More From Michael B. Jordan On THE FANTASTIC FOUR - 'No Cheesy Superhero Outfits'
"You are discovering the characters at the same time they are discovering themselves," says Michael B. Jordan of The Fantastic Four in the latest Q&A where he also dishes on his costume and more.
During additional interviews with both The Daily Beast and Wonderwall, Michael B. Jordan once again talked up The Fantastic Four, elaborated on his first time in his none-cheesy costume, acknowledged how the Human Torch role is a huge responsibility, and more. About the long wait for us to see any footage or anything promotional from the Fox/Marvel reboot, Jordan says, "Well, they just moved the release date to August 7. We had a great time going to Baton Rouge to film. Josh Trank [the director] is really happy with it. I'm really happy with it. I'm really excited for everyone to see a different take on the franchise. It's a grounded superhero film. You really care and get to know the characters a lot. You get a feeling like you're discovering the characters at the same time they're discovering themselves." When asked how he felt suiting up as the Human Torch for the first time, the Chronicle actor said it was "during the fittings when I put on the full outfit and looked at myself in the mirror, and I was like, 'Oh shit. Game on!' It was like, this is it! This is what it looks like. This is what it feels like. It felt good." He continued, "You can talk about it and discuss it and what not it. But it's not until you get on set and put on those clothes that you become that person. You kind of check out. Mike checked out. I was playing Johnny Storm. I was doing it. No more talking about it. You gotta be about it."
In the seperate interview with Wonderwall, Michael B. Jordan was pressed more about his superhero spandex, to which he responded: "The costume part wasn't that bad. I think we did a really good job at making it modern, new, fresh without going to the cheesy superhero outfits. We didn't take the easy way out at all. So I didn't mind it so much." Meanwhile, Jordan wouldn't explain how his Johnny Storm will be different from Chris Evans' --" I just want people to see it" --, but he did address the obvious "physical difference" once again: "It's a reflection of the times we live in right now. It reflects the world that everyone lives in right now. When it did dawn on me, I was very proud to be that guy. I knew it was a huge responsibility and weight on my shoulders, but at the same time I looked forward to tackling that challenge and doing great work. I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing my whole career: putting the hard work in, doing my homework, and showing up and giving 100 percent." What do you think?
Directed by Josh Trank, The Fantastic Four stars Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell with Reg E. Cathey, and the film is scheduled for release on August 7, 2015.