After the vicious murder of his father, 18-year-old high school student Terry McGinnis seeks to wipe out organize crime in Neo-Gotham, with the help of Bruce Wayne (formerly Batman) the duo war on crime proves effective. But soon the two find themselves prey to Derek Powers, a ruthless businessman and CEO of Wayne-Powers. When Bruce and Terry uncovers a conspiracy to have Gotham default on its debt, so that Wayne-Powers can foreclose on the entire city, take over the city government, and demolish the old city. They must navigate a minefield of treachery, deception and murder in order stop Powers before its to late.
Director - David Fincher
Terry McGinnis: Emile Hirsch
Bruce Wayne: David Caruso
Derek Powers: Michael Fassbender
Dana Tan: Emilia Clarke
Warren McGinnis: Bryan Cranston
Mary McGinnis: Connie Nielsen
Matt McGinnis: Asa Butterfield
Inque: Gemma Arterton
Paxton Powers: Vincent Kartheiser
Mr Fixx: Idris Elba
Barbara Gordon: Julianne Moore
Bobbi "Blade" Summer: Amber Heard
Chelsea Cunningham: Amanda Seyfried
Nelson Nash: Luke Hemsworth
Howard Groote: Jonah Hill