Directed by Joel David Moore (Avatar) and starring Amanda Crew (Final Destination 3), Tom Felton (Harry Potter) and Ashley Greene (Twilight), Some Other Woman is a psychological thriller following a woman who begins to question if she's losing her mind or her husband's loyalty when a strange woman slowly intrudes into their life.
A must-watch for any horror fan, the movie goes to some unexpected places and, shortly before the holidays, we had the good fortune to talk to Amanda about her role as Eve.
Given the twisty-turny nature of Some Other Woman, we started the interview by asking the actor about her reaction to the script when she sat down to read it for the first time:
"When I got sent the script, I really was not expecting to connect with it so much. What’s crazy is we shot this in 2021. It’s been a process getting it out there so it feels so long ago, like who I was at that time. I really resonated with Eve’s journey of living a life that you’ve been sold and told is the dream and then questioning - having something disrupt all of that - the validity of what you’ve been sold and trying to uncover what is true for you. It’s such an unravelling process that I went through personally at the time."
"I was just coming out of an experience like that when I was sent the script. I really resonated with her journey and it felt very aligned and cathartic to get to put that into my acting and experience I was coming fresh out of. To channel that into this performance was really cathartic and probably why this movie will always remain in my top three experiences that I’ve had in my career thus far because it really was one of those rare experiences where life imitates art and really got to me."
As noted above, Felton is among Amanda's co-stars and plays her character's husband. While The Flash star is best known for playing Draco Malfoy, that didn't affect Amanda because she's never watched the Harry Potter movies!
However, that proved extremely beneficial when it came to figuring out their on-set dynamic:
"[Laughs] When I met him, I was like, ‘I have to be honest, I’ve never seen a Harry Potter movie.’ I know it’s such a sin to say out loud and his fans will come for me but it was maybe better that way because I felt like I really got to meet him and I was just so blown away by his talent. I loved working with him. He’s such an incredible scene partner and I feel like he really brought out the best in me."
"He was so encouraging and supportive and a real teammate. I think sometimes when actors have come off a huge franchise like that, it’s a very specific acting experience being on those and so sometimes an actor has a harder time adapting to smaller projects and the idea of getting in the trenches. It couldn’t be further from the truth for Tom. He truly, truly loves acting and is so passionate about it. It was really refreshing."
You can check out our full interview with Amanda about Some Other Woman in the player below.
0:25 - Her reaction to reading the script for the first time
2:14 - Whether it was appealing to play someone whose world was falling apart
2:46 - Shooting such a dark story in beautiful surroundings
6:18 - The challenge of shooting intense scenes in the ocean
7:35 - What she enjoyed about working with Ashley Greene
9:30 - Working with Tom Felton and not being familiar with Harry Potter
11:19 - Collaborating with filmmaker Joel David Moore (a fellow actor)
12:35 - Breaking down one of her most harrowing scenes in the movie
Eve was promised a few months on a tropical island for her husbands work - Years later, unable to build the family they wanted, reality starts to unravel when she encounters a strange woman who begins taking over her life piece by piece.
Some Other Woman is now available On Demand.