Batman TRX Episode 1, Season 2
Ra's Al' Ghul's Base
Starfire and Raven are shooting lasers back-to-back
Robin and Cyborg run to the pods that the Justice League are in
Zsasz jumps in front
Robin: Oh man i'm only sixteen
Supergirl shoots Zsasz into the wall
Cyborg: Owned
Beast Boy and Aqualad are fighting Black Mask
Black Mask breaks Aqualad's arm
Ra's Al' Ghul's Base
Robin breaks Flash and Batman out
Flash breaks Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl out
Batman breaks Superman out
Cyborg breaks Manhunter out
Cyborg: We win
Scarecrow is thrown into the wall
Beast Boy: Yes
Batman throws a batarang into the other tubes
They explode
Flash opens his eyes
Flash: Did you just-
Batman: Doctor Fate made it it's a transpoter
The Justice League and the Teen Titans walk up to Al' Ghul
Batman: It's Over Ra's
Ra's: It's never over for me
A Volcano erupts
Robin: It's over for us
Ra's Now your talking
Batman punches Ra's
Flash: Don't worry we are no where near a city
Batman: But we are near a crater
Flash: So what
Batman: It has a hole, that hole leads to the center of the Earth, when the lava reaches the center... the Earth wll explode
Flash: Road Trip to the center of the Earth
Batman: I have an idea
The lava is geting closer
The Batmobile slams through the hole
Flash, Superman and Batman are in it
Batman: Where is the rope
Flash: I was meant to bring rope
Batman: Yes
Flash: Oh crude
Batman: Oh come on
Batman throws a bomb
The bomb explodes
Manhunter, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern are standing near the crater
Smoke comes out of the hole
The Batmobile flies up in ruins
Batman eyes are open
Flash opens a door
The door falls off
Flash: Sorry
Batman: It's a good thing i'm a millionaire
Superman: Theres a net with no holes
Manhunter: Let's go
They teleport
They teleport there
Robin: Hey Batman i've matured
Robin is in a black and blue suit
Batman: Goodbye..
Robin: Nightwing
They shake hands