So, as teased, I was instructed to take a scene from a movie of my choosing and re-create, the only catch being it could not be a shot-for-shot remake. We were not to just mimic the preformance of the actors. We were told to simply act out the script as if we had never even seen the film before. Give it a new context.
Also, it is a point of personal pride with me to let you know that this project is more of an acting exercise for me, so yes it isn't the best quality technologically speaking. I didn't have the best equipment to work with. Also, there is bloopers. So. Watch me screw up Joker's lines a bit. Enjoy.
So.. I've never actually.. 'acted' to this degree in front of.. well.. anyone before so if you kind ladies and gentlemen would tell me how it was in a peaceful manner that would be greatly appreciated.
Later Nerds.