Figuring they're all expendable, Amanda Waller assembles a team of dangerous supervillains for a mission, forcing Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc and others to work together.

By dagenspear - May 07, 2017 12:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Open on the Red Hood mask,the surface of it reflecting the ACE Chemicals Plant in it. Go through The Killing Joke origin where the Joker is a sad comedian forced into being the Red Hood and when Batman comes after him he pleads with him to not hurt him, that it’s just a mistake, but Batman doesn’t listen to him and throws him into the chemicals. Show him crawling out of the river and pulling off his hood to see his face bleached, his hair green and a sadistic smile on his face.

Then we cut to the Joker in Arkham Asylum and the whole scene was him telling the story to Dr. Harleen Quinzel. The Joker says that he realizes now that the Batman victimizing him the way he did and it driving him insane is no excuse for what he’s done since then and that with Harleen’s help he’s now cured. He asks her if she can get a package from a friend of his and bring it to him during their next session. She’s hesitant, but he tells her it’s just a family heirloom and it would really help him in his recovery. She agrees.

Cut to the Joker firing a machine gun in Arkham. And his men strapping Harley onto the electroshock table. When Joker shocks her brain, we cut to the opening title:


The Joker could be played by Alan Tudyk. But a cast change is not really needed.

Then cut to the conference scene where Amanda Waller tells them what she wants to do, that in Superman’s absence they need a force for humanity, to protect them should they ever be threatened again. She gives the low down on the group, same deal, built in deniability etc. The squad is comprised of Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Slipknot, El Diablo, someone named Jason, Enchantress, Katana and Killer Croc, led by Rick Flag. Harley Quinn is only put on the squad after they learn that the threat is Poison Ivy. We see Deadshot, Boomerang, El Diablo, Enchantress, Katana and Killer Croc’s flashbacks. Katana is a volunteer. One of the conference members asks how are they gonna keep Enchantress from getting her heart. Waller explains that the box the heart is inside is made up of nth metal, which is magic proof and that they keep her brother’s statue locked in a vault completely encased in nth metal, which is magic proof.

They’re recruited.

Poison Ivy contacts the government, with the threat on a city that her plant spores will replace the concrete monstrosity of the city with plants and trees and tells them to evacuate everyone in the city or they’ll die with it.

She then begins, her plants growing in an empty building.

So Amanda Waller, because they have no knowledge of Poison Ivy’s thought process, decides to use Harley Quinn to find her.

We see a flashback after Jason Todd was murdered, where Batman chases down and wrecks the Joker’s car, that he and Harley are in, onto a pier. Batman restrains Harley and beats the living crap out of the Joker, nearly killing him, but holds himself off. The Joker laughs in Batman’s face, saying that he’s disappointed in him, before setting off a bomb that blows up the pier, Harley falling into the water, Batman jumping in after her to save her. Joker is then presumed dead.

Harley, now locked up, has to be force fed her medication by several guards. Afterwards, Waller visits her and recruits her with the promise that she’ll be released so she can go get her psychotic boyfriend if she helps them find someone. Harley instantly agrees, not caring who.

When the team is assembled, they get their stuff and Harley gets a giant hammer excitedly that when Boomerang asks about she says it’s a surprise. Flag then takes it away. She pouts.

Deadshot introduces himself to Harley, to which she responds, “You know my name, but I don’t know yours.” Deadshot explains to her that he was hired to kill her once, but he rejected it. When she asks why, he tells her that he doesn’t kill victims. She asks what that means. He tells her that he knows what the Joker did to her. She says that she’s been told that by her psychiatrists and the Bat, but she never believed it, she thought that they were just trying to get her to turn on her Mr. J. She insists that Deadshot shouldn’t believe everything he hears. He’s silent.

Harley asks who the soldiers are. Flag tells says it’s none of her concern.

Meanwhile one of Harley’s guards is captured by the Joker’s thugs and taken to him, where he interrogates him. He gives Joker everything about the situation.

