Okay so let me just start out by saying that I did not like this movie. It wasn't Jackie Earle Haley that disappointed me in this movie, in fact, he didn't do that bad of a job playing Freddy Krueger in my honest opinion.
What did disappoint me were some key things which I will list below.
* Okay first off was they really had no character development in this movie they introduced a character and then within the next few scenes they were dead. There wasn't enough time for me to even feel anything for the characters.
* Too many one liners. I know, I know, Freddy said a lot of one liners in the original movies but these were just so lame rather than menacing or funny. There was only one Freddy line that was hysterical and didn't make me roll my eyes or shake my head in annoyance.
Freddy: "I found you Nancy. What should we play now?"
Nancy: "F*** YOU!"
Freddy: "Oh! That sounds fun! A little fast for my taste."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Awesome! That was a true Freddy Kreuger moment to me.
* Also I was annoyed that they didn't focus the story around Nancy until half way through the movie. They show her for like 2 scenes but then you don't even see her for half of the movie. They focused on her friend Kris only to find out the story wasn't about her. That didn't make any sense to me. Don't put THAT much focus on characters unless they have importance to the story, which, from what I got, Kris had none.
* How do they not remember Freddy Krueger and the horrible things he did?? They never explained that. I'm sorry but I would remember something like that? Hell I remember when my fear of spiders happened and I was 4! Something that traumatic and none of these 6 kids remember anything? Not likely.
* Clancy Brown was Lex Luthor even when killing Krueger and being a loving dad. Couldn't get past it. LMAO.
* Also in the original Freddy was a child murderer. In this he was not. WTF? Also they make it seem like he was innocent of everything. Until they pull a Shalalalaman and, what a twist (...no it wasn't), he actually was a pedophile and did things to the kids. So the parents killed him. Um... okay. I get killing him but why try making a twist with Freddy's crimes.
The original did a much better job of this twist. Here's from what I remember. Fred Krueger was a child murderer. He was found guilty but he was released from prison because of a f-up with the warrant. So the parents took the law in their own hands and burned the mother f***er to death in his boiler room hideout. That makes more sense for them killing him!
* No imagination with the death scenes or anything. The deaths were BORING!
* Okay that kid injects himself with epinephrine (adrenaline) and then gets in a car accident. I know for a fact his heart wouldn't be able to handle it and he would most likely die. If they can have Freddy Krueger state that the mind stays alive for 7 minutes after the heart stops then they should know that kid would be dead!
* Horrible acting except for Jackie Earle Haley.
* Too many dream sequences. It was obvious Haley was carrying the movie and even still it got old.
* Makeup sucked!
* Nancy's mom wasn't an alcoholic.
* Last thing, I also had a problem with this in the original. If he is ALREADY dead and chilling in the dream world and you bring him out of the dream world, why kill him? Don't you think he is only going to end up chasing you again if you did kill him?? I don't understand this logic. DON'T KILL HIM!
I honestly must say don't go see this movie. It is a total let down and the original is ten times better than this trash. Wait and rent it on Netflx. Or better yet wait until it's playing on Sy Fy with the rest of the trashy flicks.
My rating is 1.5 out of 5