THE FANTASTIC FOUR Poster Reveals First Official Look At The Human Torch!

THE FANTASTIC FOUR Poster Reveals First Official Look At The Human Torch!

To celebrate 4-4 Day, Marvel Studios has released some new official poster art for The Fantastic Four, giving us a first look at Johnny Storm flaming-on as the Human Torch...

By MarkCassidy - Apr 04, 2024 10:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Fantastic Four

Flame on!

We didn't think Marvel Studios would let the fourth of April 2024 go by without promoting the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot, and artist Ryan Meinerding has now unveiled a new poster for the movie, giving us a first official look at Johnny Storm (Joseph Quinn) fully flamed-on as the Human Torch.

As you can see, this take on the hot-headed hero is about as comic-accurate as you can get. It remains to be seen how these characters are depicted in the actual movie, but we can't imagine too many FF fans taking issue with these designs.

Also, if you look closely at that skyline, it doesn't appear to be any recognizable city. This could suggest those rumors that the movie is set in an alternate universe were on the level.

In addition, the website's QR code redirects to five free issues of the Fantastic Four comic on Marvel Unlimited, which might just give us a better idea of what to expect from the movie. 


Last night, the news broke that Julia Garner (Ozark) had been cast as a female take on the Silver Surfer (Shalla-Bal). She joins Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones, The Last of Us) as Reed Richards, aka Mr. Fantastic, Vanessa Kirby (Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning) as Sue Storm, aka the Invisible Woman, Joseph Quinn (Stranger Things) as Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch, and Ebon Moss-Bachrach (The Punisher, The Bear) as Ben Grimm, aka the Thing.

Plot details are still a mystery, but a recent rumor claimed that The Fantastic Four will actually be set in an alternate universe. If accurate, this would obviously suggest that the characters will be Variants from some other part of the Multiverse that will eventually find their way to the main MCU timeline (possibly due to the interdimensional rift Dar-Benn caused at the end of The Marvels).

Galactus has been confirmed as the main villain, but no actor is currently in talks for the part. Last we heard, Javier Bardem was said to be the "top choice" to play the Eater of Worlds, but it was noted that scheduling conflicts may prevent him from signing on. Antonio Banderas was also a rumoured

Kevin Feige has also confirmed that this will not be another origin story for the super-team.

“A lot of people know this origin story. A lot of people know the basics. How do we take that and bring something that they’ve never seen before?” he said in a 2022 interview, comparing this new take on the heroes to Marvel Studios' pact with Sony to bring Spider-Man into the MCU. “We’ve set a very high bar for ourselves with bringing that to the screen.”

Matt Shakman will direct the movie. Production is expected to get underway this summer, and the film is set to bow on July 25, 2025.

THE FANTASTIC FOUR: Joseph Quinn On Exploring Human Torch's Dynamic With The Thing And Movie's '60s Setting

THE FANTASTIC FOUR: Joseph Quinn On Exploring Human Torch's Dynamic With The Thing And Movie's '60s Setting

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harryba11zack - 4/4/2024, 10:41 AM
damage control
DrReedRichards - 4/4/2024, 10:42 AM
@harryba11zack -

Incessant trolling.
SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 10:44 AM
@harryba11zack - for what? For the whiny bitches complaining about Silver Surfer? You know shit like "Happy 4-4" day were planned in advance and part of a robust marketing strategy, and not just a dude in his basement working from home deciding to make a twitter post right?

For god's sake you self important twits really need to get an education and some sunlight.
comicfan100 - 4/4/2024, 10:48 AM
@harryba11zack - I know you all have to replace not having a girlfriend to let out your emotions to with crying on the internet over a casting choice, but can you please not make it everyone else's problem?
SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 10:50 AM
@comicfan100 - thanks for posting. There is definitely a shift on this site against these morons and I. Am. Here. For. It.
Origame - 4/4/2024, 10:54 AM
@comicfan100 - oh wow. Classic virgin/incel/no girlfriend with no rebuttal to what he actually said. You really ad hominem-ed him good there. And everyone knows, an ad hominem always makes you right and look good while doing it 🙄
comicfan100 - 4/4/2024, 10:56 AM
@Origame - Dude, I don't care. Move on.
vectorsigma - 4/4/2024, 10:57 AM
@Origame - and for all we know this is a troll account by Josh to bait people in replying. No reply from the dude but he succeeded

SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 10:58 AM
@harryba11zack - Just the idea that you think Disney is a bunch of bumbling idiots who don't know what they are doing, but you also think within hours they see negative feed back and decide to design a poster, a social media campaign, and a webpage offering free comic books in a matter of HOURS is [frick]ing hilarious.
harryba11zack - 4/4/2024, 10:58 AM
@comicfan100 - project harder
Reginator - 4/4/2024, 11:01 AM
@harryba11zack - too late, too much damage
SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 11:04 AM
@comicfan100 - don't reply to him, he's one of the worst offenders. Kid went to the Ben Shapiro school of debate and is a clown not worth your time. I blocked him and the site is actually better without him
Batmangina - 4/4/2024, 11:06 AM
@comicfan100 - I've got all the above and it STILL is damage control on a shitbox product that will lose money and continue the descent into oblivion.

Take your one size fits all incel POV and let your balls drop, stop simping and liking shitty content because the DEI Manager told you that you're supposed to - it's a bad look and you're not winning any debates with it.

Check the box office numbers to see how popular your hot takes are...

