GOD I LOVED THIS MOVIE! It puts all of the "legitimate" superhero movies to shame. This low budget movie is successful on so many freakin' levels, I don't even know where to start. ... regardless, I'll attempt to explain what the Kick-Ass is about while weaving in the cast, social implications and awesome fight scenes, finishing off with, "Why this movie is so goddamn awesome I can't wait to take my 17 year old daughter to see it."
This movie is perfect. Yeah, I said it... "perfect!" in the sense that it comes face-to-face with the question we all think about, which is "why don't everyday people have the balls to get involved, to do the right thing when it comes to helping other people who are in need of help?" We all would like to be a superhero, but "Super" or not, is it possible to step up to the plate and help others in need?
The movie, I can't comment on the comic book since I haven't read it yet, goes on to show exactly what can/WILL happen to someone who does decide to try and make a difference. If you're unlucky, you'll end up dead. It takes more than heart and a costume to make a difference ... unless you have what superheroes have, which is having an "edge" which enables him, or her, to escalate a bad situation to a really, really bad situation faster than the bad guys can. Peace through superior power, brains and high-speed equipment.
Read the rest of our review on the SuperheroStuff Blog at
Kick Ass Movie Review.