The squad is briefed. When Harley finds out that it’s Poison Ivy, we flashback:

To the events of No Man’s Land, where the Joker is in a gunfight with the Penguin’s men and Harley’s shot several times, but the Joker leaves her there to die when he’s chased Then a barefoot woman walks up to Harley, grass and flowers growing in her footsteps, as she bleeds out.
Cut to Harley waking up with healing plant enzymes on her gunshot wounds, to Poison Ivy watching her in her lair, surrounded by children. Harley asks Ivy why she saved her and Ivy says that she protects the helpless, it’s what she does. Harley is confused. Ivy tells her that she was left to die and she couldn’t let a helpless victim of the Joker suffer that fate. Ivy proceeds to give the children food to eat. Harley asks why the Bat hasn’t gotten her. Ivy says that Batman has bigger problems with the city having undergone a massive earthquake that’s run out most regular people and left the city to the criminals and psychos. She continues that her and Batman have an arrangement, he brings her any lost, orphaned or abandoned children to take care of and he leaves her alone. Harley tries to leave on her own, but is stopped by Ivy, who tells her that she can’t leave yet, as her wounds aren’t fully healed yet. Harley thanks her for everything and she says that it was no problem. Harley and Ivy introduce themselves officially to eachother and shake hands.
Poison Ivy is played by Mary-Elizabeth Winstead.

The same scene where the Joker breaks into ARGUS’ computer hard-drives and has Harley’s bomb disabled.

The squad arrives on the scene and Flag confirms that the entire area has been evacuated and quarantined, so even if they could disable their bombs they couldn’t get out, the official story being there was an earthquake. Same basic scene with Slipknot.

They track down Ivy and confront her. They fight her plant people first, before they get to her. Deadshot sees El Diablo not fighting and gets onto him about it. El blows him off, saying he won’t be a tool of violence and death anymore, he wants to do God’s will. After a short battle, Enchantress possess Ivy’s body. The squad tries to stop her, but she gives them traumatizing flashbacks to hold them off and fully possess Ivy, leaving June Moon’s body.

Deadshot’s flashbacks are of his dad abusing his mom when he was a child, beating her and him, him grabbing a gun and shooting his dad when he was going to kill her.

Harley’s flashbacks are of her suffering electroshock therapy by the Joker.

Katana’s are of her watching her husband being murdered with her sword.

Killer Croc’s are his parents locking him in their basement as a child and feeding him scraps of meat like an animal.

Jason’s are of him being beaten to death.

El Diablo’s are of his house burning around him.

Flag’s are of him seeing his mom die by being hit by a van as she pushes him out of the way of that car.

Flag shakes his off first and starts to aim his rifle at Enchantress as she’s still leaving June’s body, but hesitates to take the shot. Deadshot shakes his off just in time to see this.

Enchantress proceeds to bring the building they’re in down around them, the squad dodging the majority of the debris, but eventually getting knocked out.

Amanda Waller becomes enraged and sets off the charge in the heart to destroy it. But it doesn’t work. Enchantress teleports herself to ARGUS and confronts Waller, saying, “You should have done your research. My heart is only a weakness in a body that needs one. This body is unique. It doesn’t need a heart.” She places her heart back into her body, saying, “Now it can restore my full power without being a liability.”

Amanda Waller becomes enraged and sets off the charge in the heart to destroy it. But it doesn’t work. Enchantress teleports herself to ARGUS and confronts Waller, saying, “You should have done your research. My heart is only a weakness in a body that needs one. This body is unique. It doesn’t need a heart.” She places her heart back into her body, saying, “Now it can restore my full power without being a liability.”

Meanwhile Harley flashes back while out:

To Ivy trying to convince her not to go back to the Joker. Harley blows it off, saying that her puddin’ needs her, she’s his girl. Ivy tells her that she can be more than that.

