If you have never read the series, you should do because its one of the best reads you'll ever likely to come in contact with. Anyway, this took a huge amount of time as i wanted just right, JLI holds a big place in my heart, so i hope you all enjoy it. This by far is my favorite project and hopefully one day see it on the big screen, like two or three movies in, in the Warner Bros. Justice League movie franchise.

Writer J.M. DeMatteis was given the Justice League title after finishing out Justice League Detroit. Paired with Keith Giffen and Kevin Maguire he set out to create a "big seven" title similar to the original line up and Grant Morrison's subsequent title. However, Superman was being revamped by John Byrne's reboot while George Perez was handling the relaunched Wonder Woman and Mike Baron was handling his relaunch of The Flash. Aquaman was off limits as well due to the character being in creative limbo for sometime. According to the introduction to the trade paperback of the series, Denny O'Neil took pity on the team and gave them Batman to be used in the series. Editor Andy Helfer (also editor of Green Lantern at the time) suggested using the newer Guy Gardner instead of Hal Jordan. The resulting comedic tone was Giffen's idea and industry-wise, served as heavy competition compared to Marvel's grim and gritty titles. The title would introduce new characterizations to old characters. Guy Gardner was now a loutish hothead and Captain Marvel was no longer a separate personality but retains Billy's personality. Dan Jurgens' Booster Gold series had a more earnest and less greedy and inept character and Black Canary's costume was redesigned and her personality was written as a strong feminist. Dr. Fate's inclusion coincided with DeMatteis and Giffen writing a Dr. Fate series.

Justice League International was created after the 1987 company-wide crossover limited series, Legends, when a new Justice League was formed and given a less America-centric mandate than before. Although the first six issues of the title were simply titled Justice League, they, together with the latter issues when the book is again renamed to Justice League America are counted as well. Another spin-off title Justice League Europe was later renamed to Justice League International (vol. 2) for the last issues of the run.
Casting for JLE casting Link right here =
During this period of time, the membership of the Justice League consisted primarily of then-lesser known heroes such as Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Mister Miracle, and Guy Gardner. Because of the humorous nature of the series, these characters are still primarily known for being comical in nature, but are extremely identifiable and have a loyal fanbase to the present day. Many of the characters made popular during this era of the Justice League have also regained prominence, particularly Maxwell Lord and Blue Beetle, because of their roles in the limited series The OMAC Project. Guy Gardner co-stars in Green Lantern Corps, Booster Gold stars in Booster Gold and a new Blue Beetle starred in his own self-titled book that lasted 36 issues. Wally West (Flash) continues to star in The Flash. Fire is a regular in Checkmate, Metamorpho is in Batman and the Outsiders (vol. 2), and Power Girl is the chair-person of the Justice Society of America.
Many thanks to Wikipedia for the information, link below.
Right on with the show, ladies and gentlemen i give you The Justice League International:
Matthew Bomer as Batman (Bruce Wayne):
Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist. Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge on crime, an oath tempered with the greater ideal of justice. Bruce trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime. Batman operates in Gotham City.
Yes Matt bomer, no Christian Bale here or Henry Cavill for that matter. Many have now convinced me that Henry Cavill should don the cape once Brandon Routh is finished with it. Although Cavill was a favorite for Bruce, i was never convinced he was Batman material even though i did a casting as him as a replacement for Bale with Bale in it too, but i never cast him for the lead. I'm glad i didn't because Bomer just screams Batman Bruce Wayne to me, with shows like "White Collar" and "Traveler," movies etc, plus his comic book connection is he nearly got the role of Superman, the guy screams quality and thats what we need for this important role in this JLI movie. I can now see no one else after Bale in the Bat cowl than this talented actor Matt Bomer, he is Batman!
