Why The Great Marvel/DC Divide Is Completely Unnecessary In The Golden Age Of CBM's!

Why The Great Marvel/DC Divide Is Completely Unnecessary In The Golden Age Of CBM's!

With two epic comic book movies in the form of The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises next year, the divide between Marvel and DC fanboys seems to be getting worse and worse? But, why? Here's my take on why we should ALL unite...

Editorial Opinion
By JoshWilding - Aug 24, 2011 02:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

There's always been a healthy rivalry between the Marvel and DC fanboys. Regardless of whether it's arguments over which characters are better or more powerful, or disputes over who produces the better comic books, it's a feud which is unlikely to end anytime soon. However, it seems that the upcoming release of The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises has really stirred up this age old battle. It's understandable that fans will have a favorite company, and while most are seemingly happy to enjoy both, there does seem to be a hardcore group who are either ALL Marvel or ALL DC. And it's the release of the two huge movies from the rival companies which has the two sides at each others throats like never before.

Why?! Does it really matter which of them ends up being the best? Can we not enjoy both regardless of which universe the characters belong to? Apparently not. It seems that some people are just too fanatical about either Marvel or DC to allow themselves to look forward to the movies from the side they care less about. Recently, I've seen The Avengers called "kids stuff" compared to The Dark Knight Rises. Christopher Nolan has been called a "hack" (among other things) whose Batman movies "suck". Wait, what? Neither of these statements make any real sense, and while it is of course understandable that the latter's work hasn't been to everyone's liking, it's these random and childish insults that Marvel and DC fanboys seem happy to keep spewing out.

Petty and inflammatory insults aside, I'm again forced to ask why it is we all can't just get along. Now, there's no doubting the fact that I'm a Marvel fanboy. I happen to think that they have so far produced the better movies (forgetting Nolan's work, do either Superman Returns or Green Lantern match up to the likes of Iron Man and THOR?) and enjoy most of their comic books quite a bit more. And on that note, I also happen to think their characters are better too...yes, I'm sounding exactly like the people I'm criticizing, right? Wrong.

Despite my bias, there are plenty of DC comics I happen to find better than what Marvel produce. And even those that don't, I still enjoy. The same goes for the movies. I'm looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises just as much as The Amazing Spider-Man, regardless of the fact that he's been my favorite comic book character for as long as I can remember. There's room in my fanboy mind for all of these characters to coexist. Even if I wasn't a huge fan of Geoff Johns' 'Green Lantern', I'd still be upset over the fact the movie failed at the box office, because at the end of the day, it's failure effects the chances of us ever seeing characters like the Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman making their way to the big screen. And even if you couldn't give a damn about any of them, there's no way you won't be there on opening day to see yet another superhero come to life.

2011 saw the release of four BIG superhero movies. We're lucky enough to be living in the golden age of CBM's! As I've said, we all have our favorites, but that's no reason to want to see the failure of the characters you don't particularly care for. Not a fan of Superman? Who cares! Instead of bitching about it, why not just go and check out what's sure to be at least a fun movie? Think The Avengers are lame compared to the brooding Caped Crusader? That's nice, but it doesn't mean you can't get a buzz out of seeing them assemble come 2012. It's time to give the rivalry a rest, and be grateful that we're getting to see both Marvel and DC up on the big screen. When they're bad, feel free to complain, but damning something before it's even released simply because you like one comic book publisher more than the other? That's just stupid.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with a little healthy debate, so feel free to share your thoughts with the following poll as well as in the usual place!

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bleedthefreak - 8/24/2011, 2:42 PM
[frick] them all! TEAM SOAL!
bleedthefreak - 8/24/2011, 2:43 PM
No but seriously, I'm cool with both, but make mine Marvel...mostly ;)
kookevin3 - 8/24/2011, 2:45 PM
I'm defiantly marvel, but that doesn't mean I hate DC by any means. I welcome any CBM.
BooYah - 8/24/2011, 2:45 PM
I like Marvel better but I don't hate DC.
HelaGood - 8/24/2011, 2:46 PM
born and raised Marvel, but i love some of DC's stuff too.