Deadshot wakes Harley up as the rest of the squad gets itself together. They start to peace out only to be met with Flag holding the trigger to their nanite bombs, telling them that they have to stop Enchantress. They reluctantly agree. Flag wonders where she went, when June says that she’s gone to ARGUS. When the squad asks her how she knows that, she tells them that she still has some sort of psychic connection with Enchantress. They ask why and June says that she’s going after those who kept her imprisoned. Her psychic link to Enchantress kicks in and June sees her tell Waller to take her to where her brother is being kept. She tells them. Flag states that they have to get back to their helicopter and get to ARGUS now to keep Enchantress and her brother from killing anymore people.

Deadshot says that he knows a shortcut through one of the neighborhoods. They cut through the houses of a residential neighborhood, with Croc breaking down the doors. They see a bar built into the house. Boomerang immediately tries to go for the alcohol, but is dragged back by his jacket by Flag. Croc stops and looks solemnly at a picture of the family the home belongs to. Harley steps in and makes a hypothesis about Croc’s psyche: That even though he pretends to be a monster, all he’s ever really wanted is societal acceptance. That based on his actions, she suspects that his anger, desire for acceptance and inferiority is rooted in child abuse. Croc does admit that his family always saw him as a freak, as something to hide and lock away, but he’s happy the way he is, a creature that’s feared and respected. Harley then remarks that she bets that he wishes that that was true. They get to the building and go up it.

When the squad gets up to the top where the helicopter is, they see that the helicopter has been destroyed. The group that was guarding the helicopter has been killed. All by Enchantress. Flag is infuriated. The guards all form into monsters. Enchantress speaks through them to the squad, telling them that if they want to live, to leave her to do what she wants with Waller. Most of them consider it, but Flag states that there is no way he’s going to let that happen. The rest of the squad begrudgingly agree, because they have to.

The monsters attack them and they fight throughout the building, going down the floors, but still staying in the top levels.

They can’t defeat them all.

Harley and Deadshot stop 1 together barely, Katana puts 3 down, Croc kills 1 barely, while Boomerang hides, but they’re pretty much overpowered.

Deadshot again sees El Diablo doing nothing in the battle and confronts him about it. El says again that he won’t do violence, he won’t do evil anymore. Deadshot asks him if he thinks God wants Enchantress to continue killing, if God wants him to hide and do nothing. Deadshot pushes him some more until finally he uses his powers to blow the monsters all away.

In the fight Katana’s sword gets knocked out of her hands and out a broken window. She freaks and tries to jump out after it, but is grabbed by Flag. Croc grabs the sword through the window from the floor just below Katana and Flag. Harley takes a moment to give Katana a knowing look of understanding and has a quick flashback:

Of her jumping into the vat at the ACE Chemicals plant.

Harley and Deadshot have the same exchange about love.

After a brief few moments of calm, suddenly another helicopter swoops in with the Joker in it, piloted by his men, with more of his goons firing machine guns out the back. He calls Harley to him and she hesitates, torn between saving Ivy and going with him. She says, “Sorry Red” and goes to Joker. Flag tries to activate her nano-bomb, but it doesn’t work. Flag then pulls out his gun to kill Harley, but is shot in the side by a stray bullet. The helicopter starts to fly away. Flag gives Deadshot the order to kill Harley, but he doesn’t.

In the helicopter, Harley is overjoyed that the Joker has come for her, but then he hits her, knocking her to the ground and laughs about how he really got her with this and then complaining about how he had to waste his time finding her, because she’s his property, his joke. Harley has a flash to the Joker electrocuting her. She has a moment of realization about what was really done to her, then seeing herself being pushed into the the chemical vat by the Joker, not jumping in on her own. Harley’s eyes fill with tears, as the Joker continues to laugh at her. Suddenly the gas tank is shot from afar-

By Jason, using a sniper rifle.

The gas tank in the helicopter explodes. Harley jumps out as the helicopter it goes down, her landing on the roof of a building, it crashing to the ground.

Jason then says, “Rot in ****, clown."

