If you're new to "Movie Fights", all arguments are scored based on passion, creativity and points and judged by the shows host Andy Signore (ScreenJunkies). This episode features guests Kevin Smith (Jay and Silent Bob), Dan Murrell (ScreenJunkies) , and Mike Carlson (Actor). With fact checker Alicia Malone and Ben Goddard on the fan cam.
Today's fights are....
0:04:04 - Best Harrison Ford Movie?
0:22:51 - Pitch us the ultimate DC vs Marvel Movie, and who would win?
0:35:01 - Pitch The Next Solo Batman Movie.
0:48:04 - Greatest Director who is also an Actor?
0:59:59 - Pitch us the next ultimate Marvel Movie Villain?
1:15:15 - Best Star Wars Prequel?
1:29:46 - SPEED ROUND
Let Them Fight!
(There May Be Some Bad Language)