Bradley Cooper as Guy Gardner:

Guy Gardner was the second choice to replace Abin Sur as Green Lantern of sector 2814. Gardner was originally supposed to receive Abin Sur's ring, but Jordan was closer. This placed him as the "backup" Green Lantern for Jordan. But early in his career as a Green Lantern, tragedy struck Gardner as a power battery blew up in his face, putting him in a coma for years. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Guardians split into factions, one of which appointed a newly revived Gardner as their champion. As a result of his years in a coma, Guy was very emotionally unstable, although he still mostly managed to fight valiantly. He has gone through many changes, including wielding Sinestro's yellow Qwardian power ring, then gaining and losing Vuldarian powers, and readmission to the Corps during Green Lantern: Rebirth. He later became part of the Green Lantern Honor Guard, and oversees the training of new Green Lanterns. Gardner is designated as Honor Guard Green Lantern.
What can i say on this one, the guy was born to play Guy Gardner, he has attitude and a right asshole too-boot and a fantastic actor, just check out such films as "The Hangover" and "Midnight Meat Train" to name just a few. Come on... perfect Guy Gardner, he is destined to play this part!
Liv Tyler as Ice (Tora Olafsdotter):
Ice's personality was a mix of girl-next-door wholesomeness and innocent-abroad naiveté, which served as a contrast to the impulsive, libidinous traits of her friend and teammate Fire. The two changed their names from Green Flame and Icemaiden to Fire and Ice.
Ice served with the Justice League International for years (remaining with the American branch even after a European branch was opened), occasionally dated Green Lantern Guy Gardner, and expressed an open crush (albeit unrequited) on Superman after he joined the team. Ice was present at Superman's death. She was one of the few Justice Leaguers still standing after Doomsday, Superman's killer, had mauled the team.
She was killed by the Overmaster while under his mental influence. Mark Waid, who wrote those issues, has admitted that the death was a mistake. Before her death, Ice displayed enhanced powers. This was after a battle with her brother, who had tried to conquer Ice's homeland.
Ice is a separate character from Icemaiden, although the two are similar in appearance, group affiliation, and powers. When Icemaiden first appeared, she had blue skin, pointy ears, and was named Sigrid Nansen. When the character joined Justice League International, the comic book creators believed that her real name had never been given but were mistaken and no one could mistake the talent of Liv Tyler or as Ice. What do you say, her and Bradley Coopers chemistry up on the big screen together, now thats gotta be good and would sell a lot of tickets, what do you say boys and girls?
Katherine Heigl as Fire (Beatriz Da Costa):
After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, her history was altered so that she had followed an unusual career path. Renamed Beatriz Bonilla da Costa, she started as an amateur model on the beaches of Rio, then becoming a showgirl and stage performer before finding herself serving as a top secret agent for Brazilian government's Espiões Nacionais. In the course of one of her missions, Beatriz was trapped in a pyroplasmic explosion that endowed her with the unusual power of being able to exhale an eight-inch burst of fire. She assumed the identity of the Green Fury, then soon changed it again to Green Flame. She joined the international superhero team the Global Guardians, of which she was a long-standing, loyal member. She first met the American heroes Infinity, Inc. while on a mission to Canada.
Shortly after changing her name to Green Flame, the Guardians' United Nations funding was withdrawn in the wake of the formation the Justice League International. Beatriz convinced her teammate and best friend Icemaiden into joining her to apply for Justice League International membership. Remarkably, in the wake of Black Canary's resignation and the abduction of several members, the short-handed JLI took them on. Eventually, she once again changed her heroic name, this time to Fire in affinity with Icemaiden's shortening of her name to simply Ice. As a result of the "gene bomb" detonated by the alien Dominators, Fire's powers were dramatically increased, but were less reliable for a time.
Fire always assumed a big sister role with Ice, watching out for her and her interactions with the "real" world. For example, Fire stepped in when Ice did not realize she was being stalked by a delusional fan. However, Fire herself makes mistakes, such as torching the cash she'd just saved while foiling a bank robbery.
Beatriz remained with the Justice League International for the remainder of its existence — in fact she served the longest tenure of any JLI member. During this time, she was also trained in the arts of battle by Big Barda.
Much to everyones astonishment i have not cast Katherine Heigl yet in anything, talented actress with a few hit movies under her belt, has to body too-boot, would make the classiest Fire on screen ever. Whats say ye, yay!
