Cinematographer Fabian Wagner has revealed in a new interview that Zack Snyder made a cameo appearance in Justice League but did you manage to spot it? The filmmaker showed up twice in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and even played a soldier in Wonder Woman, so where was he in this movie? (perhaps the better question is whether or not Joss Whedon ended up cutting it).
"Zack had a cameo in one of the shots, he’s sitting in a cafe. to fill it out," Wagner revealed when asked when and where Snyder shows up. I can't remember a scene with a cafe so it was probably very much a background shot and we'll now have to pore over the Blu-ray to see if we can find him!
Justice League features a lot of cameos but this is definitely the hardest one to spot. Whedon left so much on the cutting room floor that it's feasible it was cut and Wagner doesn't realise that. Did you spot the director in the DC Comics adaptation? Be sure to let us know that in the comments section.