They all rush down and find Harley in the same way as in the movie. Flag confronts her, blaming her for Joker attacking them, but Deadshot says that if it hadn’t been for his boss, they wouldn’t even have this problem, so why not let Enchantress do whatever she wants with Waller? Flag holds up the trigger. Deadshot tells him that he better do it fast before he lets out that Flag had a shot to take Enchantress out, but didn’t take it before she bodyjacked Ivy. Flag doesn’t do it. Deadshot then tells him that they aren’t gonna get there anyway, so he’s gonna go get a drink and Flag can blow his head off if he wants. Harley follows, as does Croc, Katana… and Captain Boomerang, but only after making sure that Flag isn’t going to blow his head off and then making a go for the alcohol. June stays with Flag. Jason takes off.

They get to the bar inside the house from before. Harley gets behind it and takes out some bottles. The lights are still on inside the house. Harley asks what Floyd will have. He gives her a look, like he’s wondering if she even knows what she’s doing. She says that she’s serious, that she used to bartend in college, it was how she paid for it. Croc follows, but sits down on the couch in the same area. Katana takes a stool seat at the end. Captain Boomerang sits directly between Katana and Floyd. Katana takes her mask off. She sets her sword on the bar and starts talking to it in japanese. Harley asks them all what they’re having. They tell her. She starts making them.

Cut to Jason, angrily tearing up the inside of the Joker’s helicopter, not finding his body. He gets out of it and storms away from it.

Harley gives the last drink to Katana and asks her what the deal with the sword is that she’s willing to get herself killed because of it. Katana says that it’s unique. Harley asks if that’s because it belonged to her husband. Harley then explains that she recognizes the kind of desperation that would cause her to be willing to get herself killed. Harley then says that their situations are completely different though, because her being willing to get herself killed for something like that is almost normal, not healthy really, but healthier than a reason she personally would have for doing something like that. Katana simply says that it’s the sword her husband was murdered with. Harley just nods and says that yep, still healthier than her reason.

Same basic scene. Floyd gives his spiel about how they’re gonna get blamed. He talks about how, for a minute, he had hope that he could get the chance to see his daughter again. El says that he can still have it, if he lets God give it to him. Deadshot asks if he’s preaching. El Diablo says that Deadshot still has a chance to turn it around, to get away from his evil. Deadshot gets angry and defensive at that, saying that all he’s ever done is kill evil. El Diablo shoots back that murder doesn’t change no matter who he is does it to. El Diablo continues that he knows what DS is thinking, that he thinks he does what’s necessary, that it’s justified, because those he does it to aren’t good, so why should he care? He says, “we both used to see the line, but we reached a place where it was nearly invisible, and you’ll cross it one day, like I did. What we both didn’t realize is that we’ve already crossed the line and the one we think exists is just a formality.”

DS: What’s that supposed to mean?

E: You have a “code”, right? You ain’t never killed no women, no kids. And you think because of that you’re a good guy, that you can still do what you do. But you can’t. Your code won’t be something you can hide behind. It won’t even exist anymore.

DS gets in El’s face, enraged.

DS: I’ll never kill women and children.

E: That’s what I said.

El tells his story. It’s fully the same.

CB: What happened to the kids?

HQ: He killed them. Didn’t you?

E: Yes.

HQ: Of course… What’d you expect? Did you think you could just play with evil and have any kinda life? Evil infects you. It rots your soul until your broken and it destroys everything you have that matters. That’s the price of darkness and by the time you realize you made a horrible mistake, it’s all gone. You didn’t deserve all you had, but God gave you a break and you blew it to pieces.

CB: You think you’re any better, sweetie? I heard about the things you and the Joker did. You may be as pretty as a picture on the outside, but on the inside, you’re ugly.

HQ: We all are. We all are! We’re murderers. We’re monsters. Every single one of us. We made choices to hurt people and we deserve to be locked up, injected with explosives and used as glorified drone strikes. We ARE the bad guys.

