The tale of the tape:
Thor opened with a volley of $65,723,338 to take the Hulk by suprise.
Hulk had been a well known Champion who had his own T.V. show and two chances at the title already with openings of $62,128,420 for Hulk and $55,414,050 in The Incredible Hulk.
But this could very well be called a stalemate
But then Thor kicks in with his worldwide hammer. Hulk had smashed with total revenues of $245,360,480 and Incredible Hulk had hoped to be left alone with $263,427,551.
It would not be enough. With a mighty "Have at thee!" Thor has brought in $265,633,343. and although the Hulk is considered to get stronger and stronger Thor is still in theaters and making money," For Odin! For Asgard!"
And finally the coup de grace, Thor critical reviews are the knockout punch. We go to the Judges scorecards.
Rottentomatoes declares Thor the winner and certified fresh at 79%.
Audiences score it, 83% liked it.
Hulk was 61% with an audience score of 34%
TIH was 66% with an audience score of 75%
And your winner and up an coming contender THE MIIIIGHTY THOOOOOOOOOR!