Dennis Haysbert as Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz):
The character is a green-skinned extraterrestrial humanoid from the planet Mars, — "Ma'aleca'andra" in his native tongue, who is pulled to earth by an experimental teleportation beam (originally presented as an attempted communication device) constructed by Dr. Erdel. The shock of the encounter kills Dr. Erdel and leaves J'onn with no method of returning home. The character decides to fight crime while waiting for Martian technology to advance to a stage that will enable his rescue. To that end, he adopts the identity of John Jones, a detective in the fictional Apex City (later retconned as Chicago).
Dennis Haysbert's got the look, the voice, and check out "The Unit" and "24", great actor and would make an amazing, if not the best Martian Manhunter.
Owain Yeoman as Captain Marvel (Shazam!):
At one point, the Champion is seduced by a demoness disguised as a beautiful woman, and the two of them conceive two half-demon offspring, Blaze and Satanus, much to the displeasure of the gods. The Champion later creates the Rock of Eternity from two large rock formations — one from Heaven and one from Hell — to hold the "Three Faces of Evil", a dragon-like demon, captive.
Many centuries later, the Champion, now going by the name of Shazam, feels the need to pass along his powers to a successor. He selects the pharaoh's son Teth-Adam to receive the power to become the superpowered Mighty Adam by speaking the word "SHAZAM!", Black Adam draws his energies from:
S The stamina of Shu;
H The speed of Heru;
A The strength of Amon;
Z The wisdom of Zehuti;
A The power of Aton;
M The courage of Mehen.
As her mother did, Shazam's daughter Blaze takes on the form of a beautiful woman and seduces Adam, convincing him to kill the pharaoh and take over the kingdom. An angry Shazam draws Mighty-Adam's powers out of him and into a large jeweled scarab, thereby killing Adam. A wicked reincarnation of Teth-Adam named Theo Adam would steal the scarab many centuries later, and use the power of Shazam to become Black Adam.
Gotta give Teabag credit for this one, its like he shot a lightning bolt up my ass lol! ; P
Yeoman was in "Troy" among other stuff, but i more known for his role on the hit show "The Mentalist" as Wayne Rigsby. The guy just screams perfect and why not, he is. Yes Patrick Warburton (The Tick) is too, but by the time this is out, he would be a tad old for it, though saying that, he makes an amazing "Kingdom Come" Captain Marvel, check out my Kingdom Come casting if you havn't seen it yet on the link below. Anyways Yeoman = Shazam!
Teddy Sears as Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter):
Booster Gold is a superhero in the DC Universe. He first appeared in Booster Gold (vol. 1) #1 and has been a member of the Justice League, DC Comics' all-star team of heroes. The character is initially depicted as a glory-seeking showboat from the future, using knowledge of historical events and futuristic technology to stage high-publicity heroics. Booster develops over the course of his publication history and through personal tragedies to become a true hero weighed down by the reputation he has created for himself.
Michael Jon Carter was born poor in the Gotham City of the 25th century. He and his twin sister Michelle never knew their father because he left after gambling away all their money. Luckily for Michael, he was a gifted athlete and he managed to get into Gotham University on a football scholarship. In college, Booster became a star quarterback with a bright future. His father then reenters his life and convinces him to bet on games and then throw them. He is exposed and his once bright future is shattered. He takes a job as a night watchman at the Metropolis Space Museum, where he begins to study displays about superheroes and villains from the past, particularly the 20th century. With the help of a security robot named Skeets, Michael steals devices from the museum displays, including a Legion of Super-Heroes flight ring and Brainiac 5's force field belt. He uses Rip Hunter's time machine, also on display in the museum, to travel to the 20th century, intent on becoming a superhero and forming a corporation based around himself to make a comfortable living. As such, he is a shameless self-promoter whose obsession with fame and wealth irritates other heroes.
Carter's nickname as a football player was "Booster", but his chosen 20th century superhero name was "Goldstar". After saving the president, Carter mangles the two names, causing the president (at the time Ronald Reagan) to introduce him as "Booster Gold". The name stuck. There is a running joke with his name throughout the DC Universe where people call him "Buster" instead of "Booster". Booster = Sears what do ya think, okay gotta admit i see a great Captain America there, also a near perfect Angel, both Marvel though so this has got to be the role for him. He's all Booster is, in looks and good actor, also done comedy, so great for the light humor moments with Beetle, you could believe this guy is from the future, oh and how sweet would it be if WB spawned a "Blue & Gold" TV show from "Justice League International." I say heck yes and talking Blue Beetle...