DS: What the Joker did to you, you can’t be held responsible…

HQ: I haven’t have full control of my faculties ever since Mr. J-Joker… did that to me. But he didn’t force me to give him a gun. We’re not innocent victims just because we’ve been broken after we did something wrong, treated like lesser, lost people or have been abused. I made a CHOICE to give him what he wanted. I knew what he was. And I still let myself be used. I was dazzled by the super criminal world and I wanted to touch it. I thought that if I could get him to trust me, I could get all of the dirt from him. Pride was my sin and a lot of people have died for it. I may not have known that what I gave him was a gun, but I knew it wasn’t innocent. And I’m responsible for that choice.

Flag and June both walk into the house and Flag sits down next Deadshot, as June leans on the wall in the back. Flag then asks Deadshot if he figured out about his feelings for June. Deadshot responds with, “I’ve never had sex with a witch before. How was that?” to show that he has. Flag says that he spent all his time trying to protect June, he couldn’t risk killing her.

June then pipes up that he should risk it.

Flag pulls the trigger out of his pocket and flips it over, showing the bullet damage in the front of it from the Joker.

Captain Boomerang immediately jumps out of his stool and runs away.

Flag says that Deadshot was right, they wouldn’t get there fast enough to stop Enchantress anyway. Harley makes an analysis of Flag that his intense protective nature of the woman in his life is likely tied to a childhood trauma about his mother. Flag gives an angry look to the effect of ‘Too personal.’ Harley apologizes and says that it’s a reflex.

But Flag admits that his dad was an important high ranking general, who had a lot of enemies, who targeted his family. When he was a child, one of them tried to run him down, but his mom pushed him out of the way and died in his place. He saw his mother die and there was nothing he could do about it. June walks up to Flag and comforts him by placing her hand on his. Deadshot has a meaningful moment where he tells Flag that he knows what it feels like to watch something terrible happen to your mom.

Flag pulls several letters out of his side pocket and pushes them over to Floyd. Same basic scene about his daughter. Floyd asks why Flag has these and he responds that he was supposed to use them as a way to gain emotional leverage over him if he became difficult. Floyd asks if that’s what he’s trying to do now. Flag just shakes his head no.

Flag taps a glass and Harley takes the hint and pours him a shot of whiskey. He lifts the glass and comments about the things they do for their family. And June has a quick flashback to a memory of Enchantress’, causing her to drop to the ground:

Of her and her brother forcing mankind to bend to their will and them making the preparations to open a portal to their hellish dimension using both of their energies to bring forth their people into this world and replace humanity with them. And then the humans attacking and cutting out Enchantress’ heart and trapping them both in their statues.

June then realizes and says that that’s what Enchantress wants to do now and why she’s going to release her brother.

The team realize that they’re all in danger from Enchantress and Flag says that there’s nothing they can do, the helicopter’s destroyed and they can’t get there in time. Deadshot immediately says that, yes, they can, depending on how long it’ll take for Enchantress to get to her brother. Flag says that the vault he’s in has a nighttime shutdown protocol. It won’t be able to be opened by Waller until dawn, which is in 3 hours and then tells them where ARGUS is. Deadshot says that that’s enough time, barely. Flag asks how he could know that. Deadshot responds that he’s a sniper, his whole thing is measuring times and distances.

Deadshot then asks Flag if he knows a way past the quarantine. Flag says that they should take the underground tunnel. Deadshot, Katana, June, Flag and Diablo all head out. Then Harley follows them, telling Croc, “Come on. Ya got something better to do?”

The squad search through the streets for something to ride in and they come across an abandoned bus. They all get in and Jason walks up too and enters the bus, still fuming. Flag starts to hotwire the bus and Deadshot makes a playful jab at him knowing how to. Harley starts to close the doors, when Boomerang pops up at them, begging her to let him in. Harley questions him about his sudden change of heart.

CB: Well, I was running away from all this danger and I stopped and suddenly felt this strong sense of compassion for my fellow man, to just save lives and be a hero-

HARLEY: You don’t know how to get out of the city.

CB: I don’t know how to get out of the city.

