Synopsis - Set several years after the first film finds Johnny Blaze in self-imposed exile from the world. Blaze has become a tormented soul, convinced that his powers are a curse. Former stuntman Blaze is then approached by Moreau, a member of the monastic order of Michael, the warrior angel. Moreau seeks a protector for a mother and son duo who are being pursued by a figure named Roarke – a fellow with a detailed knowledge of the Ghost Rider and his different identities over the centuries.
This sounds like a grown up version of
Ghost Rider and thank god. The cast and crew have done their best to sell the film as being more faithful to the comics, dark and twisted which us rider fans enjoy. Just hearing Cage say scenes will "Scare" you is a big thrill.
I found the Johnny Whitworth interview to be the most intriguing of them all though. He is asked if his villain is straight from the comics or completely new for the movie. His response is a head scratcher, some of the character is Blackout and some of it is brand new. Hmmm not sure if I like the sound of that, but you take a listen and tell me what you think.
We go one-on-one with actor Nicolas Cage to talk about reprising his role in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
We go one-on-one with actor Idris Elba to talk about his role in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance at Comic-Con 2011.
We go one-on-one with actor Johnny Whitworth to talk about his role in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance at Comic-Con 2011.
Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine discuss directing 'Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance'
Starring Nicolas Cage, Idris Elba, Johnny Whitworth and Ciarán Hinds, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is set to his theatres on February 17, 2012!