So, here’s the thing. I have been thinking about writing a book for over two years now, but never had the down time to actually do it (Going to school, working and all). Recently, a series of unfortunate events have left me with some free time on my hands and I am revisiting the idea of writing said book (I have not come up with a title yet). Since I am on this site a lot and the story I want to tell is very sci-fi/comic book based, I thought I would post the idea and see what ya’ll thought. Mind you, this is a rough draft.
The story is about a guy who discovers that he’s a part of a long line of protectors charged with the responsibility of keeping the balance between good and evil. The line dates back to the times of Camelot. He goes through a training period where he has to learn to use a hi-tech, nano/symbiote type armor (best way I can describe it[Awesome pic above though right!?]). He quickly finds out that keeping the balance between good and evil is not always cut and dry and some of the decisions that are made don’t always make sense. This causes some dissension and causes a kind of break in the brother hood, which has been foreseen in a prophesy (perhaps, still thinking about that one). Any who that is the basic outline of the story. I have a few more ideas but don’t want to delve too much into it right now. Shout out below as usual.