Boomerang gets on the bus and they’re off. When Boomerang is told what they’re doing, he’s freaked and asks them all if getting themselves killed is what they want. Deadshot says that he’d do anything to protect his little girl and Harley responds that her best friend is trapped inside Enchantress, it’s not like she’s got anything left to live for and she can’t be anything but this, also that it’s either this or get put in a hellish dimension of monsters.

Katanna talks to her sword in japanese again in the back of the bus. Croc walks up to her and asks if her husband’s soul is really trapped in there. She looks surprised. Croc says that when he was a wrestler he traveled around the world and had to learn multiple languages, at least the basics for most. He can understand what she’s saying because he speaks a little japanese himself. Katana simply nods. Croc asks her if she’s going to hold onto the sword forever, let her husband be trapped in it. Katana asks him what he means. He says that it must be able to be broken otherwise she wouldn’t have freaked out about it falling out of the building, so it’s not like he’s completely trapped in there, that he can move on, if she lets him. She takes offense to that, saying that she’s not keeping him from that, she’s protecting him. Croc tells her that she’s protecting herself, from having to move on. That she’s holding on to her past. Katana becomes angry and tells him that he doesn’t know anything about that. He says that that’s him: Never letting go of his past. That choice has made him what he is. She rebuts that he’s a an animal, something that eats people. He snarls and says he’s never eaten anyone. It’s just what he lets people think. He’s killed though, but so has she. She asks why he lets people think that, if he does because he liked to be seen that way. He says no. But he used to lie to himself that he did, then he just lied to everyone else. But he does it because he thought that’s all he was good for. He’s punishing himself the way his family punished him for existing. Katana takes a moment, then says that her husband’s death was her fault. He died saving her. That maybe she’s been punishing herself too. But she’s been punishing Maeso in the process. Croc says that he thinks that self-punishment never just hurts yourself.

They pull up to the ARGUS base.

Katana holds her sword, contemplatively. The squad gets ready, trying to figure out a plan. Boomerang says that he said that this was a stupid idea, that they don’t even know if they can hurt Enchantress. Katana realizes something at the word “hurt”. re-iterating Croc’s words before, “Never just hurts yourself” and tells them that yes, they do have a way to hurt Enchantress.

FLAG: How?


Katana points to herself and El Diablo.

KATANA: Or maybe even just you.

She then just points to El Diablo.


KATANA: Why hasn’t Enchantress tried to kill us? She personally killed the team guarding the helicopter, she went after Amanda Waller personally, but she left us for dead.


KATANA: Because my sword and Diablo’s powers can hurt her. She didn’t want to take the chance.

HARLEY: Um, huh?

KATANA: We were the only ones who could take out the most of her monsters. My sword and his powers are mystical. She’s afraid of us.

They work out a plan, to go up against Enchantress. June says that her heart isn’t a vulnerability anymore now that she’s in Poison Ivy’s body. Katana says that she can use her sword to trap her soul in order to pull her out of Ivy’s body, but her sword is only for a human’s and it won’t hold a witch for very long and then she could just jump back into Ivy’s body. June then says that that won’t happen if she takes Enchantress on long enough to get her heart out. Flag objects, but June tells him that she can’t keep letting Enchantress control her. He tells her that they don’t know for sure if crushing Enchantress’ heart will kill her too or not. She responds that it’s her fault Enchantress is free anyway and it’s her responsibility to do what she can. Flag reluctantly agrees. The squad all recognize that it’s now dawn. Flag says that they better hurry. They start to make their way inside the ARGUS facility.

Meanwhile Enchantress now forces Waller to open the safe. She does. Enchantress then telekenetically lifts Waller up and renders her unconscious. Enchantress proceeds to float the statue to her and cracks it open, funneling her brother into the Waller's body. He forms. They have a moment, saying that it's a good thing she hasn't been destroyed, as their life forces are tied, he would die with her. They then begin to combine their energies and open the portal.

As the squad breaks into the facility, clouds take up the sky above them. They go in.