James Roday as Blue Beetle II (Ted Kord):
Ted Kord was sometimes shown as an industrialist, the owner of Kord Industries; more often he was short on money, leading to his entering "get-rich-quick" schemes with Booster Gold.
A brief appearance in JLA: Year One showed the young Ted working in Kord Industries R&D, where he designed the JLA HQ security system. Upon meeting the heroes he thought, "Screw the family business. I want to be one of those guys", possibly explaining the company's fluctuating status since he took over. In recent comics, it has been implied that Kord Industries has become a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises, headed by Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman.
Blue Beetle is probably best known as the wisecracking member of Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis's lighthearted, five-year run on various Justice League of America titles (notably Justice League International), where he was memorably partnered with fellow third-string hero Booster Gold, and the two quickly became best friends. Among fans, they were known collectively as the "Blue and Gold" team. For a while, Beetle grappled with a weight problem, but with sheer determination and coaching from the hero General Glory, he defeated it. After Giffen and DeMatteis left, Justice League America continued to run until #113. Dan Jurgens tied the "Death of Superman" storyline into JLA, in which Doomsday left Blue Beetle in a coma during his murderous rampage and a six-inch scar on the back of his skull. Beetle and Booster both subsequently joined the short-lived Justice League offshoot known as Extreme Justice.
James Roday, been in many things like movies such as "Beerfest," "Gamer" and probably best known for "Psych" playing Shawn Spencer. I don't know about you, but he has Ted Kord written all over him, i've only just started watching the show a few months back and am hooked already and every time i see Roday all i see is Ted, he's got the humor hands down, but he wouldn't turn Blue Beetle into a complete joke, which he isn't. Anyone not read the old Blue Beetle series knows, theres a real serious side to the character, a must read for anyone.
Yvonne Strahovski as Black Canary II (Dinah Laurel Lance):
Daughter of JSA Crime fighter original Black Canary Dinah Drake Lance.
Following the retroactive continuity change in 1983, Black Canary became two distinct characters, mother and daughter, named Dinah Drake Lance and Dinah Laurel Lance. Dinah Lance would become the current Black Canary. Some references, notably those in James Robinson's Starman series, would attempt to distinguish the two Canaries further by referring to the first as 'Diana', but more recent accounts have confirmed 'Dinah' as the elder Canary's given name.
Black Canary possesses a "Canary Cry" – a high-pitched, sonic scream which she can deploy to shatter objects and incapacitate her opponents. Analyzing her capabilities, Doctor Mid-Nite found that she can reach ultrasonic frequencies outside the audible spectrum which render human beings unconscious. However, the cry has been shown to be completely useless when Dinah's mouth is covered with a gag, piece of tape, or any other means of forcing her mouth closed, but still she's a good fighter!
Well my original pick was Nicky Whelan for the role of Black Canary II, link here =
GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE MOVIE, but i've decided to cast her as the original Black Canary from now on as Yvonne kinda owns the part now, heck nearly every Black Canary pick all the time at CBM lol. To be fair she was always my pick for Black Canary since "Chuck," just the JSA one, but i can deal, she makes an incredible Canary no matter what one it is!
Thomas Gibson as Maxwell Lord:
Maxwell Lord is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. He is a shrewd and powerful businessman who was very influential in the formation of the Justice League International.
Initially, Lord worked behind the scenes to establish the League, while under the control of a villainous computer created by Metron (a later retcon would say that this was actually the villainous computer program Kilg%re, which had taken over Metron's machine). The computer wanted Max to set up a worldwide peacekeeping organization, as part of its plan to dominate the world.
Lord talks with the Martian Manhunter on the need for a strong League.
Lord's ruthlessness at this time was illustrated when he set up a disturbed would-be terrorist as a villain for the League to defeat, resulting in the man's death. (The would-be terrorist believed he had a bomb connected to his heartbeat, but in fact, Max had disconnected it.) Later, however, he rebelled against the computer and (seemingly) destroyed it.
