Thor is arriving and with a flurry of actioned packed scenes as well as a star- studded cast.Comic book films have evolved in a variety of unique ways and now more women are proving their physical manifestation of pure strenght and will. Sif, the asgardian warrior,partner, and eventual love of Thor will show that power. Many men have doubted women to be physically prepared for a superhero role, but that will change in the upcoming years especially with Zack Snyder's "Sucker Punch" releasing soon, which features a team of women kicking ass all kinds of ways. However, if there is one film to show the true leadership and vigor of women, it is DC comics Wonder Woman. Most men, especially non-comic readers of the character will come to quick conclusion and already pan the project as a fail or waste of time. Wonder Woman is not to be underestimated nor any other female character of the genre. There are many comics today and from the past that show women displaying might that is potentially equal to Thor or Superman. For the misogynists still bashing women, they should get used to change and the fact that women are equal to men in any field. More comic book films or action films should feature more women in the leading role.
Most comic fans are already aware that DC is planning for a tentative release date by 2013 for Wonder Woman. The casting process and script writing is most likely in full swing by now. This is part of DC's plan to introduce a Justice League film, which in gratitude of comic book movie editor, Pietro Filipponi, we know is confirmed. Here is the link to the article in which I am referring to: ( Here is another article from another one of comic book movie editors, DCMarvelFreshman, showing a rumored 2013 release date for Wonder Woman: (
The Flash one of DC's upcoming projects in full swing by now, is another male superhero to be appearing on screen, but is one of the members of the Justice League, who respects Wonder Woman's authority.
Wonder Woman has an origin that is just as interesting as Superman or Thor or any other male superhero already featured on the big screen. As a matter of fact, her story is epic.
This is her story:
"Born in Themyscira on the island of Paradise Island, she was the daughter to Queen Hippolyta. When the Greek goddesses created the Amazons, all the souls of women killed by male violence were given rebirth as Amazons from the clay at the bottom of the Red Sea, save one, which stayed in Gaea's womb for thousands of years. After their exile to Themyscira, Hippolyta found herself wishing for a child. She was instructed to mold some clay into a baby girl and Diana was blessed and granted powers of the gods. She was given beauty and a kind heart from Aphrodite, wisdom from Athena, strength and power from Demeter, hunting instincts and communication with animals from Artemis, and speed and flight from Hermes. When she was a young woman, she spotted a "metal bird", in reality, the plane of pilot Steve Trevor, whose copilot had been possessed by Ares and was seeking to crash the plane into Themyscira, killing the Amazons. Diana rescued Steve, and the gods decided that there should be an emissary and Hippolyta held a contest to chose the woman who would travel from Themyscira. Hippolyta forbade Diana to compete, but she did so anyway, won easily, and became the emissary to the outside world. She was given a costume based on the army patches of Diana Rockwell Trevor, who had crash landed on Themyscira decades earlier and saved the Amazons during a battle with an escaped creature from Doom's Doorway. Diana has also given up the mantle of Wonder Woman a few times to fellow Amazon Artemis, mother Hippolyta, and Donna Troy.
Before traveling to Man's World, she was given some items. She was given the Lasso of Truth and the Sandals of Hermes, which allowed her to travel places in a snap. Her mission was to study the people living on Man's World and defeat Ares and bring peace. Upon arriving in America, she fought against injustice and met Harvard professor Dr. Julia Kapatelis and daughter Vanessa Kapatelis as well as Steve Trevor and Etta Candy who were both Air Force officers. Living with Julia and Vanessa, she swiftly learned to speak English. Diana was given her name, Wonder Woman, when Decay, one of Ares' minions attacked her, and the fight came onto the streets. A reporter coined the name based on the emblem on her chest. Discovering Ares' plan to create a nuclear holocaust, she showed him what would happen, not just to the mortals, but to the gods who need their worship, with the Lasso of Truth. Ares, humbled, returned to his home dimension. Sorely injured, Diana returned to Themyscira where the island and Amazon medicine healed her.
She returned to Boston and worked with a woman called Myndi Mayer to show that Wonder Woman was here to protect. She spent months doing interviews around the world when she met most of the Justice Leaguers. There she met Superman and was completely infatuated with him. (Diana's mother, Hippolyta, actually joined the Justice Society of America when, in Diana's future, Hippolyta traveled back in time as Wonder Woman). With Wonder Woman's touring, she caught the attention of Cheetah who wanted to steal the Lasso of Truth from Wonder Woman. She told Wonder Woman that she found the lost Girdle of Antiope, but once Cheetah grabbed the Lasso, her true intentions were revealed.
She returned home once again and the gods were satisfied with her work. Zeus, however, was more than satisfied with her work, and offered to make her a goddess if she would agree to sleep with him. Diana refused and she was given the Challenge of the Gods. She was ordered to retrieve his fondest treasure. Hippolyta was not happy, but she could do nothing about it. In the deepest pits of Paradise Island, she met Diana Trevor who was the mother of Steve Trevor. Diana Trevor revealed that she had helped the Amazons of Themyscira and died during battle. Wonder Woman discovered that she was named after her and also the origin of her costume. Hippolyta found Wonder Woman, however, and they embarked on the quest together. Together they find Hercules, turned into stone. They bring him back to the surface. With thousands of years of punishment on his shoulders, he begged to be forgiven with what happened to him and the Amazons. The Amazons forgave, a celebration was held, and the gods were happy with Diana. She returned to Man's World to continue her mission.