Entering ARGUS, Flag comes across the bodies of all those there. He goes over to a weapons cache area, pulling out a drawer holding the squad's more vicious weapons, saying that they, ARGUS, kept their bigger weapons out of their hands for safety, but they're gonna need them now. Deadshot goes for his grenade launcher. Boomerang grabs his explosive boomerangs. And Harley excitedly grabs her comically oversized hammer. They get in the elevator going down into the ARGUS lower levels vault.

Enchantress and her brother open the portal to their world, energy crackling out of it, saying it's time, creatures starting to come out of it.

Harley and the group peek at the situation unfolding. Harley saying, "Everyone else's seeing this, right?" They respond yeah, but why? She says, "I'm off my meds.

Flag states that the portal's open now, how are they gonna close it? June says that the portal will become destabilized and dangerous if it's interurupted without a power source, so they can't just kill Enchantress and her brother, otherwise it could turn into an unstable wormhole. It'll take an energy pulse, like the kind that would emanate from Enchantress' heart being destroyed. Deadshot concludes then that they'll have to figure out a way to do that.

Enchantress senses their presence and sends her other creatures and her brother to get them, saying that now that the portal is open she can keep it that way on her own. The squad fights them. Boomerang uses all of his exploding boomerangs to take a couple of them down, same with Katana, Deadshot has to start shooting his gun when his grenade launcher gets knocked out of his hand first thing, him and Flag going back to back and Harley being a lure to catch a few off guard with Killer Croc. Diablo squares off against Enchantress' brother, but is being held down by him, though still holding his own. June meanwhile sneaks past the fight up to Enchantress, as Jason covers her. She makes her way up to Enchantress, signaling Katana. When Enchantress twists her head around and grabs June by the throat, yelling for the squad to stop or she'll kill June. Flag, frozen in fear, tells them to. They do as she says. Enchantress jerks their weapons away telekenitcally to her feet, even Harley's hammer. Enchantress tells them that she can give them everything that they want in life, as they've earned her begrudged respect, showing them these flashes of them.

Flag/June-A life together.

Deadshot-Him killing Batman and his daughter.

Harley-A kooky suburban life with Joker.

Jason-Batman killing the Joker.

Katana-Her husband.

Croc-His family to love him.

Diablo-His family.

Diablo breaks it though, gripping his cross, his wife's cross, telling Enchantress that he can't change what he did and neither can she, as he then blows her brother away from him using his powers! He turns to the group to convince them of the same.

DEADSHOT: I killed the Bat.

DIABLO: You don't want that.

DEADSHOT: Yes, I do.

HARLEY: Me too!

DIABLO: Well, I'm not gonna be the devil's pawn anymore. My choice is to fight. Even if I have to do it alone!

They all hesitate and he unleashes his full powers on Enchantress' brother. The squad all join in, fighting back. They fight and Diablo implodes himself and her brother to defeat him. Her brother is severely damaged, unable to move. The squad stops in their tracks, the only thing left of their fallen comrade is the cross. They don't know what to do now. Harley staring at the crater left by Diablo. Enchantress mocks them, telling them they've lost their biggest and only real weapon and they should give up and they'll get what they want in exchange for their surrender,as more monsters come through, showing them that they can't possibly defeat them all. Jason raises his weapon to them still, but Enchantress throws him into the wall telekenetically, knocking him out, to make  a point. Harley picks up the cross, contemplatively, then handing it to Deadshot. They all look at eachother,  Boomerang ready to side with Enchantress. Harley speaks up first.

HARLEY: Can you really do what you said? Can you bring my Mr. J back?


HARLEY: I believe you can.

Harley walks up to her, kneeling in front of her. She then looks back at Katana, shifting her eyes to the side to signal her for something. Katana's confused at first, but she realizes.

HARLEY: Don't you want that too, Katana? Don't you all want that?

The squad look at eachother in understanding. Harley looks back to Enchantress, first looking down in understanding and then back up at her, Enchantress in Poison Ivy's body.

HARLEY: Red, are you still in there? If you can hear me, Red. I want you to know that you were right. I can be more.

