This episode was very mazing, the comedy in it was completly called for since Lobo appeared in it. The best comedy scene was Green Lantern asking what Atrocitus was doing on Earth as he asked the "Orange Mupett". I was hoping for Star Sapphire make a bigger part of the episode, but you never know what the future saves for her (Predator please). Lobo was really fun at the whole episode and Atrocitus expressed a lot of anger for Hal and Sinestro. But he seem to be focus on the search for the Butcher.
As for this episode´s effects I have to say: Hal moto bike´s scene was pretty well ... could have been better. But the freezing of Lobo´s by the Star Sapphire´s ring was the best of the effects on the episode.
I hope the series keep getting better and better evey episode tha comes. This episode will get 4,5 of 5. I really hope Lobo to put his ring.