set via BMW. Kalttenhoff is a Canadian actor, probably best known to CBMers for appearances in
Smallville and
Supernatural. He was rumored to be a part of the movie and this would seem to confirm it. Apparently he is playing a "rookie cop".
UPDATE: Some more details of JGL's sighting on set from
Gordon-Levitt pulled up to the set, presumably for costume fitting, as he left approx. one hour later in his Gotham PD uniform, clearly visible through the car window. Alas, the security would probably have smashed my camera into a thousand pieces if I had whipped it out. He is playing John Blake, a "Gotham City beat cop assigned to special duty under the command of Commissioner Gordon." Sadly, Gary Oldman wasn't spotted while we were there.
Interestingly, two black cabs left the building with black cloth taped to the windows. Maybe Batman can't fit into a BMW comfortably in costume? Nolan was one of the last to leave in the evening, barely visible through the tinted windows. His wife and longterm producer Emma Thomas wasn't as shy, happily walking down St John's Street on foot. We would've said hi, but she was on the phone.
There 's more too. Christopher Nolan and co may be off to Croydon next! A report from states that a building in the area has been scheduled for demolition..
One of Croydon’s landmark buildings is facing a Hollywood-style destruction as caped crusader Batman swings into town for his latest multimillion-dollar movie.
..But the action has since moved to Croydon, with Delta Point near West Croydon station marked for a computerised demolition as part of the new movie.
There is a lot of news and(as yet pretty unrevealing) set pics pouring in for this hugely anticipated movie. Shouldn't be too long before we catch a glimpse of one of the main cast members.