Harley then grabs her hammer and smashes Enchantress in the face with it, the hammer EXPLODING! Harley is blown back and caught by Croc.

HARLEY: Whoa! Packs a punch.

Enchantress is blown away from the portal, disconnecting her from it. The squad all go for their weapons while they have the time. The portal then begins to turn into a black hole. June yells that it's now or never as the black hole sucks all of Enchantress' other creatures into it. Enchantress recovers, infuriated, before being stabbed in the shoulder by Katana, with her sword, absorbing Enchantress into it. The black hole becomes stronger. The sword struggles to contain her, but June grabs the sword, as it starts to crack and break, absorbing Echantress into her body. The sword is destroyed. Enchantress is enraged. Boomerang throws an exploding boomerang at her, which she catches and deactivates, glaring at Boomerang, who is peeing his pants scared now.

ENCHANTRESS: I won't be fooled with the same trick twice.

KILLER CROC: Good thing it's not the same.

Killer Croc rams his fist through Enchantress' back into her chest from behind and pulls out her heart. He throws into the black hole and Deadshot takes aim with his grenade launcher. Enchantress, weakened severely, flashes an image of Deadshot's daughter in front of him.

HALLUCINATION ZOE: Daddy! Daddy, please don't do this! You can have Batman dead, so much money and power... me. It's what you want.

DEADSHOT: Yes, it is... But I can choose better.

FLAG (begrudgingly): Do it.

Deadshot FIRES the grenade launcher and the grenade BLASTS THE HEART, destroying it, just as it enters the black hole. The pulse of the heart being destroyed CLOSES THE BLACK HOLE and causes an explosion.

Deadshot, Harley, Boomerang, Croc, Katana and Flag wake up, surrounded in the rubble of the ARGUS vault. Jason's gone. Harley quickly digs through the rubble, calling for Ivy, Croc then assisting her. She pulls her out, alive. Harley hugs Ivy. Who is confused and worn out. Flag walks up to Enchantress' body, June's body, now turned to stone. He has a moment of grief, Deadshot telling him how sorry he is. But they then hear something, coughing coming from the now statued body. Flag and Deadshot crack the stone, getting all the pieces off to find June alive. Flag kisses her. He then hugs Deadshot, thanking him, which Deadshot shoves him away, saying he doesn't do hugs. They all have a moment of triumph, Deadshot saying he's headed back to Gotham, to see his daughter. Harley then saying she can hot wire a car, asking him if he wants a ride. Same basic scene, with Waller. But Harley barters for Ivy to join the squad instead of going to prison or Arkham, along with the espresso machine. And Killer Croc wants a fully furnished, styled above ground cell, with a TV that has access to Antique Roadshow, as he no longer living in the sewers like a monster, saying that he's not an animal and he doesn't want to pretend he is anymore. And when Boomerang tries to get up in arms about it, Waller tazes him.

WALLER: Any other complaints?


DEADSHOT: I'm cool.

Same scene with Deadshot and his daughter.

In the end montage Harley fist bumps Ivy through the glass of their conjoined cell and willingly, peacefully takes her medication. Katana becomes their personal guard. June finds that she now has energy powers of some sort. Flag and June get married, the squad in attendance. And, as Harley sits in her cell, drinking espresso, suddenly the entire ARGUS base is hacked, the squads bombs activated, and a voice telling them they have to work for him now, as a GREEN QUESTION MARK appears on all the ARGUS monitors.


Post credits scene is Justice League setup scene.

And second scene is a Jason Todd placing the Red Hood helmet onto his head, the last thing we see being the red helmet, as Jason says that things only really change if you force them to.

Please review and tell me what you think! Have a very great day!

God bless you all!

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MrDmitri - 5/7/2017, 3:45 PM
This is really good but a little too jam-packed. to be honest if you kept out Enchantress and put the focus on Ivy, this would be a better movie. Red Hood should be introduced in a Batman movie first. I like the Riddler easter egg at the end. overall this is a good rewrite.
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