Disney's John Carter of Mars, a live-action adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' 11-volume book series about a Civil War veteran (John Carter) who is mysteriously transported to Mars, was originally scheduled to begin shooting in November, but the date has now been pushed back to an early 2010 start. However, according to actress Lynn Collins, who will play the Martian princess Dejah Thoris, pre-production has begun.
"We're actually getting into some hair and makeup tests this week to sort of see what the look is going to be like. So, it's really collaborative and really creative and I'm really excited about it."
Collins will star alongside her X-Men Origins: Wolverine co-star, Taylor Kitsch, will play the title role and gushed about the prospect of working with him on John Carter of Mars.
"Taylor is so amazing. We went to Pixar and saw some of the workups of some of the fighting that we have to do. I was like, 'Oh my god, there's just no guy better for the job. He's so athletic and wonderful and such a great actor and so positive."
John Carter of Mars is currently slated for a 2012 release date.