ThomasRochester - 8/24/2011, 2:47 PM
I agree 100% man. Im more of a Marvel fanboy, but when a CBM comes out I turn into a little kid waiting to see it because I've more than likely read or know about that character's comic book counterpart.
Berger45 - 8/24/2011, 2:47 PM
I am "neutral" but I have a bias towards DC I must admit. Thor was not better than Green Lantern.
ComicalDisaster - 8/24/2011, 2:47 PM
Only care about MARVEL but I do enjoy Nolans Batman films, they definatly don't suck.
dahamma - 8/24/2011, 2:47 PM
Ima Marvel, But i really enjoy DC's characters. Particularly Bats And Supes, I think their Animation is miles better than marvels. So are a few of their games, Arkham Asylum the best super hero game ever.
BooYah - 8/24/2011, 2:48 PM
Watchmen and the 2 Batmans are the only DC movies I like.
Hopefully Man Of Steel is good and TDKR will probably be good.
But Avengers has me the most excited.
CaptainTall - 8/24/2011, 2:49 PM
Mine is DC. I'm currently enjoying more DC books than Marvel (Although the new Venom series is one of the greatest things I've ever read comic-bookwise), and I do like both companies, but I'm definitely a DC fanboy and there's a DC biased slant when it comes to me.
logunvadercap - 8/24/2011, 2:49 PM
i don't mind you dc sissy fanboys as long as you know dc licks donkey balls good we all agree. carry on.
dahamma - 8/24/2011, 2:49 PM
and like someone mentioned here, I heard the reviews for GL before the movie saying it was all bad, and when I saw it , yes it was very bad, but that dind't stop me from going to see. My point being, that I support any CBM character on screen anyway, because its my fav genre
BlazinTexan - 8/24/2011, 2:50 PM
I love both! this is gonna be one big argument of a talkback ....haters gonna hate
HelaGood - 8/24/2011, 2:53 PM
@Gusto that makes no sense at all
Berger45 - 8/24/2011, 2:54 PM
I wish the best for every comicbook company because I enjoy both sides. Everyside has some great characters, and I wanna see them all made live!
JackDexx - 8/24/2011, 2:54 PM
they are both great but DC plays second fiddle to marvel.
The Avengers will come out on top next year.
but on the off chance it does we will never hear the end of it from nolanites.
The Avengers is doing something never been done before. they are risking a lot.
TDKR is playing it safe-er, well they are still getting a lot of hate, but it will defiantly not be as well received as its predecessor. the over hyping is dooming expectations to be to high from something that has never produced a film up to the legends.
JoshWilding - 8/24/2011, 2:55 PM
I have only this to add. :)

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BigDawgg - 8/24/2011, 2:56 PM
I'm a Marvel fanboy, but my favorite superhero's Batman. So as long as it's a comicbook movie, [frick] it, I'm down.
bleedthefreak - 8/24/2011, 2:57 PM
@Gusto [frick] you old man, and your damned secret ingredient. We all know what it really is.

PaulRom - 8/24/2011, 2:57 PM
Excellent write up mate, agreed whole heartedly.
I myself am more of a Marvel fan than DC. I prefer their movies and characters, but DC has put out excellent comics (mostly with storylines like Death Of Superman, Batman KnightFall, Year One, and so on) that are even better than some of what Marvel puts out. I'm looking forward to TDKR just as much as The Avengers and much more so than Amazing Spider-Man, and Man Of Steel's probably my most anticipated film of 2013.
On the actual debates between the two sides, it seems like some people (not naming anyone) are either biased against Marvel or DC (mostly DC), saying that anything the company puts out is shit, every character is shit, and so on. Doesn't really make sense, especially since the company you're rooting for does the exact same thing(s) you're criticizing the other company for. Doesn't add up.
TheShakeBake - 8/24/2011, 2:57 PM
ummmmmmm Make Mine Marvel... lol but yes i enjoy watching ALL superhero flicks regardless of company
naterator - 8/24/2011, 2:58 PM
I have generally fallen on the DC side of things BUT i have enjoyed movies from both sides. with the selection we are being spoiled with right now....i have to see them all....but if i have to choose between DC or Marvel for favorites...make mine DC.