Once free of the computer's influence, Lord was portrayed as an amoral businessman, but not a real villain. During the time that Giffen and DeMatteis were writing the Justice League the character was shown struggling with his conscience and developing heroic qualities, though he would remain a con-artist; however, more recent changes to his character by different writers seem to contradict these previous characterizations.
Thomas Gibson seems born for the part of Maxwell Lord, best know for playing "Criminal Minds" Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner.You can just believe this guy could wrap the whole JLI around his little finger, very good quality actor begging for this part.
Oded Fehr as Doctor Fate:
Doctor Fate (also known by the diminutive, Fate) is the name of a succession of fictional sorcerers who appear within DC Comics' universe. The original version was created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Howard Sherman, and first appeared in More Fun Comics #55 (May 1940). Beginning in the 1940s, the character was also a member of the Golden Age superhero group the Justice Society of America.
Initially, Doctor Fate was Kent Nelson, the son of an archaeologist, Sven Nelson, who died discovering the tomb of the ancient mystical being, Nabu. The orphaned boy was trained by Nabu in the arts of magic.
After DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline, several different versions of Doctor Fate were introduced, but were relatively short-lived. Doctor Fate's appearances in other media and comics set outside the continuity of the DC Universe (for instance, in the DC animated universe) tend to be of the original Golden Age Kent Nelson incarnation.
Oded Fehr has always been a hot favorite of mine and i see others like him on here too and why not, the actor is made for the part. I've seen him act in good solid roles and he has connections even with the DC Universe (Brave & the Bold and also Justice League Unlimited as Fate!). He would also make a good Dr Strange but a fantastic Dr Fate!
Lucy Liu as Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi):
Kimiyo Hoshi, was a thoroughly unpleasant and selfish woman, she was the supervising astronomer at an observatory in Japan, overseeing a group of male astronomers charting the unnatural effects of the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Seeing Supergirl's sacrifice makes Doctor Light realize how selfish she has been, and she resolves to change. When Harbinger summons her to fight in the final battle, Doctor Light is ready. As the other heroes barrage the Anti-Monitor, she absorbs the energy of a gigantic star that he is using as a power source. Scoring the first fall of the Anti-Monitor during that battle, she blasts a gaping hole through him.
In the post-Crisis continuity, Supergirl was written out of existence, so it is explained that Doctor Light was inspired by the other heroes.
She is potentially one of the most powerful superheroines in the DC Universe, but she has not tapped into the heightened levels of power she used during the Crisis. (Although few remember those events, Doctor Light is one of the few who do, seeing as how she once mentioned in Showcase '96 #9 that she's faced "Anti-Matter Gods").
Doctor Light has joined the Justice League a few times over the years, most notably as a member of Justice League Europe during the latter half of its incarnation. Lucy Liu is a given, i think THEHAWK thought it up first, and why not, perfect for Liu, why argue with greatness! ; )
David Blaine as Mister Miracle (Scott Free):
Scott Free is the son of Izaya (Highfather), the ruler of New Genesis, and his wife named Avia. However, as part of a diplomatic move to stop a destructive war against the planet Apokolips, Highfather agreed to an exchange of heirs with the galactic tyrant Darkseid; the exchange of heirs guaranteed that neither side would attack the other. Scott traded places with Darkseid's second born son Orion.
Scott grew up in one of Granny Goodness' "Terror Orphanages" with no knowledge of his own heritage. As he matured, Scott rebelled against the totalitarian ideology of Apokolips. Hating himself for being unable to fit in, he was influenced by Metron to see a future beyond Darkseid. Scott became part of a small band of pupils who were tutored in secret by the rebel Himon, a New Genesian living as a "Hunger Dog" on Apokolips. It was at these meetings that he met fellow pupil Big Barda, who would later become his wife.
Eventually, Scott Free escaped and fled to Earth and a while later became a member of the Keith Giffen-era JLA (as did Barda and Oberon), which recast him and Big Barda as semi-retired super-heroes that sought to live quiet lives in the suburbs when they were not involved in Justice League-related adventures. In particular, Scott Free was recast as a hen-pecked husband, who often found himself on the receiving end of his wife's temper, over her desire to live a quiet life on Earth.