Go get your shinebox.
comicfan100 - 4/4/2024, 11:07 AM
@SATW42 - That's true. I guess I should, too. I like calling out BS, but I'm not trying to have a debate in the comment section of every article. This current political climate has certainly done a number on their brains.
SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 11:09 AM
@comicfan100 - I also like calling out BS, that's why I haven't blocked everyone, but origame is a special case
comicfan100 - 4/4/2024, 11:09 AM
@Batmangina - DUDE, it's 4/4/24 and you expected them NOT to drop something FANTASTIC FOUR related? Who gives a damn what a bunch of basement dwelling, smelly never-been-touched-by-a-woman trolls think.
JonC - 4/4/2024, 11:12 AM
@Batmangina - " damage control on a shitbox product"

so you've seen the finished movie?
Batmangina - 4/4/2024, 11:13 AM
@comicfan100 - Ant-Man and Thor are on Line Two with a different opinion and a handful of negative bank statements.
The1st - 4/4/2024, 11:13 AM
@DrReedRichards - and probable copium addiction
grif - 4/4/2024, 11:14 AM
@harryba11zack - not watching

Batmangina - 4/4/2024, 11:15 AM
@JonC - Who let the seven year old on the internet.

Stay tuned for 'I know you are, but what am I' and other PhD level dissertations.
Origame - 4/4/2024, 11:18 AM
@comicfan100 - as you've said before, you cared enough to comment 🤣
Origame - 4/4/2024, 11:21 AM
@vectorsigma - definitely not a Josh alt account.

To his credit, Josh has a "haters gonna hate" attitude about him and has long since avoided conflict.
supermanrex - 4/4/2024, 11:38 AM
@DrReedRichards - it warms my heart to see so many people stepping up and fighting back against unnecessary trolling. maybe this sites community will become actually fun and nerdy again besides anti woke politics dominating every [frick]ing comment section. its cartoonish now. if there is a female or minority in anything now it brings about these commenting. you can be disappointment about the silver surfer and still look forward and give the actress and the production team a shot to before you go off the [frick]ing deep end. its okay to do that like normal people would
supermanrex - 4/4/2024, 11:47 AM
@SATW42 - yes. this might become a fun community again i hope. we can dislike stuff and still be respectful and have fun with the genre without all the bullshit these assholes bring to the table.
Ryguy88 - 4/4/2024, 11:56 AM
@comicfan100 - my wife thinks the casting is stupid too....though I did have to explain to her who silver surfer was, so not sure if that counts.
DrReedRichards - 4/4/2024, 11:58 AM
@supermanrex -

"You can be disappointed about the Silver Surfer and still look forward and give the actress and the production team a shot too, before you go off the f#cking deep end."

Whatever you're having tonight, I'm buying.
Ryguy88 - 4/4/2024, 12:00 PM
@supermanrex - to get rid of anti-woke politics the studios are going to have to stop injecting woke politics into every movie.

It's funny how actions have reactions.
SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 12:07 PM
@Ryguy88 - so she thought it was stupid based on what then? She hat you told her? A random tiktok from a YouTuber? You telling her they cast a female silver surfer but he’s actually male in the comics? I dunno, sounds like confirmation bias more than an actual opinion
California - 4/4/2024, 12:16 PM
@Batmangina - These people don’t realize that the concern isn’t gender swapping or even “woke,” it’s Yuri Bezmenov’s “subversion,” Cloward & Piven, and Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard. They’re about 3-4 reasoning levels down from you.
tluciotti74 - 4/4/2024, 12:20 PM
@supermanrex - I will piggy back on this thoughtful comment and add that we do not even know that Norrin Radd is not in the movie, as well, so instead of losing your crap over a single casting, wait and see when the whole movie is casted and filming.
ComicBandit - 4/4/2024, 12:24 PM
@harryba11zack - Sigh. Can't we all just get along.
ComicBandit - 4/4/2024, 12:31 PM
@SATW42 - Out of genuine curiosity, no jibes, did you work on this campaign?
Ryguy88 - 4/4/2024, 12:37 PM
@SATW42 - lol she obviously doesnt care about the character and would only go watch this movie if I wanted to
.. I exaplined who the character was, how long he has been around for and his general level of popularity and that they gender swapped him.
SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 12:38 PM
@ComicBandit - No, but I am in marketing (on a much smaller scale) and I know the work that actually goes into building campaigns, let alone for a multi-million dollar movie for a company. I don't know if Marvel has an in house social team or if they have an agency that they provide content too, but either way, this is stuff that's scheduled and planned months, maybe weeks in advance and they have a completely curated schedule that not only accounts for what the official fantastic four accounts are posting, but all marvel related properties are posting. They don't want to release a photo like this on the same day that Captain America is dropping big news for example.
harryba11zack - 4/4/2024, 12:38 PM
@ComicBandit - ? dude I'm getting along just fine, I've been all peaceful in stuff, I haven't even threw a single insult at these retards.
User Comment Image
SATW42 - 4/4/2024, 12:41 PM
@Ryguy88 - so, she thought it was dumb based on you telling her it was dumb. You can see how that's not really a valid opinion, right? You basically Fox News'ed her. You didn't present facts, you presented an opinion based on your own biases and she agreed. (or, in all honesty as someone whose married myself, she didn't actually care at all and gave an answer to make you stop talking at her as quickly as possible so she could go back to not caring)
HashTagSwagg - 4/4/2024, 12:41 PM
@harryba11zack - User Comment Image
Ryguy88 - 4/4/2024, 12:55 PM
@SATW42 - dude, I already pointed out how irrelevant her opinion was on this subject in my first reply.

The point of my comment was in response to comicfan stating that "anyone complaining doesnt have a girlfriend."

As pointed out by others, that's not an argument, and is only stated by people who want to stop discussion before their ideas are challenged.
Ryguy88 - 4/4/2024, 1:00 PM
@SATW42 - "or, in all honesty as someone whose married myself, she didn't actually care at all and gave an answer to make you stop talking at her as quickly as possible so she could go back to not caring"

Oh, that part definitely played a factor lmao
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