DC vs Marvel

PaulRom - 8/24/2011, 2:58 PM
What the hell happened to my comment? It's all to the right side of the screen when the others are in the middle. O_o
JDUKE25 - 8/24/2011, 2:59 PM
incrediblesuperbatspider - 8/24/2011, 2:59 PM
The fanboy whining has intensified in the last few weeks, thanks to all of the set photos from "The Avengers", "Spider-Man", "TDKR" and "MOS. Everyone should be happy that we're getting these movies made, instead of bitching about a superhero's costume not being exactly like in the comics.
naterator - 8/24/2011, 2:59 PM
hmmmm...those trunks dont look very silly on Supes as hes busting Hulk a new one....funny ...just looks like SUPERMAN!
tomtom12 - 8/24/2011, 3:00 PM
SageMode - 8/24/2011, 3:00 PM
Marvel = New York Yankees

DC = Boston Red Sox
incrediblesuperbatspider - 8/24/2011, 3:01 PM
BTW@ Naterator, that is awesome. Maybe someday, Dc and Marvel can work together and make a video game. I have the perfect idea for that, too.
DCwanabe - 8/24/2011, 3:03 PM

HaHa I enjoy both but I fall on the side of DC the superman batman combo is pretty cool, I do not know of a similar bond in the marvel universe. The DC villains are also more interesting to me.

But man I love spiderman and hulk, loki was awesome and wolverine is a total BA.

Its a tough call but I am with DC just a little bit more. So exited for next year avengers looks sweet.
PaulRom - 8/24/2011, 3:03 PM
Anyways, as for movies, Marvel obviously has the upper hand. The problem with DC is that they don't bother putting out many of their characters beyond Superman and Batman, and when they do put out something else it isn't near as good as it could be (I'm one of the few who enjoyed Green Lantern, but it definitely had its serious flaws). Marvel, however, is putting out every other character in its comics (they already have lesser known properties like Ghost Rider, Thor and Blade on the big screen while DC's struggling to put out Wonder Woman and Aquaman), even reaching into the C-list archive.
I could go on and on about this, but I'd rather wait to do my own editorial. ;P Still an excellent write up @Josh, glad you wrote this.
MarkCassidy - 8/24/2011, 3:04 PM
Yeah I agree 100%. The DC/Marvel stuff is good for a giggle but some people are just retar..ehh, I mean, stubborn. Yes, stubborn. I've always leaned toward DC because of Vertigo but really it's kinda irrelevant anyway, follow writers not characters.
Hawksblueyes - 8/24/2011, 3:06 PM
Fantastic write up. I agree with everything you said Josh up to a point. I don't see any problem at all with stating your preference for one company's material or the other. I have always been an Avengers fanatic BUT I find that I have always been drawn to great team books. No clue why, I just have. Something about seeing the heroes interact with each other always seemed to bring out more of their individual characteristics and personality traits.

Having said that, Avengers, The 80's New Teen Titans, Uncanny X-Men, JLA, WILDCATS...they are all at the top of my list and it never mattered which company put them out. I completely understand having a favorite company almost as much as I completely fail to understand why it should bother someone to the point of insulting another, that the other persons favorite is not your own. I don't get the insults at all. There's no need for it.

That is, unless the insults are aimed at that old bastard Dusto!
kong - 8/24/2011, 3:07 PM
This is why you're the greatest cbmer of all time.
To all nolan haters. Do you think you can do better. your just mad cause you're not watching Tim Burton's movies with better quality.
Spock - 8/24/2011, 3:08 PM
I like both, but i really love how Marvel always try to relate our society in their comic books. Ex Mutant Registration Act---Patriot Act!!!
Hawksblueyes - 8/24/2011, 3:10 PM
And the argument of one having better writers or artists is completely asinine, since almost every decent artist and writer involved in comics has not only worked for both but switches back and forth with varying projects.
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