Okay, this is so far out there it could be a hit or miss, i wanted a real magician or escape artist or both for the role with acting experience and i come up with Blaine, he has acted in a few things, he's not bad. I didn't want just an actor pretending to be one, the real deal is a must and i think it could work and before you say it, no to Penn or Teller lol, anyway Blaine will only have minor parts in this JLI movie, it just seems to fit.
Peter Dinklage as Oberon:
Oberon is orphaned at a young age in a fire. He seeks work with a traveling circus and is made to perform menial labor under a verbally and physically abusive ringmaster. Oberon is eventually rescued by escape artist, Thaddeus Brown, the original Mister Miracle. He becomes Brown's assistant and protege, helping him plan his elaborate escapes.
Oberon shares a somewhat antagonistic relationship with Scott's wife, Big Barda. The two frequently tease and insult each other — Oberon declaring that Barda is all legs and no brain, Barda mocking Oberon's diminutive stature. In truth, the two are indeed friends, however little they are willing to admit it.
When Mister Miracle becomes a member of the Justice League International, Oberon assumes the position of the right-hand man of Maxwell Lord. He is also briefly the paramour of Fire (in an alternate future, seen by Waverider, they marry). Since their departure from that group, Oberon has resumed his role as Scott Free's manager and father figure.
Dinklage i find is a talented small actor and had many quality roles who would bring quality to Oberon, as you can see on an above picture, he can do oberon in looks wise too, look beyond the beard.
Cameo cast as follows:
Karen Cliche as Big Barda:
Barda was born of the race of New Gods about 250 years ago, on Apokolips. Her mother was named Big Breeda, but Barda was taken away from her at an early age to be trained as a warrior. She is a product of Granny Goodness' Home for Orphaned Youth. Granny's motto is "Die for Darkseid" (the planet's evil ruler). Granny grooms Barda to one day lead the Female Fury Battalion, a ferocious pack of warrior women. However, during a raid Barda meets Scott Free, Darkseid's adopted son, and, sensing a peace about him, falls in love.
Barda risks her own safety to work with the rebel cell lead by the New God Himon. Both of them help Scott escape from Apokolips. Eventually, Barda turns her back on Granny, and comes to Earth herself. Scott has become an escape artist called Mister Miracle, and is teamed with Oberon, his diminutive manager. Scott and Barda are married by Scott's father, the Highfather of New Genesis.
Karen Cliche seems to fit the attitude of Barda near perfectly its frighting, that girl could probably beat most men up and not a bad actress, been in many roles and she would only have a cameo in this movie, you can believe shes Big Barda.
Bashar Atiyat as the UN terrorist:
Well the main guy would holds the whole United Nations hostage and JLI's first official mission!
Bashar Atiyat i have only seen in a movie called "Syriana," i like him so much in it i thought would be great as the ring leader, check out the movie and see for yourself.
Royal Flush Gang II, i would like as a bunch of relativity a bunch of Unknowns:
The second Royal Flush Gang was set up by Green Lantern villain Hector Hammond in Justice League of America #203. Hammond led the group as "Wildcard". This version wore costumes based on the suit of spades. The gang split up and went on to have separate criminal careers before re-establishing themselves, without Hammond. They were twice hired by Maxwell Lord as part of his manipulation of Justice League International. Later, they were reorganized and reoutfitted by a successor to the Golden Age Green Lantern villain the Gambler, who was masquerading as the Joker.
I say unknown because the roles will be so minor, i don't think any big names are needed for the parts, if you have read the comic series you know the fight does not last too long and this way it gives some up-and-coming actors and actresses a chance to shine in a big Warner Brothers movie!
Ace will be totally CG with the voice of Clancy Brown:
The Ace was a superstrong android in the form of an African-American man. A later Ace, Ernie Clay, was recruited by King and used a strength-enhancing exoskeleton provided by the Gambler. In more recent appearances in Starman and Infinite Crisis, however, the team was once again employing the robot Ace.
LEEE777 - Now is that enough, or should the movie have a main villain or group as JLI's nemesis? You decide, i have left a poll blank and any that come up with names i will put in and whoever gets the most votes, i will cast them in the article!
Thank you for reading, i really appreciate it.