Once she returned, Myndi Mayer set up another interview. The Silver Swan turned up and both battled but did not defeat her. She stayed once again with Vanessa. Wonder Woman found herself thinking about Superman more and more and asked Myndi to set up a date between the two. On their date, the two battled against Darkseid and freed Olympus. Afterward, they both decided it was best to remain friends. Wonder Woman knows of Superman's dual identity and he trusts her enough with it. Wonder Woman is also one of the few who call him "Kal".
The gods decided it was time for a vacation (or "cosmic migration" as they like to call it), but Diana decided to go to Greece and discover the past of her ancient people. There, she met Julia Kapatelis' parents, but had a strange feeling towards one of the smaller islands near Greece. It turns out that Circe lived on one of the islands and sent her minions to capture Diana and bring her to Circe. Circe revealed that she killed Hippolyta's sister, Antiope and the prophecy of Hecate. Circe was about to use a spell that would bring Diana back to her clay form, but Hermes came just in time to save her.
The gods summoned Diana, Hippolyta, and Menalippe to destroy the rest of Olympus, which was almost done by Darkseid. It was time for Olympus to completely rebuild itself. They were able to do what they wanted to, and they also voted if men and outsiders would be allowed to come onto their island. They voted yes, and Diana invited Julia and Vanessa to be the first guests there." Courtesy of
Having an understanding of her origin, how can anyone dismiss it as boring and a waste of time. Think of Thor mixed with Superman but female. It will be unique to see how a woman from a mysterious island, only inhabited by women, can adjust to an environment where both women and men coincide. It will be so cool to see her handle a bunch of thugs underestimating her physicality since she is a woman. The mythology of her story is intriguing. Just imagine the beauty of Olympus shown on screen and how Princess Diana recieved her powers from her suit from many different greek gods. Paradise Island would be eye-candy for male viewers as women vigorously train and relax by the sea. Similar to Thor's experience in asgard but his story is less glamorous.
The pilot Steve Trevor crashing on the island will be an intimate and entertaining scene showing Steve's attitude toward the warrior women. For example, he notices the island is dominated by women and he believes it is heaven and tries to charm the women. The Amazons do not take his charm lightly and immediately attacks him. He runs and frantically wonders how are such women possible. His conversations with Diana will justify differences between women and men. Diana will believe all men are disgusting and brutal. Trevor will explain that there are men who are not like that and are just as compassionate and respectful as women. The fight scenes will look incredible as Wonder Woman carries a large object and hurles an enormous object with Herculean strength. Then there is the lasso of truth. That would be enjoyable to see as she uses it on her enemies. Hercules can make a cameo during her life in Olympus or Paradise Island. Just like Marvel's approach to Asgard, DC can portray Paradise Island and Olympus as scientific or cosmic places. The Greek gods and amazons can be an alien race. Paradise Island can resemble Bermuda Triangle. An invisible island noone can detect. Could explain why airplanes and ships have crashed there.
Superman can have a cameo or refference in the film. There is a scene where she can look at a newspaper and revel at this one man who saves the people of Metropolis. She can begin to realize that there are some men, who are not as brutal as her mother and fellow Amazons percieved them to be. Maybe Batman can also be referrenced such as a news report of a masked vigilante who saved a woman and a child from a group of men in Gotham City again making Diana curious about the tales of men killing for war, which her mother may have told her when she was younger.
There is so many possibilities for this film. Also, Wonder Woman has epic enemies such as Ares. Wonder Woman can become one of the greatest comic book films on record if done right and cast wisely also directed by a person who feels confident in doing such a different superhero film.
Jaimie Alexander is the perfect Wonder Woman primarily for her beautiful looks, but take into account of her experience as an actor thus far. She was awesome in Kyle XY. She played a strong character and yet she is playing an even more hardcore character, Sif. With all the rigorous training she endured for the role and acted under the guidance of Kenneth Branagh, she is more than capable of pulling off a badass Wonder Woman.
Did I mentioned that she was interested in being the Amazon we all love?
Well here is an interview from MediaBlvd around 2007 with her stating interest in the role:
MediaBlvd> "When you’re looking for projects that you want to be involved with, are there specific things that you look for? What do you use to determine what projects you want to be involved with?"
Jaimie> "I always read the script first. I don’t care who’s doing the film, I want to know what the script is, and I have to make sure that I like the script and that it’s well written. Then, I look at who’s backing the film or TV show, and then I look at the line of things that they’ve done in the past and I judge from that, how good or bad the project could turn out. Character wise, I always look for strong female characters. I really like vulnerable characters with special abilities. By special abilities, I don’t mean super-powers, but more like somebody who’s got to save the day. I like the hero characters. But, I also have this new thing for playing dark and evil characters. Jessi is kind of a mix of both. I love superheroes. I would love to do Wonder Woman, or something like that. I like stuff with a sci-fi or supernatural element. Those roles are always fun to play. You don’t see that in everyday life, so it’s an adventure, each time you do something like that."
After Thor, I am sure everyone will be convinced that she can don the tiara,red top, and blue shorts with white stars. If Ryan Reynolds can be Green Lantern and Deadpool so should Jaimie as Sif and Wonder Woman.
Here is a gallery of her resemblance toward Princess Diana: