Selected Transcription
Monkey - What gave you the idea to do it about aliens
Paul Cornell - I've always been fascinated with the idea of aliens. Ever since I was small I have been fascinated by UFO mythology and I've always been looking for a way to talk about that in fiction. I think doing it with somebody whose actually quite powerful, who has the ability to find out the truth.. actually really makes a difference. And I'm so pleased with this we are the biggest selling non-fables Vertigo book.
Paul Cornell - Are you enjoying it?
Monkey - Oh yeah, yeah yeah, I like the alien and Alvera.. president woman! She's quite cool, she's very strong.. umm.. kind of umm.. woman!
Paul Cornell - Well I must put some stuff in there for monkeys in the future. Maybe there are bananas in a future episode
Monkey - Banyana?!?!?! I like Banyana!!!!! Banyana's good!
Paul Cornell - I've got your vote I see.
Monkey - Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! You've got my vote!!!
Monkey - Hmm? Is it a long story like? Do you know how long it's going to be?
Paul Cornell - Actually no, it's an ongoing, we have an ending in mind but we don't know when that's going to be. We're just going to tell all the other stories we've got in mind and you know.. I hope that this at a point of our own choosing, decide when to play the ending
Monkey - Oh! One more question? Do you think aliens.. abduct monkeys..
Paul Cornell - Noo. I think you're quite safe.
Monkey - Yeaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Nnyahahahaaa!!